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namespace Homestead;

use \Homestead\Exception\DatabaseException;
use \PHPWS_Error;
use \PHPWS_DB;

// Location to save the generated report files
// I'd rather this be a private static or class const, but you can't
// calculate the path dynamically that way.
define('HMS_REPORT_PATH', PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'files/hms_reports/');

 * ReportController - Central report controller. Provides much of the functionality
 * needed to setup, execute, and save reports.
 * @author jbooker
 * @package HMS
abstract class ReportController {

    // The report object we're controlling/wraping.
    protected $report;

    // The full path name for the output file of this report (without an extension)
    // This is computed at run-time based on the report's completion date so that all output
    // files from the same report have the same timestamp.
    protected $fileName;

    // Local storage of view objects, can be null if not implemented by the report.
    protected $htmlView;
    protected $pdfView;
    protected $csvView;

     * Constructor
     * If a report is passed in, that report is used. Otherwise,
     * a new instance of the appropriate report (based on this controller's
     * class name) will be instantiated.
     * @param Report $report Optional Report object to use.
    public function __construct(Report $report = null)
        if(isset($report) && !is_null($report)){
            $this->report = $report;
            $this->report = $this->getReportInstance();

     * Returns the class name of the report this object wraps,
     * based on this controller's class name.
     * @return String report's class name
    public function getReportClassName()
        return preg_replace('/(.+\\\)(.+\\\)(.+)(\\\.+)/', '$3', get_class($this));

     * Returns a new instance of of the given report name.
     * @return Report New instnace of this controller's report.
    private function getReportInstance()
        $name = $this->getReportClassName();
        $className = '\\Homestead\\Report\\' . $name . '\\' . $name;
        return new $className;

    * Initalizes the report object we're wrapping. Sets creation dates/users.
    * @param int $scheduledExecTime Unix timestamp of the time this report should be executed.
    public function newReport($scheduledExecTime)
        $this->report = $this->getReportInstance();


     * Returns the friendly name of the report we're wrapping. It's a shortcut
     * method for $this->report->getFriendlyName().
     * @return String This report's friendly name.
    public function getFriendlyName()
        return $this->report->getFriendlyName();

     * Responsible for returning a View to be used on the ReportListView. Can be
     * overridden to provide a custom menu item view, but must return an objects
     * that extends the View class.
     * @return View - View object to use as the report's menu item
    public function getMenuItemView()
        $view = new ReportMenuItemView($this->report, $this->getReportClassName());

        return $view;

     * Returns a string of HTML that describes the report (what it does, etc).
     * Default implementation looks for a file in hms/templates/admin/reports/<reportName>Desc.tpl
     * @return String String of HTML for report's description, or null if the default file wasn't found.
    public function getDescription()
        $fileName = PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/hms/templates/admin/reports/' . $this->getReportClassName() . 'Desc.tpl';

            return file_get_contents($fileName);
            return null;

    public function getSyncSetupView()
        //TODO, and make the details view use this

     * Returns the ReportSetupView to show the UI for running
     * this report in the background.
     * The default implementation (for iSyncReport) expects a class named
     * '<reportName>SetupView.php, which extends ReportSetupView to be in
     * the report's class directory. This functionality can be overridden
     * by each report to return a different object, but it must return an
     * object of type ReportSetupView.
     * @see iSyncReport
     * @see ReportSetupView
     * @param bool $datePicker Whether or not the interface should show a date picker
     * @return ReportSetupView The ReportSetupView responsible for showing the UI to run this report.
    public function getAsyncSetupView()
        $view = new ReportSetupView($this->report);
        $view->setLinkText('Run in background');

        return $view;

     * Returns the ReportSetupView to show the UI for scheduling
     * the report.
     * Default implementation just calls the getAsyncSetupView
     * method with the datePicker = true parameter.
     * @see getAsyncSetupView
     * @return ReportSetupView - ReportSetupView for scheudling this report.
    public function getSchedSetupView()
        $view = $this->getAsyncSetupView();
        $view->setLinkText('Schedule run');
        return $view;

     * Default implementation for the iSyncReport interface.
     * This can be overridden in a sub-class to provide a custom
     * execution command. It must return a valid Command object
     * to run the report synchronously.
     * @see iSyncReport
     * @return Command A Command object to run this report synchronously.
    public function getSyncExecCmd()
        $cmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ExecReportSync');

        return $cmd;

     * Sets the parameters for this report. Must be implemented
     * by each controller. This method must take the values
     * in the passed-in array and assign them to the proper
     * member variables withthin the report.
     * @param array $params
    public abstract function setParams(Array $params);

     * @return Array An Array of key=>value parameters for this report
    public abstract function getParams();

     * Shortcut method to save the report object that this controller contains.
    public function saveReport()
        return $this->report->save();

     * Get's the file name from the Report this controller is wrapping and
     * prepends the configured filesystem path. The file name that's generated
     * will use the current date/time at the time this method is called.
    public function getFileName()
        // Ask the report for it's file name
        $this->fileName = HMS_REPORT_PATH . $this->report->getFileName();

     * Responsible for starting the execution of this controller's
     * report, then getting and saving each of the implemented views.
     * This is a default implementation, and could be overridden if necessary.
    public function generateReport()
        // Set the start time

        // Save that timestamp

        // Execute the report

         * Generate the report's full pathname (with a file extension),
        * so that each output file type will have the same file name.

