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 * This file is part of Internship Inventory.
 * Internship Inventory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

 * Internship Inventory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
 * along with Internship Inventory.  If not, see <>.
 * Copyright 2011-2018 Appalachian State University

namespace Intern\Command;

use Intern\WorkflowStateFactory;
use Intern\ChangeHistory;
use Intern\TermFactory;
use Intern\InternshipFactory;
use Intern\Email;

 * @author Chris Detsch
class SendPendingEnrollmentReminders

    public function __construct()


    public function execute()
        // Get the list of future terms
        $terms = TermFactory::getFutureTermsAssoc();

        // Get email settings
        $emailSettings = \Intern\InternSettings::getInstance();

        foreach ($terms as $term) {
            // Get the pending internships for this term
            $pendingInternships = InternshipFactory::getPendingInternshipsByTerm($term);

            // Get the census date for this term
            $censusTimestamp = $term->getCensusDateTimestamp();

            // Get the human-readable description
            $termDesc = $term->getDescription();

            // Double check that we have a valid census timestamp. Try to avoid sending emails with the date set to December 31, 1969
            if($censusTimestamp === 0 || $censusTimestamp === '' || $censusTimestamp === null || !isset($censusTimestamp) || empty($censusTimestamp)){
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Census timestamp is 0, null, empty, or not set for $termDesc.");

            // Calculate timestamps for 1 week and 4 weeks into the future
            $oneWeekOut = strtotime('+1 week');
            $fourWeeksOut = strtotime('+4 weeks');

            if($oneWeekOut > $censusTimestamp){
                // We're within one week of census
                $withinOneWeek = true;
                echo "Within one week of $termDesc\n\n";
            }else if ($fourWeeksOut > $censusTimestamp){
                // We're more than one week, but less than 4 weeks from census
                $withinOneWeek = false;
                echo "Within four weeks of $termDesc\n\n";
                // If we're not within four weeks, then we can skip this term completely
                echo "Not within range of $termDesc\n\n";

            // Loop over each pending internship in this term
            foreach ($pendingInternships as $i) {

                // If there is a faculty member, email them.. There may not always be one.
                $faculty = $i->getFaculty();
                $currState = WorkflowStateFactory::getState($i->getStateName());
                        $email = new \Intern\Email\EnrollmentReminderEmail($emailSettings, $i, $term, $censusTimestamp, $faculty->getUsername(), 'FacultyReminderEmail1Week.tpl');

                        $ch = new ChangeHistory($i, null, time(), $currState, $currState, 'Faculty 1-Week Census Date Reminder Sent');
                        $email = new \Intern\Email\EnrollmentReminderEmail($emailSettings, $i, $term, $censusTimestamp, $faculty->getUsername(), 'FacultyReminderEmail4Weeks.tpl');

                        $ch = new ChangeHistory($i, null, time(), $currState, $currState, 'Faculty Census Date Reminder Sent');


                // Email the student
                    $email = new \Intern\Email\EnrollmentReminderEmail($emailSettings, $i, $term, $censusTimestamp, $i->getEmailAddress(), 'StudentReminderEmail1Week.tpl');

                    $ch = new ChangeHistory($i, null, time(), $currState, $currState, 'Student 1-Week Census Date Reminder Sent');
                    $email = new \Intern\Email\EnrollmentReminderEmail($emailSettings, $i, $term, $censusTimestamp, $i->getEmailAddress(), 'StudentReminderEmail4Weeks.tpl');

                    $ch = new ChangeHistory($i, null, time(), $currState, $currState, 'Student Census Date Reminder Sent');

    public static function cliExec(){
        require_once(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'inc/intern_defines.php');

        \PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Users.php');
        \PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Current_User.php');

        $userId = \PHPWS_DB::getOne("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'mcnaneym'");

        $user = new \PHPWS_User($userId);

        // Auth for production
        $user->auth_script = 'shibbolethnocreate.php';
        $user->auth_name = 'shibbolethnocreate';

        // Auth for local testing. Uncomment for local testing.
        //$user->auth_script = 'local.php';
        //$user->auth_name = 'local';


        $_SESSION['User'] = $user;

        $obj = new SendPendingEnrollmentReminders();