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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\PermissionException;

 * View for showing the Assign Student interface.
 * @author jbooker
 * @package hms
class AssignStudentView extends View {

    private $student;
    private $bed;
    private $application;

     * @param Student $student
     * @param Bed $bed
     * @param HousingApplication $application
    public function __construct(Student $student = null, Bed $bed = null, HousingApplication $application = null){

        $this->student     = $student;
        $this->bed         = $bed;
        $this->application = $application;

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see View::show()
    public function show()

        if (!UserStatus::isAdmin() || !\Current_User::allow('hms', 'assignment_maintenance')) {
            throw new PermissionException('You do not have permission to unassign students.');


        $tpl = array();
        $tpl['TERM'] = Term::getPrintableSelectedTerm();

        $form = new \PHPWS_Form();

        $assignCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('AssignStudent');

        $form->addHidden('term', Term::getSelectedTerm());

        $form->setLabel('username', 'ASU Username: ');
        if (isset($this->student)) {
            $form->setValue('username', $this->student->getUsername());
        $form->addCssClass('username', 'form-control');
        $form->setExtra('username', 'autofocus');

        // Check to see if a bed_id was passed in, this means
        // the user clicked an 'unassigned' link. We need to pre-populate
        // the drop downs.

        if (isset($this->bed)) {
            $pre_populate = true;

            $room = $this->bed->get_parent();
            $floor = $room->get_parent();
            $hall = $floor->get_parent();
        } else {
            $pre_populate = false;

        $hallList = ResidenceHall::getHallsWithVacanciesArray(Term::getSelectedTerm());

        $form->addDropBox('residence_hall', $hallList);

        if ($pre_populate) {
            $form->setMatch('residence_hall', $hall->id);
        } else {
            $form->setMatch('residence_hall', 0);
        $form->setLabel('residence_hall', 'Residence hall: ');
        $form->addCssClass('residence_hall', 'form-control');

        if ($pre_populate) {
            $form->addDropBox('floor', $hall->get_floors_array());
            $form->setMatch('floor', $floor->id);
        } else {
            $form->addDropBox('floor', array(0 => ''));
        $form->setLabel('floor', 'Floor: ');
        $form->addCssClass('floor', 'form-control');

        if ($pre_populate) {
            $form->addDropBox('room', $floor->get_rooms_array());
            $form->setMatch('room', $room->id);
        } else {
            $form->addDropBox('room', array(0 => ''));
        $form->setLabel('room', 'Room: ');
        $form->addCssClass('room', 'form-control');

        if ($pre_populate) {
            $form->addDropBox('bed', $room->get_beds_array());
            $form->setMatch('bed', $this->bed->id);
            $show_bed_drop = true;
        } else {
            $form->addDropBox('bed', array(0 => ''));
            $show_bed_drop = false;
        $form->setLabel('bed', 'Bed: ');
        $form->addCssClass('bed', 'form-control');

        if ($show_bed_drop) {
            $tpl['BED_STYLE'] = '';
            $tpl['LINK_STYLE'] = 'display: none';
        } else {
            $tpl['BED_STYLE'] = 'display: none';
            $tpl['LINK_STYLE'] = '';

        // "Assignment Type", see defines.php for declarations
        $form->addDropBox('assignment_type', array(
                -1                           => 'Choose assignment type...',
                ASSIGN_ADMIN                 => 'Administrative',
                ASSIGN_APPEALS               => 'Appeals',
                ASSIGN_LOTTERY                 => 'Lottery',
                ASSIGN_FR                    => 'Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_TRANSFER              => 'Transfer',
                ASSIGN_APH                   => 'APH',
                ASSIGN_RLC_FRESHMEN          => 'RLC Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_RLC_TRANSFER          => 'RLC Transfer',
                ASSIGN_RLC_CONTINUING        => 'RLC Continuing',
                ASSIGN_HONORS_FRESHMEN       => 'Honors Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_HONORS_CONTINUING     => 'Honors Continuing',
                ASSIGN_LLC_FRESHMEN          => 'LLC Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_LLC_CONTINUING        => 'LLC Continuing',
                ASSIGN_INTL                  => 'International',
                ASSIGN_RA                    => 'RA',
                ASSIGN_RA_ROOMMATE           => 'RA Roommate',
                ASSIGN_ATHLETIC_FRESHMEN     => 'Athletics Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_ATHLETIC_RETURNING    => 'Athletics Returning',
                ASSIGN_MEDICAL_FRESHMEN      => 'Medical Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_MEDICAL_CONTINUING    => 'Medical Continuing',
                //ASSIGN_MEDICAL               => 'Medical',
                ASSIGN_SPECIAL_FRESHMEN      => 'Special Needs Freshmen',
                ASSIGN_SEPCIAL_CONTINUING    => 'Special Needs Continuing',
                //ASSIGN_SPECIAL               => 'Special Needs',
                ASSIGN_RHA                   => 'RHA/NRHH',
                ASSIGN_SCHOLARS              => 'Diversity &amp; Plemmons Scholars'

        $form->setMatch('assignment_type', -1);
        $form->setLabel('assignment_type', 'Assignment Type: ');
        $form->addCssClass('assignment_type', 'form-control');

        if ($pre_populate) {
            $form->addHidden('use_bed', 'true');
        } else {
            $form->addHidden('use_bed', 'false');

        $form->setLabel('note', 'Note: ');
        $form->addCssClass('note', 'form-control');

        $tpl = $form->getTemplate();

        \Layout::addPageTitle("Assign Student");

        return \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'admin/assignStudent.tpl');