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import grpc from 'grpc';
import { loadSync } from '@grpc/proto-loader';
import delay from 'delay';
import stream from 'stream';

// Properties - Symbols
const maxConns = Symbol('MaxConns');
const prefix = Symbol('Prefix');
const url = Symbol('URL');
const client = Symbol('Client');
const connPool = Symbol('ConnPool');

// Methods - Symbols
const createNewConn = Symbol('CreateNewConn');
const getFreeConn = Symbol('GetFreeConn');
const findFreeConn = Symbol('FindFreeConn');
const reserveConn = Symbol('ReserveConn');
const releaseConn = Symbol('ReleaseConn');
const changeConnStatus = Symbol('ChangeConnStatus');
const initializeRPCs = Symbol('InitializeRPCs');

// Connection Status
const CONN_STATUS = {
    FREE : 0,
    BUSY : 1,

 * @typedef {object} ConnObj
 * @property {number} id
 * @property {object} conn

export default class GRPCClient {
    constructor(protoFile, { serviceName, packageName = '', url: serverURL, maxConnections = 2, rpcPrefix = 'RPC', poolInterval = 200, staticFile = false } = {}) {
        if (!serviceName) throw new Error('option.serviceName is a required field');

        // Max Client connections to Server
        this[maxConns] = maxConnections;

        // Prefix for GRPC Methods
        this[prefix] = rpcPrefix;

        // Connection Ids
        this.connCount = 0;

        // Free-Client Check Interval
        this.poolInterval = poolInterval;

        // gRPC-Server URL
        this[url] = serverURL;

        // gRPC Client Channel
        if (staticFile) {
            this[client] = require(protoFile)[`${serviceName}Client`]; // eslint-disable-line
        } else {
            const packageDefinition = loadSync(protoFile);
            const tmp = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition);
            this[client] = packageName.split('.').reduce((proto, chunk) => proto[chunk], tmp)[serviceName];

        // Connection Pool Buffer
        this[connPool] = {
            [CONN_STATUS.FREE] : {},
            [CONN_STATUS.BUSY] : {},

        // Create a first Client

        // Initialize RPC Methods by using the First Created Client

     * Creates a New Connection and Adds it to the pool in FREE status
    [createNewConn]() {
        const newConnId = ++this.connCount;
        this[connPool][CONN_STATUS.FREE][newConnId] = {
            conn : new this[client](this[url], grpc.credentials.createInsecure()),
            id   : newConnId,

     * Finds/Waits for a FREE connection
    async [getFreeConn]() {
        // Minute delay for handling recursive calls
        await delay(Math.random() * 5);

        const freeConnObj = this[findFreeConn]();
        if (freeConnObj) return freeConnObj;

        // if number of connections < Max Allowed Connections, then Create a New Connection
        if (this.connCount < this[maxConns]) {
        } else {
            await delay(this.poolInterval + (Math.random() * 10));
        return this[getFreeConn]();

     * Returns the first FREE connection if exists, else returns undefined
    [findFreeConn]() {
        return Object.values(this[connPool][CONN_STATUS.FREE])[0];

     * Changes the Connection Status
     * @param {ConnObj} connObj
     * @param {number} newStatus
    [changeConnStatus](connObj, newStatus) {
        // Converts 0->1(FREE->BUSY) & 1->0(BUSY->FREE) for changing status
        const currStatus = newStatus ^ 1;

        // Add the ConnObj to the NewStatus
        this[connPool][newStatus][connObj.id] = connObj;

        // Remove the ConnObj from CurrentStatus
        delete this[connPool][currStatus][connObj.id];

     * Changes the status of the given ConnObj to BUSY
     * @param {ConnObj} connObj
    [reserveConn](connObj) {
        this[changeConnStatus](connObj, CONN_STATUS.BUSY);

     * Changes the status of the given ConnObj to FREE
     * @param {ConnObj} connObj
    [releaseConn](connObj) {
        this[changeConnStatus](connObj, CONN_STATUS.FREE);

     * Adds Methods from protoBuf file to `this` instance object
     * @param {ConnObj} connObj
    [initializeRPCs](connObj) {
        for (const rpc in connObj.conn) { // eslint-disable-line
            if (rpc.match(/^_[A-Z]/)) {
                // Creating Method on `this` instance => prefix + rpc_method
                this[`${this[prefix]}${rpc}`] = async (data, cb) => {
                    const freeConnObj = await this[getFreeConn]();

                    // Reserve a FREE Connection on obtaining one

                    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                        // To avoid Duplicate resolving of Promise
                        let resolved = false;

                        const response = freeConnObj.conn[rpc](data, (err, result) => {
                            // Release the connection after the request is Done

                            cb && cb(err, result);
                            return !resolved && (err ? reject(err) : resolve(result));
                        if (response instanceof stream.Readable || response instanceof stream.Writable) {
                            response.on && response.on('end', () => this[releaseConn](freeConnObj));
                            resolved = true;