namespace Homestead;
define('FEATURE_LOCKED_ICON', '<i class="fa fa-lock"></i>');
define('FEATURE_NOTYET_ICON', '<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>');
define('FEATURE_OPEN_ICON', '<i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>');
define('FEATURE_COMPLETED_ICON','<i class="fa fa-check" title="Completed" alt="Completed"></i>');
class ReturningMainMenuView extends View {
private $student;
private $lotteryTerm;
public function __construct(Student $student, $lotteryTerm)
$this->student = $student;
$this->lotteryTerm = $lotteryTerm;
public function show()
$tpl = array();
$termList = array();
// Current term
$currTerm = Term::getCurrentTerm();
$termList[] = $currTerm; // Always add the current term
// Find the next two summer terms (could be next year if Fall
// is the current term, could be this year if Spring is current term)
$summerTerm1 = $currTerm;
while(Term::getTermSem($summerTerm1) != TERM_SUMMER1){
$summerTerm1 = Term::getNextTerm($summerTerm1);
$summerTerm2 = Term::getNextTerm($summerTerm1);
$currSem = Term::getTermSem($currTerm);
if($currSem == TERM_SUMMER1){
// If the current term is Summer 1, then we've already added it above,
// so just add summer 2
$termList[] = Term::getNextTerm($currTerm);
}else if($currSem != TERM_SUMMER2){
// Add both of the next summer terms then
$termList[] = $summerTerm1;
$termList[] = $summerTerm2;
// Re-application term
if($this->lotteryTerm > $currTerm){
// If the lottery term is in the future
$termList[] = $this->lotteryTerm;
foreach($termList as $t){
$termBlock = new StudentMenuTermBlock($this->student, $t);
$tpl['TERMBLOCK'][] = array('TERMBLOCK_CONTENT'=>$termBlock->show());
\Layout::addPageTitle("Main Menu");
return \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/returningMenu.tpl');