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terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

locals {
  kubernetes_pipeline_roles = [
    for role in var.kubernetes_pipeline_roles : {
      rolearn    = role.rolearn
      namespaces = role.namespaces

variable "additional_userdata" {
  default = ""

variable "aws-profile" {
  description = "The aws profile name, used when creating the kubeconfig file."

variable "eks_shared_namespaces" {
  description = "Namespaces to be shared between teams."
  type        = map(list(string))
  default = {
    dns        = ["external-dns"]
    infra      = ["infra-shared"]
    logging    = ["logging"]
    monitoring = ["infra-monitoring"]
    ingress    = ["infra-ingress"]
    argo       = ["argo"]
    newrelic   = ["newrelic"]

variable "external_dns_additional_managed_zones" {
  description = "Additional managed zones for external-dns."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

output "hardened-image-id" {
  description = "The AMI ID of the hardened image."
  value       =

variable "kubernetes_pipeline_roles" {
  description = "IAM roles for pipelines required access to EKS."
  type = list(object({
    rolearn    = string
    namespaces = list(string)
  default = []

variable "kubernetes_pipeline_users" {
  description = "IAM users for pipelines required access to EKS."
  type = list(object({
    userarn    = string
    namespaces = list(string)
  default = []

output "private_key_name" {
  description = "The name of the private key made to share."
  value       = module.account.private_key_name