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namespace Homestead\Command;

use \Homestead\UserStatus;
use \Homestead\CommandFactory;
use \Homestead\StudentFactory;
use \Homestead\HousingApplicationFactory;
use \Homestead\LotteryApplication;
use \Homestead\HMS_RLC_Application;
use \Homestead\NotificationView;

class SubmitRLCReapplicationPage2Command extends Command {

    private $vars;
    private $term;

    public function setTerm($term){
        $this->term = $term;

    public function getRequestVars()
        $reqVars = array();

        $reqVars['term'] = $this->term;
        $reqVars['action'] = 'SubmitRLCReapplicationPage2';
        return $reqVars;

    public function execute(CommandContext $context)

        $menuCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowStudentMenu');


        $reApp = $_SESSION['RLC_REAPP'];

        $term = $context->get('term');
        $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername(UserStatus::getUsername(), $term);

        $errorCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowRlcReapplicationPageTwo');

        // Double check the the student is eligible
        $housingApp = HousingApplicationFactory::getAppByStudent($student, $term);
        if(!$housingApp instanceof LotteryApplication){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'You are not eligible to re-apply for a Learning Community.');

        // Make sure the user doesn't already have an application on file for this term
        $app = HMS_RLC_Application::checkForApplication($student->getUsername(), $term);
        if($app !== FALSE){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::WARNING, 'You have already re-applied for a Learning Community for that term.');

        # Look up any existing RLC assignment (for the current term, should be the Spring term)
        //$rlcAssignment = HMS_RLC_Assignment::getAssignmentByUsername($student->getUsername(), Term::getPrevTerm(Term::getCurrentTerm()));

        $question0 = $context->get('rlc_question_0');
        $question1 = $context->get('rlc_question_1');
        $question2 = $context->get('rlc_question_2');

        $reApp->rlc_question_0 = $question0;
        $reApp->rlc_question_1 = $question1;
        $reApp->rlc_question_2 = $question2;

        $_SESSION['RLC_REAPP'] = $reApp;

        //$rlcChoice0 = $reApp->rlc_first_choice_id;
        $rlcChoice1 = $reApp->rlc_second_choice_id;
        $rlcChoice2 = $reApp->rlc_third_choice_id;

        if(isset($rlcChoice1) && (!isset($question1) || empty($question1))){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'Please respond to all of the short answer questions.');

        if(isset($rlcChoice2) && (!isset($question2) || empty($question2))){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'Please respond to all of the short answer questions.');

        // Check response lengths
        $wordLimit = 500;
        if(str_word_count($question0) > $wordLimit){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'Your answer to question number one is too long. Please limit your response to 500 words or less.');

        if(isset($rlcChoice2) && str_word_count($question1) > $wordLimit){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'Your answer to question number two is too long. Please limit your response to 500 words or less.');

        if(isset($rlcChoice3) && str_word_count($question2) > $wordLimit){
            \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::ERROR, 'Your answer to question number three is too long. Please limit your response to 500 words or less.');







        // Redirect back to the main menu
        \NQ::simple('hms', NotificationView::SUCCESS, 'Your Residential Learning Community Re-application was saved successfully.');