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# [Advent of Code](

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> This is a multi-language repository, for easy usage, all of them share the
> same root level. You need to individually set up each language you wish to
> use.

## Usage

The repository does not contain task inputs as my own inputs are located in a
private repository. If you wish to use this repository with your own inputs
provide them in the following folder structure:

├── 2015
│   ├── 01
│   │   └── input.txt
│   ├── 02
│   │   └── input.txt
│   │  ...
│   └── 25
│       └── input.txt
│   ...
└── 2023
    ├── 01
    │   ├── example.1.txt
    │   ├── example.2.txt
    │   └── input.txt
    │  ...
    └── 25
        └── input.txt

### Cloning

> Reference for myself, cloning with my private inputs

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8

[Why and how](#working-with-private-files)

## [TypeScript](./solutions/typescript)

[![2023 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2023/)
[![2022 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2022/)
[![2021 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2021/)
[![2020 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2020/)
[![2019 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2019/)
[![2018 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2018/)
[![2017 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2017/)
[![2016 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2016/)
[![2015 TypeScript Progress](](/solutions/typescript/2015/)

### Setup TypeScript workspace

Install latest stable `node` and `pnpm`

pnpm install

### Running individual TypeScript solutions

# Navigate to the solution
cd solutions/typescript/2023/01
pnpm p1
pnpm p2

### Debugging TypeScript solutions using VS Code

Open the solutions file, then run the `[TS] Current File` debug profile.

### Testing all TypeScript solutions

pnpm test

### Testing individual TypeScript solutions

# Navigate to the solution
cd solutions/typescript/2023/01
pnpm test

### Benchmarking individual TypeScript solutions

# Navigate to the solution
cd solutions/typescript/2023/01
pnpm bench

### Linting all TypeScript solutions

pnpm lint

### Linting individual TypeScript solutions

# Navigate to the solution
cd solutions/typescript/2023/01
pnpm lint:tsc
pnpm lint:es
pnpm lint:format

## [Rust](./solutions/rust)

[![2023 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2023/)
[![2022 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2022/)
[![2021 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2021/)
[![2020 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2020/)
[![2019 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2019/)
[![2018 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2018/)
[![2017 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2017/)
[![2016 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2016/)
[![2015 Rust Progress](](/solutions/rust/2015/)

## [Python](./solutions/python)

[![2023 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2023/)
[![2022 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2022/)
[![2021 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2021/)
[![2020 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2020/)
[![2019 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2019/)
[![2018 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2018/)
[![2017 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2017/)
[![2016 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2016/)
[![2015 Python Progress](](/solutions/python/year2015/)

### Setup Python workspace

Install latest stable `python` and `pipenv`

pipenv install
pipenv shell

## Working with private files

If you wish to replicate the same input setup that I have so that it's compliant
with [Advent of Code]('s rules, you should not keep
your inputs in a publicly hosted repository. I think the best solution to this
is to keep them in a private submodule, keeping your inputs private, but your
solutions public and keeping your CI happy and operational.

### Why?

See the _"Can I copy/redistribute part of Advent of Code?"_ section at

### How?

1. Collect your input files into a new "advent-of-code-inputs" repository

2. Get a fresh clone of your repository!

3. [Install `git-filter-repo`](

   > You will completely rewrite your repository's history, so first educate
   > yourself on how
   > [`git-filter-repo`]( works. (The
   > tool you might find for this first is the BFG Repo cleaner, however
   > git-filter-repo is much more capable and can clean out huge repositories in
   > just milliseconds.)

4. Clean out the repository:
   `git filter-repo --invert-paths --path-glob '*.txt' --path inputs`

   > This is just an example command, add more globs or paths if needed

5. Verify that apart from the unwanted files everything is in order. Check older
   commits too!

   > Maybe in previous years you stored these files differently, and/or you
   > refactored them at some point!

6. Add back your inputs as a git submodule:

   git submodule add resources
   git commit -m 'added inputs submodule'

7. Adjust your CI so that it checks out submodules too.

   > If you're using GitHub Actions and actions/checkout:

   - name: checkout
     uses: actions/checkout@v4
       fetch-depth: 1
       submodules: true

8. Verify if everything works locally

9. If everything looks right, re-add your remote and force push the changes.
   (Since you started with a fresh clone, your old can be used to restore it if
   anything goes wrong at any point)

   git remote add origin
   git push --force

10. Clean out remaining branches by either force pushing them too or just
    removing them.

## Disclaimer

[Advent of Code]( is made by
[Eric Wastl](