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Test Coverage
= render 'shared/nag_message' if current_user

- content_for :jumbotron do
          %h1 Welcome to #{SITE_HOST}!
          %p The easiest way to get a TF2 server
          = link_to new_reservation_path, :class => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary', :title => "Get a server right now, or make a reservation" do
            Get server
          = link_to i_am_feeling_lucky_reservations_path, :class => 'btn btn-lg btn-warning', :method => :post, :title => "Make a reservation in 1 click", data: { disable_with: "1-click-server <i class='fa fa-refresh fa-spin'></i>"} do


          = render 'reservations/available_servers'

= render 'shared/point_to_na'

      = link_to("Book a server", new_reservation_path)
      and within a few seconds your server will be ready and yours to use.
      Feel free to use the server for any kind of match you want.

      = link_to('consider contributing to the operating costs by donating.', donate_path)
      All donations get divided between the server providers based on time played on their servers.

      You can also
      - if sea_system?
        = link_to('send the tradebot a trade offer.', '')

        The current rate is 2 keys per month, but you can also send some items just to say thanks.
      - elsif au_system?
        = link_to('support ozfortress on Patreon to get access to Premium.', '')

        All of ozfortress' Patreon Tiers include Premium!
      - else
        = link_to('send me a TF2 trade offer.', '')

        The current rate is 2 keys per month, but you can also send some items just to say thanks.

- if au_system?
  .row &nbsp;

- else
    = render "shared/donation_target"

.row &nbsp;

    = link_to("Leave a comment", "#leave-a-comment")
    if you like this service, had a problem or suggestion, I'd really appreciate it!
    - if au_system?
      Alternatively, you can reach out in the
      = link_to "ozfortress Discord.", '', :target => '_blank'
    - else
      Alternatively, you could leave a message on
      = link_to "our Discord", '', :target => '_blank'

.row &nbsp;

- if @users_games && @users_games.any?
  %h3 Reservations you played in
      = render 'reservations/users_games'

- if @users_reservations && @users_reservations.any?
  %h3 Your most recent reservations
      = render 'reservations/users_reservations'

    %h3 Comments

      = render 'shared/disqus'