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6 hrs
Test Coverage

namespace Homestead\Report\AssignedStudentData;

use \Homestead\Report;
use \Homestead\iCsvReport;
use \Homestead\Term;
use \Homestead\StudentFactory;
use \Homestead\CommandFactory;
use \Homestead\HMS_Util;
use \Homestead\Exception\StudentNotFoundException;

 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @license

class AssignedStudentData extends Report implements iCsvReport {

    const friendlyName = 'Assigned Student Data Export';
    const shortName = 'AssignedStudentData';

    private $term;
    private $rows;

    public function setTerm($term) {
        $this->term = $term;

    public function getTerm() {
        return $this->term;

    public function execute() {
        $db = new \PHPWS_DB('hms_assignment');

        $db->addWhere('hms_assignment.term', $this->term);

        $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_assignment', 'hms_bed', 'bed_id', 'id');
        $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_bed', 'hms_room', 'room_id', 'id');
        $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_room', 'hms_floor', 'floor_id', 'id');
        $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_floor', 'hms_residence_hall', 'residence_hall_id', 'id');

        $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_assignment', 'hms_new_application', 'banner_id', 'banner_id AND hms_assignment.term = hms_new_application.term');

        $term = Term::getTermSem($this->term);

        if ($term == TERM_FALL) {
            $db->addJoin('LEFT', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_fall_application', 'id', 'id');

        $results = $db->select();

        if (\PHPWS_Error::logIfError($results)) {
            return $results;

        foreach ($results as $row) {
            try {
                $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByBannerId($row['banner_id'], $this->term);

                $bannerId = $student->getBannerId();
                $username = $student->getUsername();
                $preferred = $student->getPreferredName();
                $first = $student->getFirstName();
                $middle = $student->getMiddleName();
                $last = $student->getLastName();
                $type = $student->getType();
                $date = $row['created_on'];
                if ($date != '') {
                    $date = date('n/j/Y', $date);

                $appTerm = $student->getApplicationTerm();
                $cellPhone = $row['cell_phone'];
                $assignmentType = $row['reason'];

                $gender = HMS_Util::formatGender($student->getGender());
                $dob = $student->getDob();

                $over_21 = "No";
                // Calculate the timestamp from 21 years ago
                $twentyOneYearsAgo = strtotime("-21 years");
                $DOB = strtotime($dob);
                $dob = date("m/d/Y", $DOB);
                if ($DOB < $twentyOneYearsAgo) {
                    $over_21 = "Yes";

                $room = $row['hall_name'] . ' ' . $row['room_number'] . ' ' . $row['bedroom_label'] . ' ' . $row['bed_letter'];

                $address = $student->getAddress(NULL);

                if (!$address || !isset($address) || is_null($address)) {
                    $line1 = "";
                    $line2 = "";
                    $line3 = "";
                    $city = "";
                    $state = "";
                    $zip = "";
                } else {
                    $line1 = $address->line1;
                    $line2 = $address->line2;
                    $line3 = $address->line3;
                    $city = $address->city;
                    $state = $address->state;
                    $zip = $address->zip;

                if (isset($row['lifestyle_option'])) {
                    $lifestyle = $row['lifestyle_option'];

                    if ($lifestyle != '') {
                        $lifestyle = ($lifestyle == 1) ? 'Single Gender' : 'Co-Ed';
                } else {
                    $lifestyle = '';
            } catch (StudentNotFoundException $e) {
                $bannerId = $row['banner_id'];
                $username = '';
                $preferred = '';
                $first = '';
                $middle = '';
                $last = '';
                $gender = '';
                $dob = '';
                $type = '';
                $cellPhone = '';
                $line1 = '';
                $line2 = '';
                $line3 = '';
                $city = '';
                $state = '';
                $zip = '';
                $appTerm = '';
                $assignmentType = '';
                $room = '';

            $this->rows[] = array($username, $bannerId, $preferred, $first, $middle, $last,
                $gender, $dob, $type, $cellPhone, $date, $appTerm, $lifestyle,
                $assignmentType, $room, $line1, $line2, $line3,
                $city, $state, $zip);

    public function getCsvColumnsArray() {
        return array('Username', 'Banner id', 'Preferred name', 'First name', 'Middle name', 'Last Name', 'Gender', 'Birthday',
            'Student type', 'Cell Phone', 'Date Applied', 'Application Term', 'Lifestyle', 'Assignment Type', 'Assignment', 'Address 1',
            'Address 2', 'Address 3', 'City', 'State', 'Zip');

    public function getCsvRowsArray() {
        return $this->rows;

    public function getDefaultOutputViewCmd() {
        $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowReportCsv');

        return $cmd;
