namespace Homestead;
class ActivityLogPager extends View {
private $actee;
private $actor;
private $notes;
private $exact;
private $begin;
private $end;
private $activities;
private $static;
private $limit;
private $pager;
public function __construct($actee = NULL, $actor = NULL, $notes = NULL, $exact = false, $begin = NULL, $end = NULL, Array $activites = NULL, $static = false, $limit = 10)
$this->actee = $actee;
$this->actor = $actor;
$this->notes = $notes;
$this->exact = $exact;
$this->begin = $begin;
$this->end = $end;
$this->activities = $activites;
$this->static = $static;
$this->limit = $limit;
$this->pager = new \DBPager('hms_activity_log','\Homestead\HMS_Activity_Log');
* Shows the DBPager for the Activity Log, along with options for limiting what
* is shown. If no limits are provided, the log will not be very useful.
* The static variable lets you switch between a static view of the pager
* (unsortable with unchangeable limits) that has a link to the main
* activity log, or the regular dynamic log.
public function show()
$pct = ($this->exact == TRUE) ? '' : '%';
if(!empty($this->actor) && !empty($this->actee) && $this->actor == $this->actee){
// Both actor and actee were specified, and they match so use an 'OR'
// to effectively show all entries for the username specified
$this->pager->db->addWhere('actor', "$pct$this->actor$pct", 'ILIKE', 'OR', 'actor_actee_group');
$this->pager->db->addWhere('user_id', "$pct$this->actee$pct", 'ILIKE', 'OR', 'actor_actee_group');
$this->pager->db->setGroupConj('actor_actee_group', 'AND');
}else if(!empty($this->actor) && !empty($this->actee)){
// Both actor and actee were specified, but they don't match so use an 'AND'
// to get just the specific situation we're looking for
$this->pager->db->addWhere('actor', "$pct$this->actor$pct", 'ILIKE', 'AND', 'actor_actee_group');
$this->pager->db->addWhere('user_id', "$pct$this->actee$pct", 'ILIKE', 'AND', 'actor_actee_group');
$this->pager->db->setGroupConj('actor_actee_group', 'AND');
}else if(!empty($this->actor)){
$this->pager->db->addWhere('actor', "$pct$this->actor$pct", 'ILIKE');
}else if(!empty($this->actee)){
$this->pager->db->addWhere('user_id', "$pct$this->actee$pct", 'ILIKE');
$this->pager->db->addWhere('notes', "%$this->notes%", 'ILIKE');
if($this->begin != $this->end && $this->begin < $this->end) {
$this->pager->db->addWhere('timestamp', $this->begin, '>');
$this->pager->db->addWhere('timestamp', $this->end, '<');
if(!is_null($this->activities) && !empty($this->activities))
$this->pager->db->addWhere('activity', $this->activities, 'IN');
$this->pager->setEmptyMessage('No log entries found under the limits provided.');
$this->pager->setOrder('timestamp', 'desc', TRUE);
} else {
return $this->pager->get();