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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<base xmlns:xsi=''
      xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" >
    <tag language="English" />
    <string id="MCMSettings_Name" text="Mod Configuration Menu {VERSION}"/>
    <string id="BaseSettings_Default" text="Default"/>
    <string id="SettingsPropertyGroupDefinition_Misc" text="Misc"/>
    <!-- UI -->
    <string id="dzeWx4xSfR" text="Warning from MCM!" />
    <string id="FE6ya1gzZR" text="{REQUIRED_MODULE} module was not found!" />
    <string id="EvI6KPAqTT" text="Incompatible module {DENIED_MODULE} was found!" />
    <string id="5G9zffrgMh" text="{MODULE} is loaded before the {DEPENDENT_MODULE}!{NL}Make sure {MODULE} is loaded after it!" />
    <string id="UZ8zfvudMs" text="{MODULE} is loaded after the {DEPENDENT_MODULE}!{NL}Make sure {MODULE} is loaded before it!" />
    <string id="FcR4BXnhx8" text="{MODULE} has mutually exclusive mod order directives specified for the {REQUIRED_MODULE}!" />
    <string id="eXs6FLm5DP" text="It's strongly recommended to terminate the game now. Do you wish to terminate it?" />
    <string id="fGt6Gthg5y" text="This version of MCM is intended for v1.0.0 and higher! You are running {GAMEVERSION}!" />

    <string id="MCMUISettings_Name" text="MCM UI {VERSION}"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_NotSpecified" text="Mod Name not Specified"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_Name" text="Mod Options"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ChangeToPreset" text="Change to preset '{PRESET}'"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_Discard" text="Are you sure you wish to discard the current settings for {NAME} to '{ITEM}'?"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_RestartTitle" text="Game Needs to Restart"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_RestartDesc" text="The game needs to be restarted to apply mod settings changes. Do you want to close the game now?"/>
    <string id="SettingsPropertyGroupVM_Disabled" text="{GROUPNAME} (Disabled)"/>
    <string id="SettingsVM_Custom" text="Custom"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsPageView_Mods" text="Mods"/>
    <string id="MainMenu_ModOptions" text="Mod Options"/>
    <string id="EscapeMenu_ModOptions" text="Mod Options"/>
    <string id="MCMUISettings_Name" text="MCM UI Impl. {VERSION}"/>
    <string id="MCMUISettings_Name_General" text="General"/>
    <string id="MCMUISettings_Name_HideMainMenuEntry" text="Hide Main Menu Entry"/>
    <string id="MCMUISettings_Name_HideMainMenuEntryDesc" text="Hides MCM's Main Menu 'Mod Options' Menu Entry."/>
    <string id="ButterLibSettings_Name" text="ButterLib {VERSION}"/>
    <string id="ButterLibSettings_Name_Logging" text="Logging"/>
    <string id="ButterLibSettings_Name_LogLevel" text="Log Level"/>
    <string id="ButterLibSettings_Name_LogLevelDesc" text="Level of logs to write."/>

    <string id="ModOptionsVM_SaveAsPreset" text="Save As Preset"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_SaveAsPresetDesc" text="Choose the name of the preset"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_OverridePreset" text="Preset Already Exists"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_OverridePresetDesc" text="Preset already exists! Do you want to override it?"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePresets" text="Manage Presets"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePresetsImport" text="Import a new Preset"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePresetsExport" text="Export Preset '{PRESETNAME}'"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePresetsDelete" text="Delete Preset '{PRESETNAME}'"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_SaveAsPresetError" text="Failed to save preset '{PRESETNAME}'!"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_Unavailable" text="Settings are available within a Game Session!"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePacks" text="Manage Settings Packs"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePackImport" text="Import a Settings Pack"/>
    <string id="ModOptionsVM_ManagePackExport" text="Export Settings Pack"/>

    <string id="HOV8WIcBrb" text="Reset Mod Options Value to Default"/>
    <string id="2d99VmOZZH" text="Resets a value in Mod Options menu to its default value when hovered."/>