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namespace Homestead\Report\CheckinList;

use \Homestead\Report;
use \Homestead\iCsvReport;
use \Homestead\HMS_Util;
use \Homestead\Exception\DatabaseException;

 * Checkin List Report
 * Lists all of the currently checked-in students, ordered by hall and room number
 * @author jbooker
 * @package HMS

class CheckinList extends Report implements iCsvReport {

    const friendlyName = 'Check-in - List of Check-ins';
    const shortName = 'CheckinList';

    private $term;

    // Counts
    private $total;

    private $data;

    public function __construct($id = 0){

        $this->total = 0;

        $this->data = array();

    public function execute()
        $term = $this->term;

        $db = new \PHPWS_DB('hms_checkin');

        // Join hall structure
        $db->addJoin('', 'hms_checkin', 'hms_hall_structure', 'bed_id', 'bedid');



        $db->addWhere('hms_checkin.term', $term);

        // Commenting this out becuase when querying for past years, most students checked out, so the report is largely empty.
        //$db->addWhere('hms_checkin.checkout_date', null, 'IS NULL');

        // Sort by hall, then room number
        $db->addOrder(array('hms_hall_structure.hall_name ASC', 'hms_hall_structure.room_number ASC'));

        $results = $db->select();

            throw new DatabaseException($results->toString());

        // Post-processing, cleanup, making it pretty
        foreach($results as $row){

            // Updates counts

            $row['checkin_date'] = HMS_Util::get_short_date_time($row['checkin_date']);

            // Copy the cleaned up row to the member var for data
            $this->data[] = $row;

    public function getCsvColumnsArray()
        if($this->data != null){
            return array_keys($this->data[0]);
        return null;

    public function getCsvRowsArray(){
        return $this->data;

    public function getData(){
        return $this->data;

    public function setTerm($term)
        $this->term = $term;

    public function getTerm()
        return $this->term;

    public function getTotal(){
        return $this->total;