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Test Coverage

 * Compares a csv file (supplied by Food Services) to current assignments.
 * Denotes valid assignments that *should* have access, so we can investigate anyone else who has access.
 * Add name/assignment info for everyone.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);


// Make sure this can only be run from the command line
if(php_sapi_name() !== 'cli'){
    die('This script can only be run from the command line.');

// Expected arguments
$args = array('phpwsConfigPath'=>'',
              'module' => '',
              'phpwsUser' => '',
              'term' => '',
              'inputFileName' => '',
              'outputFileName' => '');
$switches = array();

// Process arguments into $args
check_args($argc, $argv, $args, $switches);

$phpwsUser  = $args['phpwsUser'];
$term       = $args['term'];
$inputFileName  = $args['inputFileName'];
$outputFileName = $args['outputFileName'];

// Try to include the main phpws config file

// Change current dir to the root of phpws' install

// Define these to avoid errors in sanity checking later
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = 'cli.php';
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
//$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'aa.ess'; // NB: Pass SERVER_NAME="blah.blah" on the command line *before* the php executable

// Include PHPWS bootstrapping code
require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'config/core/source.php';
require_once PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'src/Bootstrap.php';

// Set the 'module' request variable to help the autoloader find classes
$_REQUEST['module'] = $args['module'];

\PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Users.php');
\PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Current_User.php');

// Log in the requested user
$userId = \PHPWS_DB::getOne("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '$phpwsUser'");
$user = new \PHPWS_User($userId);
// Uncomment for production on branches

//$user->auth_script = 'shibboleth.php';
//$user->auth_name = 'shibboleth';
$user->auth_script = 'local.php';
$user->auth_name = 'local';

$_SESSION['User'] = $user;

// Include more HMS specific stuff
require_once './mod/hms/inc/defines.php';
require_once './inc/hms_defines.php';

require_once(PHPWS_SOURCE_DIR . 'mod/hms/HomesteadAutoLoader.php');
spl_autoload_register(array('HomesteadAutoLoader', 'HomesteadLoader'));

//PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'PdoFactory.php');
//PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'UserStatus.php');

// PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
// PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'Term.php');
// PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Assignment.php');
// PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'RoomChangeRequestFactory.php');

// Open the input file, read into an array
$lines = file($inputFileName);

// Open output file, for writing by fputcsv later
$outputFile = fopen($outputFileName, 'w');

$firstLine = true;

// Loop over each line in the file
foreach ($lines as $line){

    // Skip the first line of the file (column headers)
        $firstLine = false;

    // Break the row apart info separate fields
    $fields = explode(',', $line);

    echo "{$fields[0]}: ";

    // Initalize an array for this line of output
    $outputFields = $fields;
    $outputFields[3] = trim($outputFields[3]);

    // Get a student object, given the banner id (file the input file)
    try {
        $student = \Homestead\StudentFactory::getStudentByBannerID($fields[0], $term);
    }catch(\Exception $e){
        $outputFields[4] = 'Soap Exception: Banner ID may not exist.';
        fputcsv($outputFile, $outputFields);

    // Get an assignment using the student's banner ID and term. Returns null if not assigned.
    $assignment = \Homestead\HMS_Assignment::getAssignmentByBannerId($student->getBannerId(), $term);

    if($assignment !== null){
        // Student is assigned..
        $hallCode = trim($assignment->get_banner_building_code());

        $accessCode = trim($fields[3]);

        // Compare audit file's hall code against actual assignment's hall code
        if($hallCode === $accessCode){
            // Student is assigned to the hall they have access to
            echo "Assigned... OK\n";
            $outputFields[4] = 'OK';

            continue; // Skip outputting this person because they're fine
        } else {
            // Student is assigned to some other place, but they have this access
            echo "Assigned somewhere else: $hallCode \n";
            $outputFields[4] = 'Not Assigned Here - ' . $hallCode;

            // Get a pending room change using the Student object and term. Returns null if no room change is pending for this student.
            $pendingRoomChange = \Homestead\RoomChangeRequestFactory::getPendingByStudent($student, $term);

            if($pendingRoomChange !== null){
                $outputFields[5] = 'Room Change Pending';

    } else {
        // Person is not assigned...
        echo "Not Assigned!!\n";
        $outputFields[4] = 'Not Assigned.';

    // Write this row to the outputfile
    fputcsv($outputFile, $outputFields);