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Test Coverage
.. _intro-tutorials-results:

Comparison between Scrapple & Ducky

From the experiments performed with the Scrapple framework, we see that correctly written configuration files give accurate results. In the :ref:`single page linear extractor <intro-tutorials-single-linear>` example and :ref:`link crawler <intro-tutorials-link-crawler>` example (where over 2800 pages were crawled through), an accuracy level of 100% was achieved. 

The accuracy of the implementation of the Scrapple framework is dependent on the user's understanding of :ref:`web structure <concepts-structure>` and the ability to write correct :ref:`selector expressions <concepts-selectors>`. 

On comparison with Ducky [1], it can be seen that Ducky also provides an accuracy of 100%. The primary difference between the Scrapple framework and the Ducky framework is the features provided.

| Feature                          | Scrapple   | Ducky      |
|                                  |            |            |
| Configuration file               |    YES     |    YES     |
| CSS selectors                    |    YES     |    YES     |
| XPath selectors                  |    YES     |    NO      |
| CSV output                       |    YES     |    YES     |
| JSON output                      |    YES     |    YES     |
| XML output                       |    NO      |    YES     |
| Generation of extractor script   |    YES     |    NO      |