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namespace Homestead\Command;

use \Homestead\Term;

class AjaxGetUsernameSuggestionsCommand extends Command {

    private $db;
    private $searchString;
    private $tokens;
    private $hmsTerm;

    const tokenLimit        = 2;
    const fuzzyTolerance    = 3;
    const resultLimit       = 10;

    public function getRequestVars(){
        return array('action'=>'AjaxGetUsernameSuggestions');

    public function execute(CommandContext $context)

        $this->searchString = $context->get('studentSearchQuery'); // NB: this is the *search term*, not the semester

        $this->hmsTerm = Term::getCurrentTerm();

        // If the search string is empty, just return an empty json array
        if(!isset($this->searchString) || $this->searchString == ''){
            echo json_encode(array());

        // Strip any non-alphanumeric characters, escape slashes
        $this->searchString = pg_escape_string($this->searchString);

        // Check for a direct banner ID match
        if(preg_match("/^[0-9]{9}/", $this->searchString)) {
            // String is all-numeric, probably a Banner ID
            // If the seach string is exactly 9 digits, then try to find a match
            $sql = $this->getBannerIdSearchSql();
            // Do fancy string matching instead
            $sql = $this->getFuzzyTextSql();

        // TODO join for only assigned students / applied students in current/future terms

        // Add a limit on the number of results
        $sql .= " LIMIT " . self::resultLimit;


        $this->db = new \PHPWS_DB('hms_student_autocomplete');

        $results = \PHPWS_DB::getAll($sql);


            echo json_encode();

        // Log any DB errors and echo an empty result
            echo json_encode(array());

        $resultObjects = array();
        foreach($results as $row){
            $obj = new \stdClass();
            $obj->banner_id = $row['banner_id'];
            $obj->name      = $row['first_name'] . ' ' . $row['last_name'];
            $obj->username  = $row['username'];

            $resultObjects[] = $obj;

        $jsonResult = json_encode($resultObjects);

        echo $jsonResult;

        // NB: using setContent adds escape characters to quotes in the JSON string... WRONG.

    private function getBannerIdSearchSql()
        return "SELECT banner_id, username, first_name, last_name, middle_name FROM hms_student_autocomplete WHERE banner_id = {$this->searchString} AND (end_term >= {$this->hmsTerm} OR end_term IS NULL)";

    private function getFuzzyTextSql()
        // Initialize arrays for constructing db query
        $columnList  = array();
        $orderByList = array();
        $whereGroups = array();

        // Tokenize the passed in string
        $tokenCount = 0;
        $tokens = array();
        $token = strtok($this->searchString, "\n\t, "); // tokenize on newline, tab, comma, space

        while($token !== false && $tokenCount < self::tokenLimit){
            $tokens[] = trim(strtolower($token)); // NB: must be lowercase!
            // tokenize on newline, tab, comma, space
            // NB: Don't pass in the string to strtok after the first call above
            $token = strtok("\n\t, ");

        for($i = 0; $i < $tokenCount; $i++){
            // Add column for least value of (lev-distance between token and first name, lev-distance between token and last name)
            $columnList[] = "LEAST(levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', last_name_lower), levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', first_name_lower), levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', middle_name_lower), levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', username)) as t{$i}_lev";
            // Add column for least value of (lev-distance between token and metaphone of first name, lev distance between token and metaphone of last name)
            $columnList[] = "LEAST(levenshtein(metaphone('{$tokens[$i]}', 10), last_name_meta), levenshtein(metaphone('{$tokens[$i]}', 10), first_name_meta), levenshtein(metaphone('{$tokens[$i]}', 10), middle_name_meta)) as t{$i}_metalev";

            // Add WHERE clauses for those fields
            $whereGroups['lev_where'][] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_lev < 3";
            $whereGroups['metaphone_where'][] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_metalev < " . self::fuzzyTolerance;

            // Add to ORDER BY list
            $orderByList[] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_lev";
            $orderByList[] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_metalev";

        $subQuery = "SELECT *, " . implode(", ", $columnList) . " FROM hms_student_autocomplete";

        // TODO limit by term (only current and future terms)
        // TODO limit by assigned in current/future terms

        $sql = "SELECT banner_id, username, first_name, last_name, middle_name FROM ($subQuery) as fuzzy WHERE ((" . implode(' OR ', $whereGroups['lev_where']) . ") AND (" . implode(' OR ', $whereGroups['metaphone_where']) . ")) OR username ILIKE '%{$tokens[0]}%' ORDER BY " . implode(', ', $orderByList);

        return $sql;