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namespace Homestead;

use Homestead\Exception\MealPlanExistsException;

class MealPlanProcessor {

    public static function queueMealPlan(MealPlan $mealPlan, SOAP $soapClient)
        // Start by saving the meal plan in whatever status it already has (probably 'new')
        // This will add it to the hms_meal_plan table, with the 'new' status (unless status was set otherwise)

        // Get the term object for this meal plan
        $termObj = new Term($mealPlan->getTerm());

        // If the meal plan queue is enabled, then we're done here
        if($termObj->getMealPlanQueue() == 1){

        // If the queue was not enabled, then we're ready to send via the web Service
        try {
            self::processMealPlan($mealPlan, $soapClient);
        }catch (MealPlanExistsException $e){
            // Update the meal plan's status and timestamp

     * Processes a single Meal Plan by sending it over the Web Service interface.
     * @param MealPlan $mealPlan The Meal Plan object to process.
     * @param SOAP $soapClient A concrete instance of a sub-class of the SOAP class. See: SOAP::getInstance()
     * @return void
     * @throws SOAPException, BannerException
    public static function processMealPlan(MealPlan $mealPlan, SOAP $soapClient)
        // Use the SOAP Client to send the meal plan
        // If this fails, it'll throw an exception. We don't catch it here, so it
        // can be handeled by the calling method/interface.
        $soapClient->createMealPlan($mealPlan->getBannerId(), $mealPlan->getTerm(), $mealPlan->getPlanCode());

        // Update the meal plan's status and timestamp

     * Uses the MealPlanFactory to get all meal plans that have not yet been sent
     * for a given term and sends them.
     * @param string $term The term to send meal plans for.
     * @return Array An array of meal plans that failed to send. Each element is a sub-array with the mealplan object and exception object.
    public static function processMealPlansForTerm($term)
        $mealPlans = MealPlanFactory::getMealPlansToBeReported($term);

        $failedPlans = array();

        foreach($mealPlans as $mealPlan) {
            try {
            } catch(\Exception $e){
                // Add meal plan to the list of failed MealPlans
                $failedPlans[] = array('plan' => $mealPlan, 'exception' => $e);

        return $failedPlans;