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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `ast` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem ast`.

# {AST} is a library for manipulating abstract syntax trees.
# It embraces immutability; each AST node is inherently frozen at
# creation, and updating a child node requires recreating that node
# and its every parent, recursively.
# This is a design choice. It does create some pressure on
# garbage collector, but completely eliminates all concurrency
# and aliasing problems.
# See also {AST::Node}, {AST::Processor::Mixin} and {AST::Sexp} for
# additional recommendations and design patterns.
# source://ast//lib/ast.rb#13
module AST; end

# Node is an immutable class, instances of which represent abstract
# syntax tree nodes. It combines semantic information (i.e. anything
# that affects the algorithmic properties of a program) with
# meta-information (line numbers or compiler intermediates).
# Notes on inheritance
# ====================
# The distinction between semantics and metadata is important. Complete
# semantic information should be contained within just the {#type} and
# {#children} of a Node instance; in other words, if an AST was to be
# stripped of all meta-information, it should remain a valid AST which
# could be successfully processed to yield a result with the same
# algorithmic properties.
# Thus, Node should never be inherited in order to define methods which
# affect or return semantic information, such as getters for `class_name`,
# `superclass` and `body` in the case of a hypothetical `ClassNode`. The
# correct solution is to use a generic Node with a {#type} of `:class`
# and three children. See also {Processor} for tips on working with such
# ASTs.
# On the other hand, Node can and should be inherited to define
# application-specific metadata (see also {#initialize}) or customize the
# printing format. It is expected that an application would have one or two
# such classes and use them across the entire codebase.
# The rationale for this pattern is extensibility and maintainability.
# Unlike static ones, dynamic languages do not require the presence of a
# predefined, rigid structure, nor does it improve dispatch efficiency,
# and while such a structure can certainly be defined, it does not add
# any value but incurs a maintaining cost.
# For example, extending the AST even with a transformation-local
# temporary node type requires making globally visible changes to
# the codebase.
# source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#40
class AST::Node
  # Constructs a new instance of Node.
  # The arguments `type` and `children` are converted with `to_sym` and
  # `to_a` respectively. Additionally, the result of converting `children`
  # is frozen. While mutating the arguments is generally considered harmful,
  # the most common case is to pass an array literal to the constructor. If
  # your code does not expect the argument to be frozen, use `#dup`.
  # The `properties` hash is passed to {#assign_properties}.
  # @return [Node] a new instance of Node
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#72
  def initialize(type, children = T.unsafe(nil), properties = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Concatenates `array` with `children` and returns the resulting node.
  # @return [AST::Node]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#168
  def +(array); end

  # Appends `element` to `children` and returns the resulting node.
  # @return [AST::Node]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#177
  def <<(element); end

  # Compares `self` to `other`, possibly converting with `to_ast`. Only
  # `type` and `children` are compared; metadata is deliberately ignored.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#153
  def ==(other); end

  # Appends `element` to `children` and returns the resulting node.
  # @return [AST::Node]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#177
  def append(element); end

  # Returns the children of this node.
  # The returned value is frozen.
  # The to_a alias is useful for decomposing nodes concisely.
  # For example:
  #     node = s(:gasgn, :$foo, s(:integer, 1))
  #     var_name, value = *node
  #     p var_name # => :$foo
  #     p value    # => (integer 1)
  # @return [Array]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#56
  def children; end

  # Nodes are already frozen, so there is no harm in returning the
  # current node as opposed to initializing from scratch and freezing
  # another one.
  # @return self
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#115
  def clone; end

  # Concatenates `array` with `children` and returns the resulting node.
  # @return [AST::Node]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#168
  def concat(array); end

  # Enables matching for Node, where type is the first element
  # and the children are remaining items.
  # @return [Array]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#253
  def deconstruct; end

  # Nodes are already frozen, so there is no harm in returning the
  # current node as opposed to initializing from scratch and freezing
  # another one.
  # @return self
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#115
  def dup; end

