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7 hrs
Test Coverage
 * This file is part of Internship Inventory.
 * Internship Inventory is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

 * Internship Inventory is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
 * along with Internship Inventory.  If not, see <>.
 * Copyright 2011-2018 Appalachian State University

namespace Intern;
use \intern\Command\DocumentRest;

 * This class holds the form for adding/editing an internship.
class InternshipView {

    public static $requiredFields = array('department');

    private $intern;
    private $student;
    private $wfState;
    private $host;
    private $supervisor;
    private $term;
    private $studentExistingCreditHours;

    public function __construct(Internship $internship, Student $student = null, WorkflowState $wfState, SubHost $host, Supervisor $supervisor, Term $term, $studentExistingCreditHours) {
        $this->intern = $internship;
        $this->student = $student;
        $this->wfState = $wfState;
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->supervisor = $supervisor;
        $this->term = $term;
        $this->studentExistingCreditHours = $studentExistingCreditHours;

    public function display() {
        $tpl = array();

        // Setup the form
        $internshipForm = new EditInternshipFormView($this->intern, $this->student, $this->host, $this->supervisor, $this->term, $this->studentExistingCreditHours);

        // Get the Form object
        $form = $internshipForm->getForm();

         * If 'missing' is set then we have been redirected
         * back to the form because the user didn't type in something and
         * somehow got past the javascript.
        if (isset($_REQUEST['missing'])) {
            $missing = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['missing']);

             * Set classes on field we are missing.
            foreach ($missing as $m) {
                //$form->addCssClass($m, 'has-error');
                $form->addExtraTag($m, 'data-has-error="true"');

            /* Plug old values back into form fields. */

            /* Re-add hidden fields with object ID's */
            $form->addHidden('id', $this->intern->id);

        $tpl['vendor_bundle'] = AssetResolver::resolveJsPath('assets.json', 'vendor');
        $tpl['emergency_entry_bundle'] = AssetResolver::resolveJsPath('assets.json', 'emergencyContact');
        $tpl['contract_entry_bundle'] = AssetResolver::resolveJsPath('assets.json', 'contractAffiliation');
        $tpl['documents_entry_bundle'] = AssetResolver::resolveJsPath('assets.json', 'otherDocuments');
        $tpl['location_entry_bundle'] = AssetResolver::resolveJsPath('assets.json', 'location');


        return \PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'intern', 'internshipView.tpl');

    private function showWarnings() {

        // Get state of documents or affiliation
        $conAffil = DocumentRest::contractAffilationSelected($this->intern->getId());
        // Show warning if no documents uploaded or affiliation agreement selected but workflow state suggests there should be
        if(($this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\SigAuthReadyState || $this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\SigAuthApprovedState || $this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\DeanApprovedState || $this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\RegisteredState) && ($conAffil['value'] == 'No') && (!$this->intern->isSecondaryPart())) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "No contract has been uploaded or affiliation agreement selected. Usually a copy of the signed contract should be uploaded or an affiliation agreement selected.");

        $message = SubHostFactory::getMessage($this->intern->getSubId());
        // Show a warning host or sub host has a condition of warning status
        if ($message && !$this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\DeniedState) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "{$message['user_message']} {$message['email']}");

        // Show a error message if in Denied State
        if ($this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\DeniedState) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::ERROR, "{$message['user_message']} {$message['email']}");

        // Show a warning if in SigAuthReadyState, is international, and not OIED approved
        if ($this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\SigAuthReadyState && $this->intern->isInternational() && !$this->intern->isOiedCertified()) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This internship can not be approved by the Signature Authority bearer until the internship is certified by the Office of International Education and Development.');

        // Show a warning if in SigAuthReadyState and host not approved
        $hostStatus = SubHostFactory:: getMainHostById($this->intern->getHostId());
        if ($this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\SigAuthReadyState && $hostStatus['host_approve_flag'] == 2) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This internship can not be approved by the Signature Authority bearer until the internship host has been approved.');

        // Show a warning if in DeanApproved state and is distance_ed campus
        if ($this->wfState instanceof WorkflowState\DeanApprovedState && $this->intern->isDistanceEd()) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This internship must be registered by Distance Education.');

        // Show warning & sanity check cource section #
        if ($this->intern->isDistanceEd() && ($this->intern->getCourseSection() < 300 || $this->intern->getCourseSection() > 399)) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "This is a distance ed internship, so the course section number should be between 300 and 399.");

        // Show warning & Sanity check distance ed radio
        if (!$this->intern->isDistanceEd() && ($this->intern->getCourseSection() > 300 && $this->intern->getCourseSection() < 400)) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "The course section number you entered looks like a distance ed course. Be sure to check the Distance Ed option, or double check the section number.");

        // Show a warning if the student's type is invalid in the student data (from Banner)
        if($this->student instanceof Student && $this->student->getLevel() == null){
            \NQ::simple('intern', \Intern\UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "This student's 'level' is not set in Banner. This could mean this student is not currently enrolled.");

        // Show a warning if the start date selected is outside of the term start date
        if($this->intern->start_date != 0 && ($this->intern->start_date < $this->term->getStartTimestamp() || $this->intern->start_date > $this->term->getEndTimestamp())){
          \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "The start date you selected is outside the dates of the term. If correct, fill out the <a target='_blank' href=\"https:\/\/\">Meeting Dates Exception Form</a>.");

        // Show a warning if the ending date selected is outside of the term end date
        if($this->intern->end_date != 0 && ($this->intern->end_date > $this->term->getEndTimestamp() || $this->intern->end_date < $this->term->getStartTimestamp())){
          \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "The end date you selected is outside the dates of the term. If correct, fill out the <a target='_blank' href=\"https:\/\/\">Meeting Dates Exception Form</a>.");

    private function showStudentWarnings()
        // Check if we have a student object. If we don't, then bail immediately.

        // Show warning if the student's level does not exist
        $level = $this->intern->getLevel();
        $code = LevelFactory::getLevelObjectById($level);
        if($code->getLevel() == 'Unknown')
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "This student's level of {$code->getCode()} did not exist. It was created and set to Unknown. Please ask an administrator for help.");

        // Show warning if the student's current level is different from the level listed in banner
        if($this->student->getLevel() !== null){
            $currentLevel = $this->student->getLevel();
            $currentC = LevelFactory::getLevelObjectById($currentLevel);
            if($level != $currentLevel){
                \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "The students current level is {$currentC->getDesc()} and is different from the internships level listed.");

        // Show warning if graduation date is prior to start date
        $gradDate = $this->student->getGradDate();
        if(isset($gradDate) && $gradDate < $this->intern->getStartDate())
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This student\'s graduation date is prior to the internship\'s start date.');

        // Show warning if graduation date is prior to end date
        if(isset($gradDate) && $gradDate < $this->intern->getEndDate())
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This student\'s graduation date is prior to the internship\'s completion date.');

        // Show warning if student is enrolled for more than the credit hour limit for the term
        $internHours = $this->intern->getCreditHours();
         * Diabled until proper fix.
        if(isset($internHours) && $this->student->isCreditHourLimited($internHours, $this->studentExistingCreditHours, $this->term)) {
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, 'This internship will cause the student to exceed the semester credit hour limit. This student will need an Overload Permit from their Dean\'s Office.');

        // Show warning if GPA is below the minimum
        if($this->student->getGpa() < Internship::GPA_MINIMUM) {
            $minGpa = sprintf('%.2f', Internship::GPA_MINIMUM);
            \NQ::simple('intern', UI\NotifyUI::WARNING, "This student's current GPA of {$this->student->getGpa()} is less than the required minimum of {$minGpa}.");