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# [<img src="" height=85 />]( Glimmer DSL for XML & HTML 1.3.2
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[Glimmer]( DSL for XML provides Ruby syntax for building XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and HTML documents. It used to be part of the [Glimmer]( library (created in 2007), but eventually got extracted into its own project.

Within the context of desktop development, Glimmer DSL for XML is useful in providing XML data for the [SWT Browser widget](

Otherwise, it is also used in the development of [Glimmer DSL for Opal](

Learn more about the differences between various [Glimmer]( DSLs by looking at the **[Glimmer DSL Comparison Table](**.

## Setup

Please follow these instructions to make the `glimmer` command available on your system.

### Option 1: Direct Install

Run this command to install directly:
gem install glimmer-dsl-xml -v 1.3.2

Note: When using JRuby, `jgem` is JRuby's version of `gem` command. RVM allows running `gem` as an alias in JRuby. Otherwise, you may also run `jruby -S gem install ...`

Add `require 'glimmer-dsl-xml'` to your code.

When using with [Glimmer DSL for SWT]( or [Glimmer DSL for Opal](, make sure it is added after `require glimmer-dsl-swt` and `require glimmer-dsl-opal` to give it a lower precedence than them when processed by the Glimmer DSL engine.

That's it! Requiring the gem activates the Glimmer XML DSL automatically.

### Option 2: Bundler

Add the following to `Gemfile` (after `glimmer-dsl-swt` and/or `glimmer-dsl-opal` if included too):
gem 'glimmer-dsl-xml', '~> 1.3.2'

And, then run:
bundle install

Note: When using JRuby, prefix with `jruby -S`

Require in your code via Bundler (e.g. `require 'bundler'; Bundler.require`) or add `require 'glimmer-dsl-xml'` to your code.

When using with [Glimmer DSL for SWT]( or [Glimmer DSL for Opal](, make sure it is loaded after `glimmer-dsl-swt` and `glimmer-dsl-opal` to give it a lower precedence than them when processed by the Glimmer DSL engine.

That's it! Requiring the gem activates the Glimmer XML DSL automatically.


Simply start with the `html`, `xml`, `name_space`, or `tag` keyword and add XML/HTML inside its block using Glimmer DSL for XML syntax.
Once done, you may call `to_s`, `to_xml`, or `to_html` to get the formatted XML/HTML output.

Here are all the Glimmer XML DSL top-level keywords:
- `html`: renders partial HTML just like `xml` (not having body/head) or full HTML document (having body/head), automatically including doctype (`<!DOCTYPE html>`) and surrounding content by the `<html></html>` tag
- `xml`: renders XML/XHTML content (e.g. `xml {span {'Hello'}; br}.to_s` renders `<span>Hello</span><br />`)
- `name_space`: enables namespacing html tags
- `tag`: enables custom tag creation for exceptional cases (e.g. `p` as reserved Ruby keyword) by passing tag name as '_name' attribute

Element properties are typically passed as a key/value hash (e.g. `section(id: 'main', class: 'accordion')`) . However, for properties like "selected" or "checked", you must leave value `nil` or otherwise pass in front of the hash (e.g. `input(:checked, type: 'checkbox')` )

You may try the following examples in IRB after installing the [glimmer-dsl-xml]( gem.

Just make sure to require the library and include Glimmer first:

require 'glimmer-dsl-xml'

include Glimmer

Example (full HTML document):

@html = html {
  head {
    meta(name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0")
  body {
    h1 { "Hello, World!" }

puts @html


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=2.0" /></head><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>

Example (partial HTML fragment):

@html = html {
  h1 { "Hello, World!" }

puts @html


<h1>Hello, World!</h1>

Example (basic XML):

@xml = xml {
  greeting { "Hello, World!" }

puts @xml


<greeting>Hello, World!</greeting>

Example (XML namespaces using `name_space` keyword):

@xml = name_space(:acme) {
  product(:id => "thesis", :class => "document") {
    component(:id => "main") {

puts @xml


<acme:product id="thesis" class="document"><acme:component id="main"></acme:component></acme:product>

Example (XML namespaces using dot operator):

  @xml = xml {
    document.body( => "main") {
  puts @xml


<document:body document:id="main"></document:body>

Example (custom tag):

puts tag(:_name => "p") {"p is a reserved keyword in Ruby"}


<p>p is a reserved keyword in Ruby</p>

## Glimmer Config

### `xml_attribute_underscore`

(default value: `'_'`)

Calling the following code enables auto-conversion of xml attribute underscores into dashes in `Symbol` attribute names (but not `String` attribute names):

Glimmer::Config.xml_attribute_underscore = '-'


require 'glimmer-dsl-xml'

Glimmer::Config.xml_attribute_underscore = '-'

include Glimmer

document = html {
  body {
    video(:data_loop, data_src: "")

puts document
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><video data-src="" data-loop  /></body></html>

Note that strings are intentionally ignored to enable using underscores when needed.


require 'glimmer-dsl-xml'

Glimmer::Config.xml_attribute_underscore = '-'

include Glimmer

document = html {
  body {
    video('data_loop', 'data_src' => "")

puts document
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><video data_src="" data_loop  /></body></html>

## Multi-DSL Support

Learn more about how to use this DSL alongside other Glimmer DSLs:

[Glimmer Multi-DSL Support](

## Help

### Issues

You may submit [issues]( on [GitHub](

[Click here to submit an issue.](

### Chat

If you need live help, try to [![Join the chat at](](

## Feature Suggestions

These features have been suggested. You might see them in a future version of Glimmer. You are welcome to contribute more feature suggestions.


## Change Log


## Contributing


## Contributors

* [Andy Maleh]( (Founder)

[Click here to view contributor commits.](

## License


Copyright (c) 2020-2023 - Andy Maleh.


[<img src="" height=40 />]( Built for [Glimmer]( (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library).