  # Test if other object is equal to
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#85
  def eql?(other); end

  # Returns the precomputed hash value for this node
  # @return [Fixnum]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#61
  def hash; end

  # Converts `self` to a s-expression ruby string.
  # The code return will recreate the node, using the sexp module s()
  # @param indent [Integer] Base indentation level.
  # @return [String]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#211
  def inspect(indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the children of this node.
  # The returned value is frozen.
  # The to_a alias is useful for decomposing nodes concisely.
  # For example:
  #     node = s(:gasgn, :$foo, s(:integer, 1))
  #     var_name, value = *node
  #     p var_name # => :$foo
  #     p value    # => (integer 1)
  # @return [Array]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#56
  def to_a; end

  # @return [AST::Node] self
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#229
  def to_ast; end

  # Converts `self` to a pretty-printed s-expression.
  # @param indent [Integer] Base indentation level.
  # @return [String]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#187
  def to_s(indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Converts `self` to a pretty-printed s-expression.
  # @param indent [Integer] Base indentation level.
  # @return [String]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#187
  def to_sexp(indent = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Converts `self` to an Array where the first element is the type as a Symbol,
  # and subsequent elements are the same representation of its children.
  # @return [Array<Symbol, [...Array]>]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#237
  def to_sexp_array; end

  # Returns the type of this node.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#43
  def type; end

  # Returns a new instance of Node where non-nil arguments replace the
  # corresponding fields of `self`.
  # For example, `, [ 1, 2 ]).updated(:bar)` would yield
  # `(bar 1 2)`, and `, [ 1, 2 ]).updated(nil, [])` would
  # yield `(foo)`.
  # If the resulting node would be identical to `self`, does nothing.
  # @param type [Symbol, nil]
  # @param children [Array, nil]
  # @param properties [Hash, nil]
  # @return [AST::Node]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#133
  def updated(type = T.unsafe(nil), children = T.unsafe(nil), properties = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # By default, each entry in the `properties` hash is assigned to
  # an instance variable in this instance of Node. A subclass should define
  # attribute readers for such variables. The values passed in the hash
  # are not frozen or whitelisted; such behavior can also be implemented
  # by subclassing Node and overriding this method.
  # @return [nil]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#98
  def assign_properties(properties); end

  # Returns `@type` with all underscores replaced by dashes. This allows
  # to write symbol literals without quotes in Ruby sources and yet have
  # nicely looking s-expressions.
  # @return [String]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/node.rb#264
  def fancy_type; end


  def original_dup; end

# This class includes {AST::Processor::Mixin}; however, it is
# deprecated, since the module defines all of the behaviors that
# the processor includes.  Any new libraries should use
# {AST::Processor::Mixin} instead of subclassing this.
# @deprecated Use {AST::Processor::Mixin} instead.
# source://ast//lib/ast/processor.rb#8
class AST::Processor
  include ::AST::Processor::Mixin

