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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional

from pydantic import Field, BaseModel, conint

from python3_capsolver.core.enum import ResponseStatusEnm
from python3_capsolver.core.config import APP_ID

HTTP API Request ser

class PostRequestSer(BaseModel):
    clientKey: str = Field(..., description="Client account key, can be found in user account")
    task: dict = Field(None, description="Task object")

class TaskSer(BaseModel):
    type: str = Field(..., description="Task type name", alias="captcha_type")

class RequestCreateTaskSer(PostRequestSer):
    appId: Literal[APP_ID] = APP_ID

class RequestGetTaskResultSer(PostRequestSer):
    taskId: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="ID created by the createTask method")

HTTP API Response ser

class ResponseSer(BaseModel):
    errorId: int = Field(..., description="Error message: `False` - no error, `True` - with error")
    # error info
    errorCode: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Error code")
    errorDescription: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Error description")

class CaptchaResponseSer(ResponseSer):
    taskId: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Task ID for future use in getTaskResult method.")
    status: ResponseStatusEnm = Field(ResponseStatusEnm.Processing, description="Task current status")
    solution: Dict[str, Any] = Field(None, description="Task result data. Different for each type of task.")

    class Config:
        populate_by_name = True

class ControlResponseSer(ResponseSer):
    balance: Optional[float] = Field(0, description="Account balance value in USD")

Other ser

class CaptchaOptionsSer(BaseModel):
    api_key: str
    sleep_time: conint(ge=5) = 5

Captcha tasks ser

class WebsiteDataOptionsSer(TaskSer):
    websiteURL: str = Field(..., description="Address of a webpage with Captcha")
    websiteKey: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Website key")

class ReCaptchaV3Ser(WebsiteDataOptionsSer):
    pageAction: str = Field(
        description="Widget action value."
        "Website owner defines what user is doing on the page through this parameter",

class HCaptchaClassificationOptionsSer(TaskSer):
    queries: List[str] = Field(..., description="Base64-encoded images, do not include 'data:image/***;base64,'")
    question: str = Field(
        ..., description="Question ID. Support English and Chinese, other languages please convert yourself"

class FunCaptchaClassificationOptionsSer(TaskSer):
    images: List[str] = Field(..., description="Base64-encoded images, do not include 'data:image/***;base64,'")
    question: str = Field(
        description="Question name. this param value from API response game_variant field. Exmaple: maze,maze2,flockCompass,3d_rollball_animals",

class GeeTestSer(TaskSer):
    websiteURL: str = Field(..., description="Address of a webpage with Geetest")
    gt: str = Field(..., description="The domain public key, rarely updated")
    challenge: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="If you need to solve Geetest V3 you must use this parameter, don't need if you need to solve GeetestV4",

class FunCaptchaSer(TaskSer):
    websiteURL: str = Field(..., description="Address of a webpage with Funcaptcha")
    websitePublicKey: str = Field(..., description="Funcaptcha website key.")
    funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="A special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded."
        "Most FunCaptcha installations work from shared domains.",

class DatadomeSliderSer(TaskSer):
    websiteURL: str = Field(..., description="Address of a webpage with DatadomeSlider")
    captchaUrl: str = Field(..., description="Captcha Url where is the captcha")
    userAgent: str = Field(..., description="Browser's User-Agent which is used in emulation")

class CloudflareTurnstileSer(WebsiteDataOptionsSer): ...

class CyberSiAraSer(WebsiteDataOptionsSer):
    SlideMasterUrlId: str = Field(
        ..., description="You can get MasterUrlId param form `api/CyberSiara/GetCyberSiara` endpoint request"
    UserAgent: str = Field(..., description="Browser userAgent, you need submit your userAgent")

class AntiAkamaiBMPTaskSer(TaskSer):
    packageName: str = Field("de.zalando.iphone", description="Package name of AkamaiBMP mobile APP")
    version: str = Field("3.2.6", description="AKAMAI BMP Version number")
    country: str = Field("US", description="AKAMAI BMP country")

class AntiAkamaiWebTaskSer(TaskSer):
    url: str = Field(..., description="Browser url address")

class AntiImpervaTaskSer(TaskSer):
    websiteUrl: str = Field(..., description="The website url")
    userAgent: str = Field(..., description="Browser userAgent")
    utmvc: bool = Field(
        True, description="If cookie contains `incap_see_xxx`, `nlbi_xxx`, `visid_inap_xxx`, mean is true"
    reese84: bool = Field(True, description="if cookie conains `reese84`, set it true")

class BinanceCaptchaTaskSer(TaskSer):
    websiteURL: str = Field(..., description="Address of a webpage with Binance captcha")
    websiteKey: str = Field("login", description="`bizId` always be `login`")
    validateId: str = Field(..., description="`validateId` bncaptcha validateId field")