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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\PermissionException;

 * List Reports View
 * Shows a list of all the available reports and
 * the associated actions for each report. Complies the
 * list of menu items for each report by calling the ReportController's
 * getMenuItemView method.
 * @author Jeremy Booker <jbooker at tux dot appstate dot edu>
 * @package HMS
class ListReportsView extends View{

    private $reportControllers; // Array of ReportController objects

     * Constructor
     * @param Array $reportControllers The Array of report controller objets representing possible reports.
    public function __construct(Array $reportControllers){
        $this->reportControllers = $reportControllers;

     * Show method overridden from parent View class.
     * @return String $final HTML for this output
     * @throws PermissionException
    public function show()

        if(!\Current_User::allow('hms', 'reports')){
            throw new PermissionException('You do not have permission to run reports.');

        $tpl = array();
        $tpl['REPORTS'] = array();

        foreach($this->reportControllers as $rc) {
            $itemView = $rc->getMenuItemView();
            $tpl['REPORTS'][]['ITEM'] = $itemView->show();

        $final = \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'admin/display_reports.tpl');
        return $final;