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$().ready(function() {
    // Check if a hall has been saved in a cookie
    var hallId = $.cookie("hms-checkin-hall-id");
    var hallName = $.cookie("hms-checkin-hall-name");
    if (hallId !== null) {
        // Use the hall from the cookie
        selectHall(hallId, hallName);
    } else {
        // Setup the hall selector

        // Hide the hall name div

        // Hide the search box until a hall is selected

        // Show the hall selector

        // Set onChange event handler for drop down box
        $('#checkin_form_residence_hall').bind('change', handleSelectHall);

    // Setup the card reader
    var cardReader = new CardReader();

    cardReader.validate(function(value) {
        // Tests if value is not equal to 'E'.
        if (value == 'E') {
            return false;

        // Tests if value is not equal to 'E+E'.
        if (value == 'E+E') {
            return false;

        if (value == '+E?') {
            return false;

        if (value.indexOf('E') >= 0) {
            return false;

        return true;

    // Event handler for card read errors
    cardReader.cardError(function() {

    cardReader.cardRead(function(value) {
        var bannerParts = value.split("=");

    $("#student-search-spinner").hide(); // Hide spinner right away

    // Suggestion provider for server-provided results
    var studentSearchSource = new Bloodhound({
        name: 'remoteSearch',
        datumTokenizer: function(datum) {
            var nameTokens = Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('name');
            var bannerTokens = Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('banner_id');
            var usernameTokens = Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('username');

            return nameTokens.concat(bannerTokens).concat(usernameToekns);
        queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
        remote: {
            url: 'index.php?module=hms&action=AjaxGetUsernameSuggestions&studentSearchQuery=%QUERY',
            wildcard: '%QUERY',
            rateLimitWait: 1000,
            rateLimitBy: 'throttle'

        highlight: true,
        hint: true
                //minLength: 0
        name: 'studentSearch',
        display: 'banner_id',
        limit: 5,
        source: studentSearchSource.ttAdapter(),
        templates: {
            suggestion: function(suggestion) {
                return('<p>' + + "<br />" + suggestion.banner_id + " &bull; " + suggestion.username + "</p>");
            empty: function() {
                return('<p style="margin: 0 20px 5px 20px; padding: 3px 0;" class="text-muted">No results found.</p>');

function loadSelect2()

function handleSelectHall()
    // Hide the drop down

    // Get the select hall name and ID
    var hallId = $('#checkin_form_residence_hall').val();
    var hallName = $('#checkin_form_residence_hall option:selected').text();

    // Save the selection to a cookie
    $.cookie("hms-checkin-hall-id", hallId, 180);
    $.cookie("hms-checkin-hall-name", hallName, 180);

    selectHall(hallId, hallName);

function selectHall(hallId, hallName)
    // Hide the drop down

    // Set the name of the hall in the title
    $('#hallName').html(' ' + hallName);

    // Save the hall id to a hidden field

    // Show the hall name div and change link

    // Show the search box

    // Show the check in/out submit button


    // Set the event handler for the 'change hall' link
    $('#changeLink').bind('click', changeHallLink);

    // Set focus to the banner id text box

function changeHallLink()
    // Hide the hall name div

    // Hide the search box until a hall is selected

    // Hide the check in/out submit button until a hall is selected

    // Show the hall selector

    // Set the dropdown box to have the default ("Select a hall..") option selected to avoid onChange bugs
    $("#hallSelector option[value='0']").attr("selected", "selected");

    // Set onChange event handler for drop down box
    $('#checkin_form_residence_hall').bind('change', handleSelectHall);
    return false;