namespace Homestead;
class LotteryChooseHallView extends View {
private $student;
private $term;
private $rlcAssignment;
public function __construct(Student $student, $term, HMS_RLC_Assignment $rlcAssignment = null)
$this->student = $student;
$this->term = $term;
$this->rlcAssignment = $rlcAssignment;
public function show()
$tpl = array();
$tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerm($this->term));
$halls = ResidenceHallFactory::getHallsForTerm($this->term);
// Check for an RLC Assignment, and that it's in the correct state
if($this->rlcAssignment != null && $this->rlcAssignment->getStateName() == 'selfselect-invite') {
$rlcId = $this->rlcAssignment->getRlc()->getId();
} else {
$rlcId = null;
// A watch variable, set to true when we find at least one hall that
// still has an available bed
$somethingsAvailable = false;
foreach($halls as $hall){
$row = array();
$row['HALL_NAME'] = $hall->hall_name;
$row['ROW_TEXT_COLOR'] = 'black';
# Make sure we have a room of the specified gender available in the hall (or a co-ed room)
if($hall->count_avail_lottery_rooms($this->student->getGender(), $rlcId) <= 0){
$row['ROW_TEXT_COLOR'] = ' class="text-muted"';
$tpl['hall_list'][] = $row;
} else {
$somethingsAvailable = true;
$chooseCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryChooseHall');
$row['HALL_NAME'] = $chooseCmd->getLink($hall->hall_name);
$tpl['hall_list'][] = $row;
$tpl['NOTHING_LEFT'] = '';
\Layout::addPageTitle("Choose Hall");
return \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/lottery_choose_hall.tpl');