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Test Coverage
<h3>{ICON} <span class="{STATUS}">Learning Community Application</span></h3>

<div class="block-content">

    <div class="text-muted">Available: {DATES}</div>

<!-- BEGIN too_soon -->
This feature will be available on {BEGIN_DEADLINE}.
<!-- END too_soon -->

<!-- BEGIN too_late -->
The deadline to apply for this term was {END_DEADLINE}.
<!-- END too_late -->

<!-- BEGIN review_app -->
You have completed a Residential Learning Community Application. You will be notified by email if you are invited to be a member of a community.
<!-- END review_app -->

<!-- BEGIN new_app -->
If you would like to change your answers on your Learning Community application, you may {NEW_APP}.
<!-- END new_app -->

<!-- BEGIN confirmed -->
You have accepted and confirmed your invitation to the {CONFIRMED_RLC_NAME} Residential Learning Community. Please keep your RLC acceptance email and refer back to it with any questions you may have. Please continue checking your Appalachian email account for more information!
<!-- END confirmed -->

<!-- BEGIN declined -->
You have declined your learning community invitation. {DECLINED}
<!-- END declined -->

<!-- BEGIN invited -->
You have been invited to join the <strong>{INVITED_COMMUNITY_NAME}</strong> residential learning community!<br /><br />
Please <strong>{INVITED_CONFIRM_LINK}</strong> to the learning community.
<!-- END invited -->

<!-- BEGIN no_housing_app -->
The Residential Learning Community application will be available once you've applied for housing for this semester.
<!-- END no_housing_app -->

<!-- BEGIN no_app -->
You have not applied for a Residential Learning Community. There are a limited number of Learning Community spaces on campus. If you are interested in living in a Learning Community, please complete your application as soon as possible.
<!-- END no_app -->
<p>For more information about Appalachian's Residential Learning Communities please visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Residential Learning Communities Website</a>.</p>