# The processor module is a module which helps transforming one
# AST into another.  In a nutshell, the {#process} method accepts
# a {Node} and dispatches it to a handler corresponding to its
# type, and returns a (possibly) updated variant of the node.
# The processor module has a set of associated design patterns.
# They are best explained with a concrete example. Let's define a
# simple arithmetic language and an AST format for it:
# Terminals (AST nodes which do not have other AST nodes inside):
#   * `(integer <int-literal>)`,
# Nonterminals (AST nodes with other nodes as children):
#   * `(add <node> <node>)`,
#   * `(multiply <node> <node>)`,
#   * `(divide <node> <node>)`,
#   * `(negate <node>)`,
#   * `(store <node> <string-literal>)`: stores value of `<node>`
#     into a variable named `<string-literal>`,
#   * `(load <string-literal>)`: loads value of a variable named
#     `<string-literal>`,
#   * `(each <node> ...)`: computes each of the `<node>`s and
#     prints the result.
# All AST nodes have the same Ruby class, and therefore they don't
# know how to traverse themselves. (A solution which dynamically
# checks the type of children is possible, but is slow and
# error-prone.) So, a class including the module which knows how
# to traverse the entire tree should be defined.  Such classes
# have a handler for each nonterminal node which recursively
# processes children nodes:
#     require 'ast'
#     class ArithmeticsProcessor
#       include AST::Processor::Mixin
#       # This method traverses any binary operators such as (add)
#       # or (multiply).
#       def process_binary_op(node)
#         # Children aren't decomposed automatically; it is
#         # suggested to use Ruby multiple assignment expansion,
#         # as it is very convenient here.
#         left_expr, right_expr = *node
#         # AST::Node#updated won't change node type if nil is
#         # passed as a first argument, which allows to reuse the
#         # same handler for multiple node types using `alias'
#         # (below).
#         node.updated(nil, [
#           process(left_expr),
#           process(right_expr)
#         ])
#       end
#       alias_method :on_add,      :process_binary_op
#       alias_method :on_multiply, :process_binary_op
#       alias_method :on_divide,   :process_binary_op
#       def on_negate(node)
#         # It is also possible to use #process_all for more
#         # compact code if every child is a Node.
#         node.updated(nil, process_all(node))
#       end
#       def on_store(node)
#         expr, variable_name = *node
#         # Note that variable_name is not a Node and thus isn't
#         # passed to #process.
#         node.updated(nil, [
#           process(expr),
#           variable_name
#         ])
#       end
#       # (load) is effectively a terminal node, and so it does
#       # not need an explicit handler, as the following is the
#       # default behavior.  Essentially, for any nodes that don't
#       # have a defined handler, the node remains unchanged.
#       def on_load(node)
#         nil
#       end
#       def on_each(node)
#         node.updated(nil, process_all(node))
#       end
#     end
# Let's test our ArithmeticsProcessor:
#     include AST::Sexp
#     expr = s(:add, s(:integer, 2), s(:integer, 2))
#     p == expr # => true
# As expected, it does not change anything at all. This isn't
# actually very useful, so let's now define a Calculator, which
# will compute the expression values:
#     # This Processor folds nonterminal nodes and returns an
#     # (integer) terminal node.
#     class ArithmeticsCalculator < ArithmeticsProcessor
#       def compute_op(node)
#         # First, node children are processed and then unpacked
#         # to local variables.
#         nodes = process_all(node)
#         if nodes.all? { |node| node.type == :integer }
#           # If each of those nodes represents a literal, we can
#           # fold this node!
#           values = { |node| node.children.first }
# , [
#             yield(values)
#           ])
#         else
#           # Otherwise, we can just leave the current node in the
#           # tree and only update it with processed children
#           # nodes, which can be partially folded.
#           node.updated(nil, nodes)
#         end
#       end
#       def on_add(node)
#         compute_op(node) { |left, right| left + right }
#       end
#       def on_multiply(node)
#         compute_op(node) { |left, right| left * right }
#       end
#     end
# Let's check:
#     p # => (integer 4)
# Excellent, the calculator works! Now, a careful reader could
# notice that the ArithmeticsCalculator does not know how to
# divide numbers. What if we pass an expression with division to
# it?
#     expr_with_division = \
#       s(:add,
#         s(:integer, 1),
#         s(:divide,
#           s(:add, s(:integer, 8), s(:integer, 4)),
#           s(:integer, 3))) # 1 + (8 + 4) / 3
#     folded_expr_with_division =
#     p folded_expr_with_division
#     # => (add
#     #      (integer 1)
#     #      (divide
#     #        (integer 12)
#     #        (integer 3)))
# As you can see, the expression was folded _partially_: the inner
# `(add)` node which could be computed was folded to
# `(integer 12)`, the `(divide)` node is left as-is because there
# is no computing handler for it, and the root `(add)` node was
# also left as it is because some of its children were not
# literals.
# Note that this partial folding is only possible because the
# _data_ format, i.e. the format in which the computed values of
# the nodes are represented, is the same as the AST itself.
# Let's extend our ArithmeticsCalculator class further.
#     class ArithmeticsCalculator
#       def on_divide(node)
#         compute_op(node) { |left, right| left / right }
#       end
#       def on_negate(node)
#         # Note how #compute_op works regardless of the operator
#         # arity.
#         compute_op(node) { |value| -value }
#       end
#     end
# Now, let's apply our renewed ArithmeticsCalculator to a partial
# result of previous evaluation:
#     p # => (integer 5)
# Five! Excellent. This is also pretty much how CRuby 1.8 executed
# its programs.
# Now, let's do some automated bug searching. Division by zero is
# an error, right? So if we could detect that someone has divided
# by zero before the program is even run, that could save some
# debugging time.
#     class DivisionByZeroVerifier < ArithmeticsProcessor
#       class VerificationFailure < Exception; end
#       def on_divide(node)
#         # You need to process the children to handle nested divisions
#         # such as:
#         # (divide
#         #   (integer 1)
#         #   (divide (integer 1) (integer 0))
#         left, right = process_all(node)
#         if right.type == :integer &&
#            right.children.first == 0
#           raise VerificationFailure, "Ouch! This code divides by zero."
#         end
#       end
#       def divides_by_zero?(ast)
#         process(ast)
#         false
#       rescue VerificationFailure
#         true
#       end
#     end
#     nice_expr = \
#       s(:divide,
#         s(:add, s(:integer, 10), s(:integer, 2)),
#         s(:integer, 4))
#     p
#     # => false. Good.
#     bad_expr = \
#       s(:add, s(:integer, 10),
#         s(:divide, s(:integer, 1), s(:integer, 0)))
#     p
#     # => true. WHOOPS. DO NOT RUN THIS.
# Of course, this won't detect more complex cases... unless you
# use some partial evaluation before! The possibilites are
# endless. Have fun.
# source://ast//lib/ast/processor/mixin.rb#240
module AST::Processor::Mixin
  # Default handler. Does nothing.
  # @param node [AST::Node]
  # @return [AST::Node, nil]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/processor/mixin.rb#284
  def handler_missing(node); end

