* This file is part of Internship Inventory.
* Internship Inventory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Internship Inventory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
* along with Internship Inventory. If not, see <>.
* Copyright 2011-2018 Appalachian State University
namespace Intern;
require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/intern/vendor/autoload.php';
* InternshipContractPdfView
* View class for generating a PDF of an internship.
* @author jbooker
* @package Intern
class InternshipContractPdfView {
private $internship;
private $emergencyContacts;
private $term;
private $pdf;
* Creates a new InternshipContractPdfView
* @param Internship $i
* @param Array<EmergencyContact> $emergencyContacts
* @param Term $term
public function __construct(Internship $i, Array $emergencyContacts, Term $term)
$this->internship = $i;
$this->emergencyContacts = $emergencyContacts;
$this->term = $term;
* Returns the FPDI (FPDF) object which was generated by this view.
* @return FPDI
public function getPdf()
return $this->pdf;
* Does the hard work of generating a PDF.
private function generatePdf()
$this->pdf = new \setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi('P', 'mm', 'Letter');
$h = $this->internship->getHost();
$s = $this->internship->getSupervisor();
$d = $this->internship->getDepartment();
$f = $this->internship->getFaculty();
//$subject = $this->internship->getSubject();
$this->pdf->setSourceFile(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/intern/pdf/Acknowledgment_Updated_202120.pdf');
$tplidx = $this->pdf->importPage(1);
$this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 10);
$this->pdf->setAutoPageBreak(true, 0);
* Internship information *
/* Department */
$this->pdf->setXY(138, 41);
$this->pdf->multiCell(60, 3, $d->getName());
/* Course title */
$this->pdf->setXY(138, 53);
$this->pdf->cell(73, 6, $this->internship->getCourseTitle());
/* Location center aligned*/
$this->pdf->setXY(85, 69);
$this->pdf->cell(24, 5, 'X', 0, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->setXY(168, 69);
$this->pdf->cell(24, 5, 'X', 0, 0, 'C');
* Student information.
$this->pdf->setXY(40, 84);
$this->pdf->cell(55, 5, $this->internship->getFullName());
$this->pdf->setXY(155, 84);
$this->pdf->cell(42, 5, $this->internship->getBannerId());
$this->pdf->setXY(40, 91);
$this->pdf->cell(54, 5, $this->internship->getEmailAddress() . '');
$this->pdf->setXY(127, 91);
$this->pdf->cell(54, 5, $this->internship->getPhoneNumber());
/* Hours */
$this->pdf->setXY(190, 97);
$this->pdf->cell(12, 5, $this->internship->getCreditHours());
// Hours per week
$this->pdf->setXY(147, 97);
$this->pdf->cell(12, 5, $this->internship->getAvgHoursPerWeek());
/* Term */
$this->pdf->setXY(22, 103);
$this->pdf->cell(27, 6, $this->term->getDescription());
/* Dates for begining and end of term center aligned*/
$this->pdf->setXY(109, 103);
$this->pdf->cell(30, 5, $this->term->getStartDateFormatted(), 0, 0, 'C');
$this->pdf->setXY(175, 103);
$this->pdf->cell(30, 5, $this->term->getEndDateFormatted(), 0, 0, 'C');
* Faculty supervisor information.
$this->pdf->setXY(28, 120);
$this->pdf->cell(81, 5, $f->getFullName());
$address1 = $f->getStreetAddress1();
$address2 = $f->getStreetAddress2();
$city = $f->getCity();
$state = $f->getState();
$zip = $f->getZip();
$fullAddress = $address1 . " " . $address2 . ", " . $city . ", " . $state . " " . $zip;
if(strlen($fullAddress) < 51){
// If it's short enough, just write it
$this->pdf->setXY(31, 127);
$this->pdf->cell(81, 5, $fullAddress);
//break the string at a word before 50 chars
$addr = wordwrap($fullAddress, 50);
$addrFac1 = substr($addr, 0, strpos($addr, "\n"));
$addrFac2 = substr($addr, strpos($addr, "\n"));
$this->pdf->setXY(31, 127);
$this->pdf->cell(81, 5, $addrFac1);
$this->pdf->setXY(15, 134);
$this->pdf->cell(81, 5, $addrFac2);
$this->pdf->setXY(29, 141);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $f->getPhone());
$this->pdf->setXY(25, 148);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $f->getFax());
$this->pdf->setXY(28, 155);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $f->getUsername() . '');
* Host information.
$this->pdf->setXY(139, 117);
$this->pdf->cell(71, 6, $h->getMainName());
$this->pdf->setXY(113, 125);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 0, $h->getSubName());
$host_address = $h->getStreetAddress();
if(strlen($host_address) < 51){
// If it's short enough, just write it
$this->pdf->setXY(127, 128);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $host_address);
//break the string at a word before 50 chars
$addr = wordwrap($host_address, 50);
$addr1 = substr($addr, 0, strpos($addr, "\n"));
$addr2 = substr($addr, strpos($addr, "\n"));
$this->pdf->setXY(127, 128);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $addr1);
$this->pdf->setXY(112, 133);
$this->pdf->cell(77, 5, $addr2);
$this->pdf->setXY(137, 174);
$this->pdf->cell(77,0, $this->internship->getRemoteState());
* Supervisor info.
$this->pdf->setXY(113, 144);
$super = "";
$superName = $s->getSupervisorFullName();
if(isset($superName) && !empty($superName) && $superName != ''){
//test('ohh hai',1);
$super .= $s->getSupervisorFullName();
$supervisorTitle = $s->getSupervisorTitle();
if(isset($s->supervisor_title) && !empty($s->supervisor_title)){
$super .= ', ' . $supervisorTitle;
$this->pdf->cell(75, 5, $super);
$super_address = $s->getSuperAddress();
if(strlen($super_address) < 65){
// If it's short enough, just write it
$this->pdf->setXY(113, 149);
$this->pdf->cell(78, 5, $super_address);
// Too long, need to use two lines, breaks string at whole word around 55 chars
$addrSup = wordwrap($super_address, 55);
$superLine1 = substr($addrSup, 0, strpos($addrSup, "\n"));
$superLine2 = substr($addrSup, strpos($addrSup, "\n"));
$this->pdf->setXY(113, 149);
$this->pdf->cell(78, 5, $superLine1);
$this->pdf->setXY(113, 155);
$this->pdf->cell(78, 5, $superLine2);
$this->pdf->setXY(125, 166);
$this->pdf->cell(72, 5, $s->getSupervisorEmail());
$this->pdf->setXY(125, 160);
$this->pdf->cell(33, 5, $s->getSupervisorPhoneNumber());
$this->pdf->setXY(166, 160);
$this->pdf->cell(40, 5, $s->getSupervisorFaxNumber());
* Page 2 *
$tplidx = $this->pdf->importPage(2);
/* Emergency Contact Info */
if(sizeof($this->emergencyContacts) > 0){
$firstContact = $this->emergencyContacts[0];
$this->pdf->setXY(59, 273);
$this->pdf->cell(52, 0, $firstContact->getName());
$this->pdf->setXY(134, 273);
$this->pdf->cell(52, 0, $firstContact->getRelation());
$this->pdf->setXY(172, 273);
$this->pdf->cell(52, 0, $firstContact->getPhone());