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const regExpToParseExpressPathRegExp = /^\/\^\\\/(?:(:?[\w\\.-]*(?:\\\/:?[\w\\.-]*)*)|(\(\?:\([^)]+\)\)))\\\/.*/
const regExpToReplaceExpressPathRegExpParams = /\(\?:\([^)]+\)\)/
const regexpExpressParamRegexp = /\(\?:\([^)]+\)\)/g
const regexpExpressPathParamRegexp = /(:[^)]+)\([^)]+\)/g

const EXPRESS_ROOT_PATH_REGEXP_VALUE = '/^\\/?(?=\\/|$)/i'
  'bound dispatch',

 * Returns all the verbs detected for the passed route
const getRouteMethods = function (route) {
  let methods = Object.keys(route.methods)

  methods = methods.filter((method) => method !== '_all')
  methods = => method.toUpperCase())

  return methods

 * Returns the names (or anonymous) of all the middlewares attached to the
 * passed route
 * @param {Object} route
 * @returns {string[]}
const getRouteMiddlewares = function (route) {
  return => {
    return || 'anonymous'

 * Returns true if found regexp related with express params
 * @param {string} expressPathRegExp
 * @returns {boolean}
const hasParams = function (expressPathRegExp) {
  return regexpExpressParamRegexp.test(expressPathRegExp)

 * @param {Object} route Express route object to be parsed
 * @param {string} basePath The basePath the route is on
 * @return {Object[]} Endpoints info
const parseExpressRoute = function (route, basePath) {
  const paths = []

  if (Array.isArray(route.path)) {
  } else {

  const endpoints = => {
    const completePath = basePath && path === '/'
      ? basePath
      : `${basePath}${path}`

    const endpoint = {
      path: completePath.replace(regexpExpressPathParamRegexp, '$1'),
      methods: getRouteMethods(route),
      middlewares: getRouteMiddlewares(route)

    return endpoint

  return endpoints

 * @param {RegExp} expressPathRegExp
 * @param {Object[]} params
 * @returns {string}
const parseExpressPath = function (expressPathRegExp, params) {
  let expressPathRegExpExec = regExpToParseExpressPathRegExp.exec(expressPathRegExp)
  let parsedRegExp = expressPathRegExp.toString()
  let paramIndex = 0

  while (hasParams(parsedRegExp)) {
    const paramName = params[paramIndex].name
    const paramId = `:${paramName}`

    parsedRegExp = parsedRegExp
      .replace(regExpToReplaceExpressPathRegExpParams, paramId)


  if (parsedRegExp !== expressPathRegExp.toString()) {
    expressPathRegExpExec = regExpToParseExpressPathRegExp.exec(parsedRegExp)

  const parsedPath = expressPathRegExpExec[1].replace(/\\\//g, '/')

  return parsedPath

 * @param {Object} app
 * @param {string} [basePath]
 * @param {Object[]} [endpoints]
 * @returns {Object[]}
const parseEndpoints = function (app, basePath, endpoints) {
  const stack = app.stack || (app._router && app._router.stack)

  endpoints = endpoints || []
  basePath = basePath || ''

  if (!stack) {
    endpoints = addEndpoints(endpoints, [{
      path: basePath,
      methods: [],
      middlewares: []
  } else {
    endpoints = parseStack(stack, basePath, endpoints)

  return endpoints

 * Ensures the path of the new endpoints isn't yet in the array.
 * If the path is already in the array merges the endpoints with the existing
 * one, if not, it adds them to the array.
 * @param {Object[]} currentEndpoints Array of current endpoints
 * @param {Object[]} endpointsToAdd New endpoints to be added to the array
 * @returns {Object[]} Updated endpoints array
const addEndpoints = function (currentEndpoints, endpointsToAdd) {
  endpointsToAdd.forEach((newEndpoint) => {
    const existingEndpoint = currentEndpoints.find(
      (item) => item.path === newEndpoint.path

    if (existingEndpoint !== undefined) {
      const newMethods = newEndpoint.methods.filter(
        (method) => !existingEndpoint.methods.includes(method)

      existingEndpoint.methods = existingEndpoint.methods.concat(newMethods)
    } else {

  return currentEndpoints

 * @param {Object} stack
 * @param {string} basePath
 * @param {Object[]} endpoints
 * @returns {Object[]}
const parseStack = function (stack, basePath, endpoints) {
  stack.forEach((stackItem) => {
    if (stackItem.route) {
      const newEndpoints = parseExpressRoute(stackItem.route, basePath)

      endpoints = addEndpoints(endpoints, newEndpoints)
    } else if (STACK_ITEM_VALID_NAMES.includes( {
      const isExpressPathRegexp = regExpToParseExpressPathRegExp.test(stackItem.regexp)

      let newBasePath = basePath

      if (isExpressPathRegexp) {
        const parsedPath = parseExpressPath(stackItem.regexp, stackItem.keys)

        newBasePath += `/${parsedPath}`
      } else if (!stackItem.path && stackItem.regexp && stackItem.regexp.toString() !== EXPRESS_ROOT_PATH_REGEXP_VALUE) {
        const regExpPath = ` RegExp(${stackItem.regexp}) `

        newBasePath += `/${regExpPath}`

      endpoints = parseEndpoints(stackItem.handle, newBasePath, endpoints)

  return endpoints

 * Returns an array of strings with all the detected endpoints
 * @param {Object} app the express/route instance to get the endpoints from
const getEndpoints = function (app) {
  const endpoints = parseEndpoints(app)

  return endpoints

module.exports = getEndpoints