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import {
} from '@angular/core';
import { BaseDirective } from '@app/component/base-component.class';
import { nextWhole } from '@app/function';
import { toUnit } from '@app/function/to-unit.function';
import { ActorDelta, UnixWrapper } from '@app/model/data';
import { Actor } from '@app/model/data/actor.class';
import { Accumulator, ActorService } from '@app/service';
import { DatabaseService } from '@app/service/database.service';
import { LoreService } from '@app/service/lore.service';
import { BlockComponent } from '@lore/component/timeline/block.component';
import { CursorComponent } from '@lore/component/timeline/cursor.component';
import { EngineService } from '@lore/engine';
import { ActorObject } from '@lore/engine/object';
import { BlockService } from '@lore/service';
import { StoreFacade } from '@lore/store/store-facade.service';
import moment from 'moment';
import { NgScrollbar } from 'ngx-scrollbar';
import ResizeObserver from 'resize-observer-polyfill';
import { RxDocument } from 'rxdb';
import { combineLatest, Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { map, share, tap, withLatestFrom } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Math as ThreeMath } from 'three';

 * Timeline
 * Has a frame-start and a frame end which together describe a time-frame of which time is displayed in this Component
 * It also has a dynamic scale factor which changes depending on the size of the frame.
 * The frame's scale is always one above the largest time unit the frame encapsulates.
 * For example, if the frame is just larger than a month, then the scale would be one below that. A week.
 * The start and end positions, along with the scale then determines how the scale will be divided. And end how many parts.
    selector: 'app-timeline',
    templateUrl: './timeline.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./timeline.component.scss'],
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class TimelineComponent extends BaseDirective implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
    public cursorUnix$: Observable<number>;
    public actorDeltasAtCursor$: Observable<Array<Accumulator>>;
    public hovered$: Subject<ActorObject>;

    public constructor(
        public el: ElementRef,
        public db: DatabaseService,
        public loreService: LoreService,
        public databaseService: DatabaseService,
        public engineService: EngineService,
        public blockService: BlockService,
        public storeFacade: StoreFacade,
        public actorService: ActorService,
        public changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef
    ) {
        this.hovered$ = this.engineService.hovered;
        this.cursorUnix$ = this.storeFacade.cursor$;
        this.actorDeltasAtCursor$ = this.actorService.actorDeltasAtCursor$;

    public get currentUnit(): moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor {
        return this.units[this.currentUnitIndex].unitName;

    public get currentUnitSeconds(): number {
        return this.units[this.currentUnitIndex].seconds;

    public get currentUnitDivision(): number {
        return this.units[this.currentUnitIndex].frame;

    public get previousUnitDivision(): number {
        return this.currentUnitIndex > 0 ? this.units[this.currentUnitIndex - 1].frame : -Infinity;

    public get nextUnitDivision(): number {
        return this.currentUnitIndex < this.units.length - 1 ? this.units[this.currentUnitIndex + 1].frame : Infinity;

    public get widthCalc(): string {
        return `calc(100% - ${this.el.nativeElement.offsetLeft}px)`;

    public blocks: QueryList<BlockComponent>;

    public unitsBetween = 100; // This property holds how many main divisions there is on the timeline,

    // eg.: how many of the current scale's unit, fits into it.
    public distanceBetweenUnits: number;
    // The resizeObserver keeps this property updated and call the change calculation

    public currentUnitIndex = 3;
    public units: Array<{ unitName: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor; frame: number; seconds: number }> = [
        { unitName: 'second', frame: 1000, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'second').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'minute', frame: 60, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'minute').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'hour', frame: 60, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'hour').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'day', frame: 24, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'day').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'week', frame: 7, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'week').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'month', frame: 52, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'month').asSeconds() },
        { unitName: 'year', frame: 12, seconds: moment.duration(1, 'year').asSeconds() }

    @ViewChild('divisorContainer', { static: true })
    public divisorContainer: ElementRef;

    @ViewChild('cursor', { static: true })
    public cursor: CursorComponent;

    public actors$ = this.databaseService.currentLoreActors$.pipe(
        tap(next => {
            this.blocks.forEach(block => {
    ); // reference of the actor query pipeline

    @ViewChild(NgScrollbar, { static: true })
    private scrollRef: NgScrollbar;

    private scrollOnStart: number;

    private panTypeAtStart: string;

    public firstDist$ = combineLatest([this.storeFacade.frame$, this.loreService.containerWidth]).pipe(
        map(([frame, containerWidth]) => {
            this.unitsBetween = frame.length / this.currentUnitSeconds;
            this.distanceBetweenUnits = containerWidth / this.unitsBetween;
            const time = nextWhole(frame.start, this.currentUnitSeconds);
            return (
                ThreeMath.mapLinear(time, frame.start, frame.end, 0, containerWidth) -
                this.distanceBetweenUnits * 4 -
                this.distanceBetweenUnits / 12
                // TODO: I don't know why but it's shifted by exactly two hours

    public nodeSpawner = new Subject<{ $event: any; actor: RxDocument<Actor>; block: BlockComponent }>();

    public frameShifter = new Subject<number>();

    public ngAfterViewInit(): void {; // Initial value
        // ResizeObserver is not really supported outside of chrome.
        // It can also make the app crash on MacOS, here is a workaround:
        // this will keep the containerWidth property updated
        const resize$ = new ResizeObserver(e => {
            e.forEach(change => {

