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import {ObisMeasurement} from './lib/ObisMeasurement';

export * as ObisNames from './lib/ObisNames';
export * as SmlUnits from './lib/protocols/SmlUnits';
export {ObisMeasurement}

export type ObisOptions = ObisBaseOptions & ObisProtocolOptions & ObisTransportOptions;
export type ObisLanguage = 'en' | 'de';

interface ObisBaseOptions {
     * optional, number of seconds to wait for next request or pause serial receiving, value 0 possible to restart directly after finishing one message, Default: is 300 (=5 Minutes)
    requestInterval?: number;

    obisNameLanguage?: ObisLanguage;

     * optional, if smartmeter do not return complete OBIS IDs (without medium info) this will be used as fallback for name resolving
    obisFallbackMedium?: number;

     * optional, values: 0 (no logging), 1 (basic logging), 2 (detailed logging), Default: 0
    debug?: 0 | 1 | 2;

     * optional, logging function that accepts one parameter to log a string. Default is "console.log"
    logger?: Function;

type ObisProtocolOptions = ObisSmlProtocolOptions | ObisD0ProtocolOptions | ObisJsonEfrProtocolOptions;

interface ObisSmlProtocolOptions {
     * required, value SmlProtocol, D0Protocol or JsonEfrProtocol
    protocol: 'SmlProtocol';

     * required for SmlProtocol, if false and CRC checksum is invalid an Error is thrown
    protocolSmlIgnoreInvalidCRC: boolean;

     * optional for SmlProtocol, if set defines the input Encoding of the data. Default
     * is "binary" (as received from a serial connection). Other options are
     * "ascii", "utf-8" or "base64"
    protocolSmlInputEncoding: string;

interface ObisD0ProtocolOptions {
     * required, value SmlProtocol, D0Protocol or JsonEfrProtocol
    protocol: 'D0Protocol';

     * optional for D0Protocol, number of wakeup NULL characters, default 0
    protocolD0WakeupCharacters?: number;

     * optional for D0Protocol, device address (max 32 characters) for SignIn-Message, default empty
    protocolD0DeviceAddress?: string;

     * optional for D0Protocol, command for SignIn-Message, default "?" to query mandatory fields, other values depending on device. You can provide multiple SignOn messages separated by a comma. The delay between them can be set by parameter anotherQueryDelay
    protocolD0SignOnMessage?: string;

     * optional for D0Protocol, to ignore the mode send by the device set the correct D0 mode here. The mode send by the device in the identification message is ignored
    protocolD0ModeOverwrite?: string;

     * optional for D0Protocol, when the D0 mode needs a baudrate changeover, but the device information from identification message is wrong, overwrite with this value
    protocolD0BaudrateChangeoverOverwrite?: number;

     * optional for D0Protocol with SerialRequestResponseTransport when multiple SignOnMessages are given. Value is in ms, default 1000
    anotherQueryDelay?: number;

interface ObisJsonEfrProtocolOptions {
     * required, value SmlProtocol, D0Protocol or JsonEfrProtocol
    protocol: 'JsonEfrProtocol';

type ObisTransportOptions =
    | ObisHttpRequestTransportOptions
    | ObisLocalFileTransportOptions
    | ObisStdInTransportOptions
    | ObisTCPTransportOptions;

interface ObisSerialTransportOptions {
     * required, value SerialResponseTransport, SerialRequestResponseTransport, HttpRequestTransport, LocalFileTransport, StdInTransport or TCPTransport
    transport: 'SerialResponseTransport' | 'SerialRequestResponseTransport';

     * required for Serial protocols, Serial device name, e.g. "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    transportSerialPort: string;

     * optional, baudrate for initial serial connection, if not defined default values per Transport type are used (9600 for SerialResponseTransprt and 300 for SerialRequestResponseTransport)
    transportSerialBaudrate?: number;

     * optional, Must be one of: 8, 7, 6, or 5.
    transportSerialDataBits?: 8 | 7 | 6 | 5;

     * optional, Must be one of: 1 or 2.
    transportSerialStopBits?: 1 | 2;

     * optional, Must be one of: 'none', 'even', 'mark', 'odd', 'space'
    transportSerialParity?: 'none' | 'even' | 'mark' | 'odd' | 'space';

     * optional, default value is 300000 (means after 300000 bytes without a matching message an Error is thrown )
    transportSerialMaxBufferSize?: number;

     * ms, optional, default value is 120000 (means after 120000ms without a matching message or new data an Error is thrown )
    transportSerialMessageTimeout?: number;

interface ObisHttpRequestTransportOptions {
     * required, value SerialResponseTransport, SerialRequestResponseTransport, HttpRequestTransport, LocalFileTransport, StdInTransport or TCPTransport
    transport: 'HttpRequestTransport';

     * required for HttpRequestTransport, Request URL to query data from
    transportHttpRequestUrl: string;

     * optional for HttpRequestTransport, Timeout in ms, defaut 2000
    transportHttpRequestTimeout?: number;

interface ObisLocalFileTransportOptions {
     * required, value SerialResponseTransport, SerialRequestResponseTransport, HttpRequestTransport, LocalFileTransport, StdInTransport or TCPTransport
    transport: 'LocalFileTransport';

     * required for LocalFileTransport, File patch to read data from
    transportLocalFilePath: string;

interface ObisStdInTransportOptions {
     * required, value SerialResponseTransport, SerialRequestResponseTransport, HttpRequestTransport, LocalFileTransport, StdInTransport or TCPTransport
    transport: 'StdInTransport';

     * optional, default value is 300000 (means after 300000 bytes without a matching message an Error is thrown )
    transportStdInMaxBufferSize?: number;

     * ms, optional, default value is 120000 (means after 120000ms without a matching message or new data an Error is thrown )
    transportStdInMessageTimeout?: number;

interface ObisTCPTransportOptions {
     * required, value SerialResponseTransport, SerialRequestResponseTransport, HttpRequestTransport, LocalFileTransport, StdInTransport or TCPTransport
    transport: 'TCPTransport';

     * optional, default value is 300000 (means after 300000 bytes without a matching message an Error is thrown )
    transportTcpMaxBufferSize?: number;

     * ms, optional, default value is 120000 (means after 120000ms without a matching message or new data an Error is thrown )
    transportTcpMessageTimeout?: number;

declare abstract class ObisTransport {
    process(): void;

    stop(callback?: () => void): void;

export function init(options: ObisOptions, callback: (err: Error, obisResult: { [obisId: string]: ObisMeasurement; }) => void): ObisTransport;