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module TaskManager
  module BusinessLogic
  ## Module that contain all the business logic associated with tasks
  ## For each new task we need to:
  ## 1 - Add a description of the task to DESCRIPTIONS hash
  ## 2 - Add a hash to ASSIGNABLE_LIST, using the same key as for the description
  ##     above, which in turn has a hash with values for keys:
  ##        type: value is a symbol for the type of entity containing the
  ##              task "audience" (:agency or :company)
  ##        function: value is the name of class method - for the entity defined
  ##                  by :type - that will return an array of "audience" people.
  ## 3 - Create a method inside ClassMethods module called new_[name]_task
  ##      where name is a descriptive name of the new task.  Inside that method,
  ##      call create_task method with three arguments:
  ##        i.   A hash specifying the entity type (:agency or :company), and the
  ##             person role of the audience within that entity,
  ##        ii.  The symbol for the task used in the above two steps, and,
  ##        iii. The "target" for the task - that is, the object of the
  ##             task action (Person, Company, or Job instance)
  ## If we need to overload the assign method for the event "my_event"
  ## 1 - Add a function in InstanceMethods called that looks like this:
  ##     def assign_my_event person
  ##         assign_default person, 'no_events'
  ##         # your code here
  ##     end
  ##   The 'no_events' tell the function to not set events for this specific task.
  ##   Remove that if you want an event to be set, or you can set the event for
  ##   this task in this method.
  ## If we need to overload the work_in_progress method for the event "my_event"
  ## 1 - Add a function in InstanceMethods called that looks like this:
  ##     def wip_my_event task
  ##         wip_default task 'no_events'
  ##         # your code here
  ##     end
  ##   The 'no_events' tell the function to not set events for this specific task.
  ##   Remove that if you want an event to be set, or you can set the event for
  ##   this task in this method.
  ## If we need to overload the complete method for the event "my_event"
  ## 1 - Add a function in InstanceMethods called that looks like this:
  ##     def done_my_event task
  ##         done_default task 'no_events'
  ##         # your code here
  ##     end
  ##   The 'no_events' tell the function to not set events for this specific task.
  ##   Remove that if you want an event to be set, or you can set the event for
  ##   this task in this method.

    extend ActiveSupport::Concern

      { need_job_developer: 'Job Seeker has no assigned Job Developer',
        need_case_manager:  'Job Seeker has no assigned Case Manager',
        company_registration: 'Review company registration',
        job_application: 'Review job application',
        company_interest: 'Company interested in job seeker' }.freeze
      { need_job_developer: { type: :agency, function: :job_developers },
        need_case_manager:  { type: :agency, function: :case_managers },
        company_registration: { type: :agency, function: :agency_admins },
        job_application:  { type: :company, function: :everyone },
        company_interest: { type: :agency, function: :job_developers } }.freeze

    module ClassMethods
      def new_js_registration_task(jobseeker, agency)
        [new_js_unassigned_jd_task(jobseeker, agency),
         new_js_unassigned_cm_task(jobseeker, agency)]

      def new_js_unassigned_jd_task(jobseeker, agency)
        create_task({ agency: { agency: agency, role: :AA } },
                    :need_job_developer, jobseeker)

      def new_js_unassigned_cm_task(jobseeker, agency)
        create_task({ agency: { agency: agency, role: :AA } },
                    :need_case_manager, jobseeker)

      def new_review_company_registration_task(company, agency)
        create_task({ agency: { agency: agency, role: :AA } },
                    :company_registration, company)

      def new_review_job_application_task(job_application, company)
        create_task({ company: { company: company, role: :CA } },
                    :job_application, job_application)

      def new_company_interest_task(job_seeker, company, job, agency)
        create_task({ agency: { agency: agency, role: :AA } },
                    :company_interest, job_seeker, company, job)

    module InstanceMethods

    def description

    def assignable_list
      return [] unless owner.nil?
      info = ASSIGNABLE_LIST[task_type.to_sym]

      return Agency.send(info[:function], task_owner[0].agency) if
        info[:type] == :agency
      return Company.send(info[:function], task_owner[0].company) if
        info[:type] == :company
