// instafeed.js
// Animate instafeed at bottom of welcome page
export let InstafeedSlider = class InstafeedSlider {
interval = null;
// Animate through Instafeed slider
static animate() {
let scroll_position = $('#instafeed').scrollLeft();
if ($('#instafeed:hover').length !== 0) {
// Don't scroll if the user is hovering
} else if (scroll_position >= 5120) {
// Animate back to the start if past a certain point
return $('#instafeed').animate({scrollLeft: '0px'}, 1500);
} else {
// Animate the instafeed 1280 pixels past the current scroll_position
return $('#instafeed').animate({scrollLeft: scroll_position + 1280 + 'px'}, 1000);
// Start Instafeed animation loop
$(document).on('turbolinks:load', () => {
if (InstafeedSlider.interval !== null) clearInterval(InstafeedSlider.interval);
InstafeedSlider.interval = setInterval(InstafeedSlider.animate, 4000);