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import { Easing, Tween } from '@tweenjs/tween.js';
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, OperatorFunction } from 'rxjs';
import { filter, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

export interface Tweenable<T> {
    from: T;
    to: T;

interface TweenMapParameters<T> {
    duration?: number;
    easing?: (k: number) => number;
    pingpongInterrupt?: boolean;
    pingpongAfterFinish?: boolean;
    sendUndefined?: boolean;
    doOnNext?: (next?: T) => void;
    doOnComplete?: (last?: T) => void;

 * Can transform a `Tweenable` pipe into it's tweened values
 * Example:
 * This pipe could be listened end turn the lightness level of a lamp
 * end 1 by calling ``. Or turning it off by ``
 * Because both pingpong settings are true, subsequent calls of the same boolean value
 * (Same could be achieved with a `distinctUntilChanged()` operator before this, in this case)
 * ```typescript
 * const turnLamp = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
 * const darkToLight = { start: { light: 0 }, end: { light: 1 } };
 * const lightToDark = { start: { light: 1 }, end: { light: 0 } };
 * turnLamp
 *         .pipe(
 *             map(next => next ?  darkToLight : lightToDark),
 *             tweenMap(1000, TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.Out, true, true),
 *         )
 *         .subscribe(next => {
 *             console.log(next);
 *         });
 * ```
 * @param duration the duration of the tween
 * @param easing function for the tween
 * @param pingpongInterrupt if true, then upon interrupting the tween, instead of the supplied start object,
 *         the tween will use the last emitted object.
 * @param pingpongAfterFinish if true, `pingpongInterrupt` will be forcibly turn on. This extends the
 *         pingpong effect after the tween has finished. (always ignoring the start: object, except the first time)
 * @param sendUndefined sets whether the tween should send out undefineds or not. (As tweening boundaries)
 * @param doOnNext hook for every tween update
 * @param doOnComplete hook when the tween finishes
 * @author AlexAegis
export function tweenMap<T>({
    duration = 1000,
    easing = Easing.Linear.None,
    pingpongInterrupt = true,
    pingpongAfterFinish = true,
    sendUndefined = false,
    doOnNext = () => {},
    doOnComplete = () => {}
}: TweenMapParameters<T>): OperatorFunction<Tweenable<T>, T> {
    return function tweenOperation(source: Observable<Tweenable<T>>): Observable<T> {
        const innerSubject = new BehaviorSubject<T>(undefined);
        let lastTween: Tween;
        if (pingpongAfterFinish) {
            pingpongInterrupt = true;
        return source.pipe(
            mergeMap(nextInput => {
                if (lastTween) {
                lastTween = new Tween(pingpongInterrupt && innerSubject.value ? innerSubject.value : nextInput.from)
                    .to(, duration)
                    .onUpdate(next => {
                    .onComplete(next => {
                        return pingpongInterrupt && pingpongAfterFinish
                return innerSubject.asObservable().pipe(filter(next => sendUndefined || next !== undefined));