* Sends docusign contracts to the list of students given (by
* their Banner IDs) in the input file.
* TODO: Update this to use the ContractFactory class's central methods.
* TODO: Add logging entries
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$args = array('phpwsPath' => '',
'phpwsUser' => '',
'bannerIdListFile' => '',
'term' => '');
$switches = array();
check_args($argc, $argv, $args, $switches);
$phpwsPath = $args['phpwsPath'];
$phpwsUser = $args['phpwsUser'];
$term = $args['term'];
$bannerIdFile = $args['bannerIdListFile'];
require_once($phpwsPath . 'mod/hms/contrib/dbConnect.php');
require_once $phpwsPath . 'config/core/config.php';
define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', 'en_US');
define('CURRENT_LANGUAGE', 'en_US');
//require_once 'src/Bootstrap.php';
// For older versions of PHPWS, comment this out
require_once $phpwsPath . 'src/Autoloader.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'src/Translation.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'src/Log.php';
// For older versions of PHPWS, uncomment these
// require_once $phpwsPath . 'core/conf/defines.php';
// require_once $phpwsPath . 'Global/Functions.php';
// require_once $phpwsPath . 'Global/Implementations.php';
// require_once $phpwsPath . 'config/core/source.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'mod/hms/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'mod/hms/class/DocusignClientFactory.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'mod/hms/class/Docusign/Client.php';
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Users.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Current_User.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('users', 'Authorization.php');
// Fake a phpws user login
$user = new PHPWS_User(0, $phpwsUser);
$_SESSION['User']->_logged = true;
$_SESSION['User']->username = $phpwsUser;
// Connect to the database
$db = connectToDb();
die('Could not connect to database.\n');
// Include more HMS specific stuff
require_once $phpwsPath . 'mod/hms/inc/defines.php';
require_once $phpwsPath . 'inc/hms_defines.php';
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'PdoFactory.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'UserStatus.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'Term.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'ContractFactory.php');
PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'Docusign/EnvelopeFactory.php');
// Create a DocusignClient object and Guzzle HTTP client
$docusignClient = DocusignClientFactory::getClient();
$http = new \Guzzle\Http\Client();
// Get lines in input file
$bannerIds = file($bannerIdFile);
// Get a term object
$termObj = new Term($term);
// Get the configured template IDs for the given term
$templateId = $termObj->getDocusignTemplate();
$under18TemplateId = $termObj->getDocusignUnder18Template();
foreach ($bannerIds as $bannerId){
// Get the student object
$student = StudentFactory::getStudentByBannerId($bannerId, $term);
sendContractToStudent($student, $term, $docusignClient, $http, $templateId, $under18TemplateId);
echo "Sent contract for $bannerId\n";
function sendContractToStudent($student, $term, $docusignClient, $http, $templateId, $under18TemplateId)
$under18 = $student->isUnder18();
$templateRoles = array(
"roleName" => 'Student',
"email" => $student->getEmailAddress(),
"name" => $student->getLegalName()
//"clientUserId" => $student->getBannerId()
// If student is under 18, then add parent role to list of signers
if ($under18) {
// TODO: Get parent name/email from housing application
$parentName = $context->get('parentName');
$parentEmail = $context->get('parentEmail');
$templateRoles[] = array(
"roleName" => 'Parent',
"email" => $parentEmail,
"name" => $parentName
//"clientUserId" => $student->getBannerId()
echo "Under 18 contracts not supported yet.\n";
// Check for an existing contract
$contract = ContractFactory::getContractByStudentTerm($student, $term);
if ($contract === false) {
// Create a new envelope and save it
if ($under18) {
// If student is under 18, use the template with parent signatures
$envelope = Docusign\EnvelopeFactory::createEnvelopeFromTemplate($docusignClient, $under18TemplateId, "University Housing Contract - $term", $templateRoles, 'sent', $student->getBannerId());
} else {
// Student is over 18, so use the 1-signature template (without a parent signature)
$envelope = Docusign\EnvelopeFactory::createEnvelopeFromTemplate($docusignClient, $templateId, "University Housing Contract - $term", $templateRoles, 'sent', $student->getBannerId());
// Create a new contract to save the envelope ID
$contract = new Contract($student, $term, $envelope->getEnvelopeId(), $envelope->getStatus(), strtotime($envelope->getStatusDateTime()));
} else {
// Use the existing envelope id
$envelope = Docusign\EnvelopeFactory::getEnvelopeById($docusignClient, $contract->getEnvelopeId());