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Test Coverage
%h2= t("devise.invitations.new_company_person.header", org: @company_name)

  = form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => invitation_path(resource_name), |
        :html => {:method => :post} do |f|                                           |
    -# = devise_error_messages!
    - resource.class.invite_key_fields.each do |field|
        = f.label field
        = f.text_field field

    %p= f.submit t(""), class: "btn btn-primary"

  %p This form will send an email invitation to sign up on PETS for your company.

  The receiver of that email will click on a link in that email to complete the registration process in PETS.

  After you successfully send the invitation email, you will be directed to a page where you can
  specify certain attributes for the new PETS user.  In particular:
        %strong Company Role(s)
        \- "Company Contact", "Company Admin"