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namespace Homestead\Command;

use \Homestead\UserStatus;
use \Homestead\CommandFactory;
use \Homestead\NotificationView;
use \Homestead\Term;
use \Homestead\MealPlan;
use \Homestead\MealPlanFactory;
use \Homestead\MealPlanProcessor;
use \Homestead\SOAP;
use \Homestead\StudentFactory;
use \Homestead\HMS_Activity_Log;
use \Homestead\HMS_Util;
use \Homestead\Exception\PermissionException;
use \Homestead\Exception\MealPlanExistsException;
use \Homestead\Exception\BannerException;

class ProcessMealPlanQueueCommand extends Command {

    public function getRequestVars()
        return array('action'=>'ProcessMealPlanQueue');

    public function execute(CommandContext $context)
        if(!UserStatus::isAdmin() || !\Current_User::allow('hms', 'banner_queue')){
            throw new PermissionException('You do not have permission to enable/disable the Banner queue.');

        $term = new Term(Term::getSelectedTerm());

        if(is_null($term) || $term === ''){
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing term.');

        $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowEditTerm');

        $queueStatus = $term->getMealPlanQueue();

        // Sanity check the queue status. If it's not enabled, then we can't do anything
        if($queueStatus != 1){
            \NQ::Simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'The Meal Plan Queue is not enabled, so we can\'t process it.');

        // Get the set of meal plans to be reported
        $mealPlans = MealPlanFactory::getMealPlansToBeReported($term->term);

        // If there isn't anything in the queue, then we can just turn it off
        if(count($mealPlans) < 1){

            \NQ::Simple('hms', NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'The Meal Plan Queue has been disabled.');

        // Get a SOAP instance for reuse while sending each meal plan
        $soapClient = SOAP::getInstance(UserStatus::getUsername(), SOAP::ADMIN_USER);

        $failures = array();

        // Process the queue of meal plans, one item at a time
        // Catch exceptions and continue the loop if anything fails
        foreach($mealPlans as $plan){
            try {
                MealPlanProcessor::processMealPlan($plan, $soapClient);
            }catch(MealPlanExistsException $e){
            }catch(BannerException $e){
                $failures[] = ($plan->getBannerId() . ' Banner Error: ' . $e->getCode());

            $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByBannerId($plan->getBannerId(), $term->term);

            // Log that the meal plan was sent to Banner
            HMS_Activity_Log::log_activity($student->getUsername(), ACTIVITY_MEAL_PLAN_SENT, UserStatus::getUsername(), 'Meal Plan sent to Banner: ' . HMS_Util::formatMealOption($plan->getPlanCode()));


            \NQ::Simple('hms', NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'Meal Plans were sent to Banner and the Meal Plan Queue has been disabled.');
        } else {
            \NQ::Simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'There were some errors while processing the meal plans. The queue could not be disabled.');
            \NQ::Simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, '<br />' . implode('<br />', $failures));
