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namespace Homestead;

require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/hms/vendor/autoload.php';

 * View class for generating the Resident Information Card PDF.
 * @package Hms
 * @author Jeremy Booker
class InfoCardPdfView {

    private $pdf;

    private $damageTypes;

     * Constructor
     * @param FPDF $fpdf Reference to an FPDF object. This info card will be added as a new page to this PDF object.
     * @param InfoCard The info card model object to view
    public function __construct()
        $this->pdf = new \FPDF('L', 'mm', 'Letter');

        $this->damageTypes = DamageTypeFactory::getDamageTypeAssoc();

    public function getPdf()
        return $this->pdf;

     * Does the actual work of generating the PDF.
    public function addInfoCard(InfoCard $infoCard)
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', 'B', 20);

         * Top Row

        // Room Number & Hall Name
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 10);
        $this->pdf->cell(60, 5, $infoCard->getRoom()->getRoomNumber() . ' ' . $infoCard->getHall()->getHallName());

        // Name
        $name = $infoCard->getStudent()->getFullNameInverted();

        // Preferred Named
        $prefName = $infoCard->getStudent()->getPreferredName();
        if(!is_null($prefName) && $prefName != '' && $prefName != $infoCard->getStudent()->getFirstName()) {
            $name .= ' (' . $prefName . ')';

        $this->pdf->setXY(120, 10);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $name);

        // Banner ID
        $this->pdf->setXY(240, 10);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getStudent()->getBannerId());

         * Student Info
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 14);

        // Term
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 25);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, Term::toString($infoCard->getCheckin()->getTerm()));

        // Date of Birth
         * $dob[0] == year
         * $dob[1] == month
         * $dob[2] == day
        $dob = explode('-', $infoCard->getStudent()->getDOB());
        $this->pdf->setXY(90, 25);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Birthday: ' . $dob[1] . '/' . $dob[2] . '/' . $dob[0]);

        // Sex
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 14);
        $this->pdf->SetXY(146, 25);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getStudent()->getPrintableGender());

        // Classification
        $this->pdf->setXY(210, 25);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getStudent()->getPrintableClass());

        // Email
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 35);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getStudent()->getUsername() . '');

        // Cell phone
        $this->pdf->setXY(146, 35);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Cell: ' . $infoCard->getApplication()->getCellPhone());

         * Emergency Contact *

        // Background box
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 45);
        $this->pdf->setDrawColor(150, 150, 150);
        $this->pdf->cell(125, 25, ' ', 1, 0, 'L', 1);

        // Box header
        $this->pdf->setXY(11, 46);
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 16);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Emergency Contact');

        $this->pdf->setXY(11, 54);
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 14);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyContactName());

        $this->pdf->setXY(75, 54);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Relation: ' . $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyContactRelationship());

        $this->pdf->setXY(11, 62);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Phone: ' . $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyContactPhone());

        $this->pdf->setXY(75, 62);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyContactEmail());

         * Medical Stuff

        $medicalConditions = $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyMedicalCondition();

        if($medicalConditions != '') {

            // Bounding box
            $this->pdf->setXY(10, 75);
            $this->pdf->setDrawColor(150, 150, 150);
            $this->pdf->cell(260, 27, ' ', 1, 0, 'L', 1);

            // Label
            $this->pdf->setXY(10, 77);
            $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 16);
            $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Medical Conditions: ');

            // Text
            $this->pdf->setXY(10, 83);
            $this->pdf->setFont('Courier', 'B', 15);
            $this->pdf->write(6, $infoCard->getApplication()->getEmergencyMedicalCondition());
        } else {
            // Label
            $this->pdf->setXY(10, 77);
            $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 16);
            $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Medical Conditions: ');

            // Text
            $this->pdf->setXY(10, 83);
            $this->pdf->setFont('Courier', null, 10);
            $this->pdf->setTextColor(150, 150, 150);
            $this->pdf->write(6, '(No medical conditions listed.)');

        $this->pdf->setTextColor(0, 0, 0);

         * Damages & Check-in / Check-out

        // Horizontal Line
        $this->pdf->setDrawColor(0, 0, 0);
        $this->pdf->line(10, 95, 270, 95);

        // Verticle Line
        $this->pdf->line(145, 95, 145, 200);

         * Check-in Column *
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 16);
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 96);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Check-in');
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 14);

        // Check-in Date/time
        $this->pdf->setXY(40, 96);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, date('j M, Y @ g:ia', $infoCard->getCheckin()->getCheckinDate()));

        // Check-in By
        $this->pdf->setXY(95, 96);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'By: ' . $infoCard->getCheckin()->getCheckinBy());

         * Key Code *
        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 101);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Key Code:');

        $this->pdf->setXY(33, 101);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getCheckin()->getKeyCode());

         * Check-in Damages *

        $this->pdf->setXY(10, 105);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Existing Room Damages:');

        $damageList = $infoCard->getCheckinDamages();

        if ($damageList !== null && count($damageList) > 0) {
            // Turn the font size down
            $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 9);

            $xOffset = 10;
            $yOffset = 110; // Distance down the page, we'll increment this as we go

            foreach ($damageList as $dmg) {
                $this->pdf->setXY($xOffset, $yOffset);

                $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, '(' . $dmg->getSide() . ') ' . $this->damageTypes[$dmg->getDamageType()]['category'] . ' ' . $this->damageTypes[$dmg->getDamageType()]['description']);
                $yOffset += 5;

         * Check-out Column *
        // Check-out
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 16);
        $this->pdf->setXY(150, 96);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Check-out');
        $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 14);

        // If the checkout timestamp is set, show it as a nice date
        $checkoutTimestamp = $infoCard->getCheckin()->getCheckoutDate();
        if (!is_null($checkoutTimestamp)) {
            // Check-out Date/time
            $this->pdf->setXY(180, 96);
            $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, date('j M, Y @ g:ia', $checkoutTimestamp));

        // Check-out By
        $this->pdf->setXY(235, 96);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'By: ' . $infoCard->getCheckin()->getCheckoutBy());

        // Key code at check-out
        $this->pdf->setXY(150, 101);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Key Code:');

        $this->pdf->setXY(173, 101);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, $infoCard->getCheckin()->getCheckoutKeyCode()));

         * Check-out Damages *

        $this->pdf->setXY(150, 105);
        $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, 'Damages at Check-out:');

        $checkoutDamages = $infoCard->getCheckoutDamages();

        if ($checkoutDamages !== null && count($checkoutDamages) > 0) {
            // Turn the font size down
            $this->pdf->setFont('Times', null, 9);

            $xOffset = 150;
            $yOffset = 110; // Distance down the page, we'll increment this as we go

            foreach ($checkoutDamages as $dmg) {
                $this->pdf->setXY($xOffset, $yOffset);

                $this->pdf->cell(50, 5, '(' . $dmg->getSide() . ') ' . $this->damageTypes[$dmg->getDamageType()]['category'] . ' ' . $this->damageTypes[$dmg->getDamageType()]['description']);
                $yOffset += 5;