         * For each of the views we have, check to see if this controller
        * implements the necessary interface. If so, call those methods
        * to generate and save the view.
        // HTML
        if($this instanceof iHtmlReportView){
            $this->htmlView = $this->getHtmlView();
            // Save the HTML output

        // PDF
        if($this instanceof iPdfReportView){
            // Commented out until we find a HTML->PDF converter that doesn't suck
            //$this->pdfView = $this->getPdfView();
            //Save the PDF output

        // CSV
        if($this instanceof iCsvReportView){
            $this->csvView = $this->getCsvView();

        // Set the completion time

        // Save the report to save the completed timestamp

     * Default implementation of the iHtmlReportView interface. Returns
     * a HTML view based on the report's class name in the form of:
     * report/<reportName>/<reportName>HtmlView.php
     * The generated class name must extend ReportHtmlView.
     * @see iHtmlReportView
     * @return ReportHtmlView
    public function getHtmlView()
        $name = $this->getReportClassName();
        $className = '\\Homestead\\Report\\' . $name .'\\' . $name . "HtmlView";
        return new $className($this->report);

     * Default implementation for the iHtmlReportView interface. Responsible
     * for appending a file extention to the file name, getting the output
     * from the provided view, saving that output to a file, and storing the
     * finished file name in the Report object.
     * Can be overrriden if custom behavior is necessary.
     * @see iHtmlReportView
     * @param ReportHtmlView $htmlView
    public function saveHtmlOutput(ReportHtmlView $htmlView)
        // Add the proper extension
        $fileName = $this->fileName . '.html';

        $fileResult = file_put_contents($fileName, $htmlView->show());

        if($fileResult === FALSE){
            //TODO throw exception

        // Save the file name to the report

     * Default implementation for the iPdfReportView interface. Responsible
     * for returning an object which extends the ReportPdfView class.
     * This implementation expects a htmlView to exist and attempts to convert
     * it to PDF. Override this to provide your own ReportPdfView
     * implementation which generates a custom PDF for this controller's report.
     * @see iHtmlReportView
     * @return ReportPdfView
    public function getPdfView()
        //TODO Check to make sure a HtmlView actually exists

        $pdfView = new ReportPdfViewFromHtml($this->report, $this->htmlView);

        return $pdfView;

     * Default implementation for the iPdfReportView interface. Responsible
     * for appending a file extention to the file name, getting the output
     * from the provided view, saving that output to a file, and storing the
     * finished file name in the Report object.
     * Can be overrriden if custom behavior is necessary.
     * @see iHtmlReportView
     * @param ReportPdfView $pdfView
    public function savePdfOutput(ReportPdfView $pdfView)
        // Add the proper extension
        $fileName = $this->fileName . '.pdf';


        $fileResult = file_put_contents($fileName, $pdfView->getPdfContent());

        // Save the file name to the report

     * Default implementation for the iCsvReportView interface. Responsible for
     * returning an object which extends the ReportCsvView class.
     * By default, it returns an instance of ReportCsvView. This can be overridden
     * to return a custom view (but it must extend ReportCsvView). This view
     * provides a default implementation of the iCsvReport interface to convert
     * report data to the csv format from an array.
     * @see iHtmlCsvView
     * @return ReportCsvView
    public function getCsvView(){
        $csvView = new ReportCsvView($this->report);

        return $csvView;

     * Default implementation for the iCsvReportView interface. Responsible
     * for appending a file extention to the file name, getting the output
     * from the provided view, saving that output to a file, and storing the
     * finished file name in the Report object.
     * Can be overrriden if custom behavior is necessary.
     * @see iHtmlCsvView
     * @param ReportCsvView $csvView
    public function saveCsvOutput(ReportCsvView $csvView)
        // Add the proper extension
        $fileName = $this->fileName . '.csv';

        $fileResult = file_put_contents($fileName, $csvView->getOutput());

        // Save the file name to the report

     * Shortcut method to return the Command for the default
     * viewing method for this report. This can be overridden
     * to provide custom behavior, or to overrride the report's
     * requested behavior.
     * @return Command Default command for viewing this report's output
    public function getDefaultOutputViewCmd()
        return $this->report->getDefaultOutputViewCmd();

     * Loads the report instance for the last execution performed.
     * The loaded object will contain a null ID if the report has
     * never been executed. Returns true/false on success/failure.
     * @throws DatabaseException
     * @return boolean
    public function loadLastExec()
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_report');
        $db->addWhere('report', $this->getReportClassName());
        $db->addWhere('completed_timestamp', 'NULL', 'IS NOT');
        $db->addOrder('completed_timestamp DESC');
        $result = $db->loadObject($this->report);

            throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

        return true;

     * Returns the report instance that this controller is managing.
     * @return Report
    public function getReport()
        return $this->report;

     * Saves the parameters from this report to the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException
    public function saveParams()
        $params = $this->getParams();


        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_report_param');

        foreach($params as $key=>$value){
            $db->addValue('report_id', $this->report->getId());
            $db->addValue('param_name', $key);
            $db->addValue('param_value', $value);
            $result = $db->insert();

                throw new DatabaseException($result->toString());

     * Loads the parameters for this report from the database.
     * @throws DatabaseException
    public function loadParams()
        $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_report_param');
        $db->addWhere('report_id', $this->report->getId());

        $results = $db->select();

            throw new DatabaseException($results->toString());

        if(is_null($results) || empty($results)){
            echo 'empty params!';

        $params = array();

        foreach($results as $result){
            $params[$result['param_name']] = $result['param_value'];
