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Test Coverage
# -*- mode: Python -*-


def conftest(path, name='conftest', policy='policy', **kwargs):
    Test configuration files against Open Policy Agent policies using Conftest

      path: path to file to test
      name: a name for the resource, defaults to conftest. Useful if you want multiple invocations
      all_namespaces: use rules from all namespaces
      combine: combine all files passed in into one structure
      data: a list of paths to load additional data from
      fail_on_warn: fail even if only warnings are found
      input: input type if different from that autodetected from the file extension
      namespace: the namespace to use for rules, defauls to main
      output: the output format, can be stdout, json, tap or table
      trace: whether or not to show the full policy trace, useful for debugging
      update: download policies based on local configuration or from explicit repositories
      policy: where to find the policy files, defaults to a directory called policy

    # we want to support being able to pass arguments through to the local_resource function
    # but first we need to split any kwargs explicitly intennded for conftest out
    conftest_kwargs = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in CONFTEST_ARGS}
    local_resource_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in CONFTEST_ARGS}

    # we build a string of the conftest arguments
    args = ""
    for key,value in conftest_kwargs.items():
        if key in ['all-namespaces', 'fail-on-warn', 'combine', 'trace']:
            if type(value) != 'bool':
                fail('%s takes a boolean value, instead is is set to "%s"' % (key, value))
        args += "--%s=%s " % (key, value)

        deps=[path, policy],
        cmd='conftest test %s %s' % (args, path),