  # Dispatches `node`. If a node has type `:foo`, then a handler
  # named `on_foo` is invoked with one argument, the `node`; if
  # there isn't such a handler, {#handler_missing} is invoked
  # with the same argument.
  # If the handler returns `nil`, `node` is returned; otherwise,
  # the return value of the handler is passed along.
  # @param node [AST::Node, nil]
  # @return [AST::Node, nil]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/processor/mixin.rb#251
  def process(node); end

  # {#process}es each node from `nodes` and returns an array of
  # results.
  # @param nodes [Array<AST::Node>]
  # @return [Array<AST::Node>]
  # source://ast//lib/ast/processor/mixin.rb#274
  def process_all(nodes); end

# This simple module is very useful in the cases where one needs
# to define deeply nested ASTs from Ruby code, for example, in
# tests. It should be used like this:
#     describe YourLanguage::AST do
#       include Sexp
#       it "should correctly parse expressions" do
#         YourLanguage.parse("1 + 2 * 3").should ==
#             s(:add,
#               s(:integer, 1),
#               s(:multiply,
#                 s(:integer, 2),
#                 s(:integer, 3)))
#       end
#     end
# This way the amount of boilerplate code is greatly reduced.
# source://ast//lib/ast/sexp.rb#20
module AST::Sexp
  # Creates a {Node} with type `type` and children `children`.
  # Note that the resulting node is of the type AST::Node and not a
  # subclass.
  # This would not pose a problem with comparisons, as {Node#==}
  # ignores metadata.
  # source://ast//lib/ast/sexp.rb#26
  def s(type, *children); end