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Test Coverage
# v0.9.0
* Renames threadRunner -> taskQueue
* Allows publishing undefined data
* ON_ERROR life cycle event for publishing errors during publish cycle

# v0.8.0
* Removes `end()` function from IContext, instead returning `nothing|undefined` would stop the flow of pipeline.
* `.subscribeOnce()` now unsubscribes even if the pipeline has been stopped inbetween
* `createMiddleware()` utility helps to create a middleware that matches only the given pattern
* adds benchmark for `doesPatternMatch()`
* benchmark maintains a history of report for every version
* adds publishing of life-cycle events like onInit, onSubscribe & onUnsubscribe
* adds rollup bundler

## v0.7.0

* Adds `.subscribeOnce()` method, which subscribes to the event and unsubscribes itself after the first event has been handled
* Adds linting and load testing stages to travis

## v0.6.0

* Usage of Classes instead of singleton
  * This helped us overcome Security issues when a malicious library could listen to all the events in the application
* Adds test cases for ThreadRunner
* Adds `.map()` method to dll
* Semantic renaming of variables in supervisedEmitter class
* ThreadRunner gracefully handles the errors thrown in publish pipeline
* Adds Typescript API doc in the build pipeline

## v0.5.0

* Removal of support Node: 7
* Migration to TS\(Typescript\)
* Load testing progress indicators
* Usage of Array instead of DLL for Thread Runner to improve efficiency
* Handles errors during publish
* Improved documentation
* Removes publish benchmark as async benchmarking is not supported by radargun

## v0.4.0

* Bug Fix: wasn't ignoring leading & trailing '/' in normal event subscription
* Improved documentation
* Added more test cases
* Load tested
* Benchmarking & report creation for the same
* Controlled concurrency for publish pipelines
* Improves code segregation

## v0.3.0

* Bug Fix: normal event subscription wasn't being updated in cache
* Adds `subEvents` to the context \(ctx\)
* Adds support for stopping the flow inbetween a pipeline execution
* Adds support for Debug logs

## v0.2.1

* Replaces `JS Object` with `Map` for better efficiency

## v0.2.0

* Bug Fixes: state was not being refreshed on `reInitialize`
* Removes state initialization code duplication
* Adds test cases for `DLL`

## v0.1.0

* Initial Commit