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import { isNotNullish } from '@alexaegis/common';
import { PriorityQueue } from 'js-sdsl';
import type { Edge } from '../model/graph/edge.type.js';
import type { GraphTraversalOptions } from '../model/graph/graph.class.js';
import type { CurrentPathWeighter } from '../model/graph/heuristic.type.js';
import type { BasicGraphNode } from '../model/graph/node.class.js';
import type { ToString } from '../model/to-string.interface.js';

export type PathConstructor<N> = (to: N) => N[];

 * TODO: Mark end as NoInfer
export const constructPath = <N>(start: N, end: N | undefined, prevMap: Map<N, N>): N[] => {
    const path: N[] = [];
    if (end) {
        let u: N = end;
        if (start === u || prevMap.get(u)) {
            while (u) {
                // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
                u = prevMap.get(u)!;
    return path;

export interface PathFindingResult<N> {
    path: N[];
    distances: Map<N, number>;

export const calculateCostOfTraversal = <
    T extends ToString,
    Dir extends ToString,
    N extends BasicGraphNode<T, Dir>,
    edge: Edge<T, Dir, N>,
    currentPathWeighter?: CurrentPathWeighter<T, Dir, N>,
    pathConstructor?: PathConstructor<N>,
): number => {
    let cost = 1;
    if (isNotNullish(currentPathWeighter) && isNotNullish(pathConstructor)) {
        cost = currentPathWeighter(edge.from,, edge.direction, pathConstructor(;
    } else if (isNotNullish(edge.weight)) {
        cost = edge.weight;
    return cost;

export interface EdgeCollectionOptions<
    T extends ToString,
    Dir extends ToString,
    N extends BasicGraphNode<T, Dir>,
> {
    allNodes: Map<string, N>;
    pathConstructor: PathConstructor<N>;
        | undefined
        | ((nodeMap: Map<string, N>, from: N, path: N[]) => Edge<T, Dir, N>[]);
    edgeFilter?: undefined | ((edge: Edge<T, Dir, N>, tentativePath: N[]) => boolean);

export const collectEdges = <
    T extends ToString,
    Dir extends ToString,
    N extends BasicGraphNode<T, Dir>,
    node: N,
    options: EdgeCollectionOptions<T, Dir, N>,
) => {
    const edgeGenerator = options?.edgeGenerator;
    let edges = edgeGenerator
        ? edgeGenerator(options.allNodes, node, options.pathConstructor(node))
        : [...node.neighbours.values()];

    const edgeFilter = options?.edgeFilter;
    if (edgeFilter) {
        edges = edges.filter((edge) => edgeFilter(edge, options.pathConstructor(node)));

    return edges;

export const dijkstra = <
    T extends ToString,
    Dir extends ToString,
    N extends BasicGraphNode<T, Dir>,
    options: Omit<GraphTraversalOptions<T, Dir, N>, 'heuristic'> &
        Omit<EdgeCollectionOptions<T, Dir, N>, 'pathConstructor'>,
): PathFindingResult<N> => {
    const dist = new Map<N, number>(); // The sum of the weights all the way to the end
    const pathLengthMap = new Map<N, number>(); // How many nodes there are to reach the end
    const prev = new Map<N, N>();
    const pq = new PriorityQueue(options.allNodes, (a, b) => {
        const aDist = dist.get(a) ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        const bDist = dist.get(b) ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        return aDist - bDist;

    const pathConstructor: PathConstructor<N> = (to) => constructPath<N>(options.start, to, prev);
    const isFinished = isNotNullish(options.end)
        ? (n: N) =>
                typeof options.end === 'function'
                    ? options.end(n, pathConstructor(n))
                    : n === options.end
        : (_n: N) => false;

    dist.set(options.start, 0);
    pathLengthMap.set(options.start, 0);

    let target: N | undefined;
    while (!pq.empty()) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
        const u = pq.pop()!; // u, closest yet

        if (isFinished(u)) {
            target = u;

        const uDist = dist.get(u) ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

        for (const neighbour of collectEdges<T, Dir, N>(u, {
            allNodes: options.allNodes,
            edgeFilter: options.edgeFilter,
            edgeGenerator: options.edgeGenerator,
        })) {
            const weight = calculateCostOfTraversal<T, Dir, N>(
            const tentativegScore = uDist + weight;
            const currentCost = dist.get( ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            if (tentativegScore < currentCost) {
                dist.set(, tentativegScore);
                prev.set(, u);
                pathLengthMap.set(, (pathLengthMap.get(u) ?? 0) + 1);

    return {
        distances: pathLengthMap,
        path: target ? constructPath(options.start, target, prev) : [],