# Homestead
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## On-campus Housing Management
Homestead is a web-application for managing on-campus student housing.
## Development Setup
* Install [phpwebsite]( using postgresql
* Clone this repo into the `phpwebsite/mod` into an `hms` directory: `git clone hms`
* Install the HMS module from the phpwebsite control panel
* Copy `mod/hms/inc/hms_defines.php` and `mod/hms/inc/SOAPDataOverride.php` to `phpwebsite/inc/`
* In the `phpwebsite/inc/hms_defines.php` file you just copied, change the following values to `true`:
* `HMS_DEBUG` (causes uncaught exceptions to be echoed to the browser, instead of caught, logged, and emailed)
* `SOAP_INFO_TEST_FLAG` (forces use of hard-coded student info in `TestSOAP.php`)
* `EMAIL_TEST_FLAG` (causes emails to be logged to `phpwebsite/log/email.log`)
* Install [Composer](
* Install dependencies with Composer -- from inside the `hms` directory: `./composer.phar install`
* Install [Node.js]( (includes npm) (Something like `sudo yum install npm` should work)
* ~~Bower~~
* ~~Use npm to install [Bower]( `sudo npm install -g bower`~~
* ~~Use Bower to install dependencies -- from inside the `hms` directory: `bower install`~~
* Bower is deprecated. Use Yarn instead.
* Setup the Postgresql [Fuzzy String Matching Extensions](
* `sudo yum install postgresql-contrib`
* From the psql command line on the Homestead database: `create extension FUZZYSTRMATCH;`