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Test Coverage
<h3>{ICON} <span class={STATUS}>Room Change Request</span></h3>

<div class="block-content">
    <div class="text-muted">Available: {DATES}</div>

<!-- BEGIN no_assignment -->
You are not currently assigned, so you may not request a room change. {NOT_ASSIGNED}
<!-- END no_assignment -->

<!-- BEGIN too_early -->
It's too early to request a room change. Room changes will be allowed after {BEGIN_DEADLINE}.
<!-- END too_early -->

<!-- BEGIN too_late -->
It's too late to request a room change. The deadline passed on {END_DEADLINE}.
<!-- END too_late -->

<!-- BEGIN pending -->
Your room change request has been submitted. Once it is approved, you will be notified via an email to your ASU email account. {PENDING}
<!-- END pending -->

<!-- BEGIN approval -->
You have a room change request that needs your approval. {APPROVAL_CMD}
<!-- END approval -->

<!-- BEGIN new -->
You may {NEW_REQUEST}.
<!-- END new -->
