namespace Homestead;
class RlcReapplicationView extends View {
private $student;
private $term;
private $rlcAssignment;
private $communities;
private $reApp;
public function __construct(Student $student, $term, HMS_RLC_Assignment $rlcAssignment = NULL, Array $communities, HMS_RLC_Application $reApp = null)
$this->student = $student;
$this->term = $term;
$this->rlcAssignment = $rlcAssignment;
$this->communities = $communities;
$this->reApp = $reApp;
public function show()
$this->setTitle('RLC Re-application Form');
$form = new \PHPWS_Form();
$submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('SubmitRLCReapplicationPageOne');
$form->addHidden('term', $this->term);
$tpl = array();
$tpl['TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term) . ' - ' . Term::toString(Term::getNextTerM($this->term));
// If the student is already in an RLC, and the student is eligible to reapply (RLC always takes returners,
// or the RLC is in the list of communities this student is eligible for), then show the 'Re-apply' option.
if(!is_null($this->rlcAssignment) && (array_key_exists($this->rlcAssignment->getRlcId(), $this->communities) || $this->rlcAssignment->getRlc()->getMembersReapply() == 1)){
$rlcName = $this->rlcAssignment->getRlcName();
$form->addRadio('rlc_opt', array('continue', 'new'));
$form->setLabel('rlc_opt', array('I would like to continue in the ' . $rlcName . '.', 'I would like to apply for a different community.'));
//TODO remove the RLC they're in from the $communities list, if it exists there
// Merge the arrays and preserve the keys ('+' operator works for that...)
$firstCommunity = array('select'=>'Select..') + $this->communities;
$otherCommunities = array('none'=>'None') + $this->communities;
$form->addDropBox('rlc_choice_1', $firstCommunity);
$form->setLabel('rlc_choice_1', 'First choice:');
$form->setExtra('rlc_choice_1', 'margin-left: 20px;"');
$form->addCssClass('rlc_choice_1', 'form-control');
$form->addDropBox('rlc_choice_2', $otherCommunities);
$form->setLabel('rlc_choice_2', 'Second choice:');
$form->setExtra('rlc_choice_2', 'margin-left: 20px;"');
$form->addCssClass('rlc_choice_2', 'form-control');
$form->addDropBox('rlc_choice_3', $otherCommunities);
$form->setLabel('rlc_choice_3', 'Third choice:');
$form->addCssClass('rlc_choice_3', 'form-control');
$form->addCssClass('why_this_rlc', 'form-control');
$form->addCssClass('contribute_gain', 'form-control');
// Set values if they exist on the session
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Continue');
return \PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'hms', 'student/rlcReapplicationView.tpl');