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Function getFacultyMember has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function getFacultyMember($facultyId){
        if($facultyId === null || $facultyId == ''){
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing student ID.');

Severity: Minor
Found in class/DataProvider/Student/WebServiceDataProvider.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function getColumnInfo has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function getColumnInfo($col_name, $parsed = false)
        if (!isset($this->_columnInfo)) {
Severity: Minor
Found in class/SubselectDatabase.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function addGroupBy has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function addGroupBy($group_by)
        if (PHPWS_DB::allowed($group_by)) {
            if (!strpos($group_by, '.')) {
                //$group_by = $this->tables[0] . '.' . $group_by;
Severity: Minor
Found in class/SubselectDatabase.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function dropTable has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public static function dropTable($table, $check_existence = true, $sequence_table = true)

        // was using IF EXISTS but not cross compatible
Severity: Minor
Found in class/SubselectDatabase.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function saveObject has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public static function saveObject(DbStorable $o) {
        $vars = $o->extractVars();
        $tableName = $o::getTableName();

        // Check if the key already exists
Severity: Minor
Found in class/DatabaseStorage.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function getTable has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function getTable($format = true)
        if (empty($this->tables) && empty($this->table_as)) {
            return PHPWS_Error::get(PHPWS_DB_ERROR_TABLE, 'core', 'PHPWS_DB::getTable');
Severity: Minor
Found in class/SubselectDatabase.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function dsn_array has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

function dsn_array()
    static $dsn_array = null;

    if (!empty($dsn_array)) {
Severity: Minor
Found in contrib/createFakeStudents.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function middle_name has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

function middle_name($first_name)
    if (mt_rand(1, 100) == 1) {
        return 'Danger';
    } else {
Severity: Minor
Found in contrib/createFakeStudents.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function loadObject has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function loadObject($object, $require_where = true)
        if (!is_object($object)) {
            return PHPWS_Error::get(PHPWS_DB_NOT_OBJECT, 'core', 'PHPWS_DB::loadObject');
Severity: Minor
Found in class/SubselectDatabase.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Function show has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    public function show()
        $this->form->addTplTag('WORKFLOW_STATE', $this->state->getFriendlyName());

        $transitions = $this->state->getTransitions($this->internship);
Severity: Minor
Found in class/WorkflowTransitionView.php - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

The function includePhpwsConfigFile() contains an exit expression.

        exit("Configuration file not found: $filePath\n");
Severity: Minor
Found in cli.php by phpmd


Since: 0.2

An exit-expression within regular code is untestable and therefore it should be avoided. Consider to move the exit-expression into some kind of startup script where an error/exception code is returned to the calling environment.


class Foo {
    public function bar($param)  {
        if ($param === 42) {


Avoid using static access to class 'Intern\PdoFactory' in method 'save'.

        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
Severity: Minor
Found in class/AffiliationAgreementFactory.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


The method __construct uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.

            } else {
                $this->username = $phpwsUser->getUsername();
Severity: Minor
Found in class/ChangeHistory.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

An if expression with an else branch is basically not necessary. You can rewrite the conditions in a way that the else clause is not necessary and the code becomes simpler to read. To achieve this, use early return statements, though you may need to split the code it several smaller methods. For very simple assignments you could also use the ternary operations.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($flag) {
            // one branch
        } else {
            // another branch


Avoid using static access to class '\NQ' in method 'execute'.

            \NQ::simple('intern', \Intern\UI\NotifyUI::ERROR, 'You do not have permission to create new internships.');
Severity: Minor
Found in class/Command/AddInternship.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class '\NQ' in method 'execute'.

        \NQ::simple('intern', \Intern\UI\NotifyUI::SUCCESS, "Created internship for {$intern->getFullName()}");
Severity: Minor
Found in class/Command/AddInternship.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class 'Users_Permission' in method 'intern_update'.

            Users_Permission::registerPermissions('intern', $content);
Severity: Minor
Found in boost/update.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class '\PHPWS_Error' in method 'getChangesForInternship'.

Severity: Minor
Found in class/ChangeHistoryFactory.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class '\Intern\DepartmentFactory' in method 'execute'.

        $department = DepartmentFactory::getDepartmentById($departmentId);
Severity: Minor
Found in class/Command/AddInternship.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


Avoid using static access to class '\PHPWS_Core' in method 'execute'.

        return \PHPWS_Core::reroute('index.php?module=intern&action=ShowInternship&internship_id=' . $intern->getId());
Severity: Minor
Found in class/Command/AddInternship.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

Static access causes unexchangeable dependencies to other classes and leads to hard to test code. Avoid using static access at all costs and instead inject dependencies through the constructor. The only case when static access is acceptable is when used for factory methods.


class Foo
    public function bar()


The method allowed uses an else expression. Else clauses are basically not necessary and you can simplify the code by not using them.

            return false;
Severity: Minor
Found in class/Admin.php by phpmd


Since: 1.4.0

An if expression with an else branch is basically not necessary. You can rewrite the conditions in a way that the else clause is not necessary and the code becomes simpler to read. To achieve this, use early return statements, though you may need to split the code it several smaller methods. For very simple assignments you could also use the ternary operations.


class Foo
    public function bar($flag)
        if ($flag) {
            // one branch
        } else {
            // another branch