     * Idea is end when reach the bottom border, then scale down, and when reaching
     * the upper boundary, raise the scale
     * (Cant go up of days? go weeks, then months etc)
     * Dynamic zoom. The change both effects frameStart and End based on cursor position
     * TODO: Hammer pinch support
     * @param $event mouseEvent
    public zoomScrollHandler($event: any): void {
        const direction = toUnit($event.deltaY); // -1 or 1
        const prog = ThreeMath.mapLinear($event.clientX, 0, window.innerWidth, 0, 1);
        const speed = 2;
        // This will be the cursor position or the center of the pinch, right now it's just the cursors position
        if (
            direction > 0 &&
            this.nextUnitDivision <= this.unitsBetween &&
            this.currentUnitIndex < this.units.length - 1
        ) {
            // this.currentUnitIndex++;
            // upshift
        } else if (direction < 0 && this.currentUnitDivision >= this.unitsBetween && this.currentUnitIndex > 0) {
            // this.currentUnitIndex--;
            // downshift

            start: -direction * prog * this.currentUnitSeconds * speed,
            end: direction * (1 - prog) * this.currentUnitSeconds * speed

     * Handles the scroll on the timeline to move the view of the channels up and down
     * @param $event input from hammer
    public scrollHandler($event: HammerInput): void {
        this.scrollRef.scrollYTo(this.scrollRef.view.scrollTop + toUnit($event.deltaY) * 40);

     * distance start the left end the `i`th bar
    public deltaDist(i: number): number {
        return this.distanceBetweenUnits * i;

    public subDist(i: number): number {
        return (this.distanceBetweenUnits / this.currentUnitDivision) * (i + 1);

     * This is called by hammer pan events
     * The purpose of this function is end translate the frame on the timeline.
     * The size of the frame must not change while translating.
     * Update the frameDeltas end the current offset distance converted end unix
     * We essentially rescale the offset into the unix frame.
     * Both delta are the same during translation
     * When the translation finishes, the values are baked (Moved start the delta end the base value, total value doesn't change)
    @HostListener('panstart', ['$event'])
    @HostListener('panleft', ['$event'])
    @HostListener('panright', ['$event'])
    @HostListener('panup', ['$event'])
    @HostListener('pandown', ['$event'])
    @HostListener('panend', ['$event'])
    public shift($event: any): void {
        if ($event.type === 'panstart') {
            this.scrollOnStart = this.scrollRef.view.scrollTop;
        if (!this.panTypeAtStart) {
            if ($event.type === 'panup' || $event.type === 'pandown') {
                this.panTypeAtStart = 'vertical';
            } else if ($event.type === 'panleft' || $event.type === 'panright') {
                this.panTypeAtStart = 'horizontal';

        if (this.panTypeAtStart === 'vertical') {
            this.scrollRef.scrollYTo(this.scrollOnStart - $event.deltaY);
        } else {

        if ($event.type === 'panend') {
            this.panTypeAtStart = undefined;

     * On click, jump with the cursor
    public tap($event: any): void {
        $event.stopPropagation();$ - this.el.nativeElement.offsetLeft);

    public ngOnInit(): void {
        this.teardown = this.frameShifter
            .pipe(withLatestFrom(this.storeFacade.frame$, this.loreService.containerWidth))
            .subscribe(([shift, frame, containerWidth]) => {
                if (shift !== undefined) {
                        -Math.floor(ThreeMath.mapLinear(shift, 0, containerWidth, 0, frame.length))
                } else {

        this.teardown = this.nodeSpawner
                tap(({ $event }) => $event.stopPropagation()),
                withLatestFrom(this.storeFacade.frame$, this.loreService.containerWidth),
                map(([{ $event, actor, block }, frame, containerWidth]) => {
                    const unix = Math.floor(
                            $ - this.el.nativeElement.offsetLeft,
                    const position = this.actorService.actorPositionAt(actor, unix);
                    // Todo make this save a sideeffect and control the block with that
                    actor._states.set(new UnixWrapper(unix), new ActorDelta(undefined, position));
                    block.isSaving = true;
                        .atomicUpdate(a => (a._states = actor._states) && a)
                        .then(a => {
                            block.isSaving = false;
                   = a;

    public spawnNode($event: any, actor: RxDocument<Actor>, block: BlockComponent): void {{ $event, actor, block });

    public mouseenter(actor: RxDocument<Actor>): void {
        if (this.loreService.overrideNodePosition.value === undefined) {
            this.hovered$.next(this.engineService.globe.getObjectByName( as ActorObject);

    public mouseleave(): void {
        if (this.loreService.overrideNodePosition.value === undefined) {

    public toPx(number: number): string {
        return `${number}px`;