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namespace Homestead\Scheduled;

use \Homestead\DocusignClientFactory;
use \Homestead\Term;
use \Homestead\PdoFactory;
use \Homestead\Docusign\Client;

class UpdateDocusignContractStatus {

    private $docusignClient;
    private $httpClient;

    public static function cliExec()
        \PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Users.php');
        \PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Current_User.php');

        $userId = \PHPWS_DB::getOne("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = 'eberhardtm'");

        $user = new \PHPWS_User($userId);

        // Uncomment for production on branches
        $user->auth_script = 'shibboleth.php';
        $user->auth_name = 'shibboleth';


        $_SESSION['User'] = $user;

        $obj = new UpdateDocusignContractStatus();

    public function execute()
        // TODO: Check permissions

        // Get Docusign and HTTP clients to be used in sending requests later
        $this->docusignClient = DocusignClientFactory::getClient();
        $this->httpClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

        // Get all future terms
        $futureTerms = Term::getFutureTerms();

        // Update contracts for each future term
        foreach ($futureTerms as $term) {
            echo "Updating contracts for $term:\n";

    // Update contracts for the given term
    private function updateContractsForTerm($term)
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();

        // Locate all the contracts we need to check for this term
        $query = "select envelope_id from hms_contract where term = :term and envelope_status NOT IN ('completed', 'voided')";

        $stmt = $db->prepare($query);

        $envelopeIdList = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);

        $envCount = sizeof($envelopeIdList);

        if($envCount === 0){
            echo "No envelopes need to be udpated.\n";
        } else {
            echo "Found $envCount envelopes to check\n";

        // Lookup 25 contracts at a time (in batches), until there are no more remaining
        $offset = 0;
        $envelopesPerRequest = 25;
        while($offset < $envCount){
            echo "Requesting status for $envelopesPerRequest starting at offset $offset... \n";

            $envelopeSlice = array_slice($envelopeIdList, $offset, $envelopesPerRequest);

            $envelopes = $this->sendRequest($envelopeSlice, $this->docusignClient, $this->httpClient);

            $offset += $envelopesPerRequest;

            // Wait at least another second before we get the next batch

    private function sendRequest(Array $envelopeIdList, $docusignClient, $guzzleClient) {
        $envelopeIdJson = json_encode(array('envelopeIds' => $envelopeIdList));
        $url = $docusignClient->getBaseUrl() . '/envelopes/status?envelope_ids=request_body';
        $headers = array('Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                         'Accept' => 'application/json',
                         'X-DocuSign-Authentication' => $docusignClient->getAuthHeader());

        $request = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('PUT', $url);

            $response = $guzzleClient->send($request, ['headers' => $headers, 'body' => $envelopeIdJson]);
            $result = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
        }catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e){
            throw new \Exception(print_r($e->json_decode(getResponse()->getBody(), true), true));

        if(!isset($result['envelopes']) || sizeof($result['envelopes']) == 0){
            // We didn't get anything back, so we should probably stop here
            echo "No 'envelopes' key in the response, or the key had size == 0. Quitting.\n\n";

        return $result['envelopes'];

    private function saveEnvelopes(Array $envelopes){
        $db = PdoFactory::getPdoInstance();
        $sql = 'UPDATE hms_contract SET envelope_status = :status, envelope_status_time = :statusTime where envelope_id = :envelopeId';
        $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);

        // For each envelope we got back, try save the new data to our db
        foreach($envelopes as $env){
            // Update the database with each envelope's new status and date
            $status = $env['status'];
            $time = strtotime($env['statusChangedDateTime']);
            $envelopeId = $env['envelopeId'];

            echo "Updating $envelopeId...\n";
                'statusTime' => $time,
                'envelopeId' => $envelopeId