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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\DatabaseException;
use \PHPWS_Error;
use \PHPWS_DB;

 * AssignmentHistory.php
 * @author Adam D. Dixon
 * @package HMS

class AssignmentHistory extends HMS_Item {

    const dbTable = 'hms_assignment_history';

    public $id = null;
    public $banner_id;
    public $bed_id;
    public $assigned_on;
    public $assigned_by;
    public $assigned_reason;
    public $removed_on;
    public $removed_by;
    public $removed_reason;
    public $term;
    public $application_term;
    public $class;

     * returns the database initialized correctly
     * @param none
     * @return Database object
    public function getDb() {
        return new PHPWS_DB(self::dbTable);

     * returns the id of this object
     * @param none
     * @return int id of this object
    public function getID() {
        return $this->$id;

     * sets the banner id member inside this object
     * @param int $bannerID the banner ID of student
     * @return boolean flag to signal failure/success
    public function setBanner($bannerID=null) {
        if ( is_null($bannerID) )
            return false;

        $this->banner_id = $bannerID;
        return true;

     * Sets the bed id for this AssignmentHistory object.
     * @param Integer bed ID
    public function setBedId($bedId) {
        $this->bed_id = $bedId;

    public function getBedId(){
        return $this->bed_id;

     * Sets the term of this history object by passed or current if none
     * @param int $term The term to set in the object [optional]
     * @return none
    public function setTerm($term) {
        $this->term = $term;

    public function setApplicationTerm($term){
        $this->application_term = $term;

    public function setClass($class){
        $this->class = $class;

     * Helper function to ease the getting of a timestamp
     * @param none
     * @return none
    private function getTimestamp() {
        $date = new \DateTime();
        return $date->getTimestamp();

     * sets the assignment members inside this object
     * @param String $assign_reason A defined reason for assignment (see definitions)
     * @param String $assigned_by the user who assigned this history (defaults to current user)
     * @param int $assigned_on the timestamp (defaults to current time)
     * @return none
    public function setAssign($assign_reason=ASSIGN_NOREASON, $assigned_by=null, $assigned_on=null) {
        if ( is_null($assigned_on) ) // use current time
            $this->assigned_on = $this->getTimestamp();
            $this->assigned_on = $assigned_on;

        if ( is_null($assigned_by) ) // use current user
            $this->assigned_by = UserStatus::getUsername();
            $this->assigned_by = $assigned_by;

        $this->assigned_reason = $assign_reason;

     * sets the removal members inside this object
     * @param String $removed_reason A defined reason for removal (see definitions)
     * @param String $removed_by the user who assigned this history (defaults to current user)
     * @param int $removed_on the timestamp (defaults to current time)
     * @return none
    public function setRemove($removed_reason=UNASSIGN_NOREASON, $removed_by=null, $removed_on=null) {
        if ( is_null($removed_on) ) // use current time
            $this->removed_on = $this->getTimestamp();
            $this->removed_on = $removed_on;

        if ( is_null($removed_by) ) // use current user
            $this->removed_by = UserStatus::getUsername();
            $this->removed_by = $removed_by;

        $this->removed_reason = $removed_reason;

     * initialize the data for this object by means of passed AssignmentHistory id
     * @param int $id AssignmentHistory id to pull from database
     * @return boolean flag to signal failure/success
    public function init($id=null) {
        if ( is_null($id) )
            return false;

        // do a database call
        $db = $this->getDb();
        $db->addWhere('id', $id);
        $result = $db->loadObject($this);

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        return true;

     * static method to enable an AssignmentHistory to be pulled from the database
     * without instantiation of a class in advance
     * @param int $id AssignmentHistory id to pull from database
     * @return AssignmentHistory an AssignmentHistory object with data pertaining to passed id
    public static function getHistory($id) {
        if (is_null($id))
            return false;

        // do a database call
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_assignment_history');
        $db->addWhere('id', $id);

        // create an AssignmentHistory object with results
        $rObject = new AssignmentHistory;
        $result = $db->loadObject($rObject);

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        // return object
        return $rObject;

     * static method to enable an AssignmentHistory to be created by means of passing an
     * assignment and reason only
     * @param HMS_Assignment $assignment HMS_Assignment object from which to pull data
     * @param String $reason A defined reason for assignment if not wishing to use one in assignment (see definitions)
     * @return boolean true if success, false if failure
    public static function makeAssignmentHistory(HMS_Assignment $assignment, $reason=null) {
        if(is_null($assignment)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing HMS_Assignment object.');

            $reason = $assignment->reason;

        // check if an open-ended assignment exists for the term sent.  If so, unassign with reason "AUTO"
            AssignmentHistory::makeUnassignmentHistory($assignment, UNASSIGN_REASSIGN);

        $ah = new AssignmentHistory();
        $ah->setAssign($reason); // set all the assignment data

        return true;

     * static method to enable an UnassignmentHistory to be created by means of passing an
     * assignment and reason only
     * @param HMS_Assignment $assignment HMS_Assignment object from which to pull data
     * @param String $reason A defined reason for unassignment if not wishing to use one in assignment (see definitions)
     * @return boolean true if success, false if failure
    public static function makeUnassignmentHistory($assignment=null, $reason=UNASSIGN_NOREASON) {
        if ( is_null($assignment) )
            return false;

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_assignment_history');
        $db->addWhere('banner_id',     $assignment->banner_id);
        $db->addWhere('bed_id',     $assignment->bed_id);
        $db->addWhere('term',        $assignment->term);
        $db->addWhere('removed_on', 'NULL', 'IS');

        $tHistory = new AssignmentHistory();
        $result = $db->loadObject($tHistory); // to discover ID

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        $result = $tHistory->save();

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        return true;

    public static function historyExists($assignment) {
        if ( is_null($assignment) )
            return false;

        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_assignment_history');
        $db->addWhere('banner_id',     $assignment->banner_id);
        $db->addWhere('term',        $assignment->term);
        $db->addWhere('removed_on', 'NULL', 'IS');

        $result = $db->select();

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        if ( sizeof($result) == 0 ) {
            return false;

        return true;
