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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `logs_tf` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem logs_tf`.

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/version.rb#1
module LogsTF; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#3
class LogsTF::Log
  # @return [Log] a new instance of Log
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#7
  def initialize(file, map_name = T.unsafe(nil), title = T.unsafe(nil), api_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_key.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def api_key; end

  # Sets the attribute api_key
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_key to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def api_key=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute file.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def file; end

  # Sets the attribute file
  # @param value the value to set the attribute file to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def file=(_arg0); end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#14
  def filename; end

  # Returns the value of attribute map_name.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def map_name; end

  # Sets the attribute map_name
  # @param value the value to set the attribute map_name to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def map_name=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute title.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def title; end

  # Sets the attribute title
  # @param value the value to set the attribute title to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/log.rb#5
  def title=(_arg0); end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#6
class LogsTF::Upload
  # @return [Upload] a new instance of Upload
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#10
  def initialize(log, logs_tf_url = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sets the attribute api_key
  # @param value the value to set the attribute api_key to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def api_key=(_arg0); end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#59
  def error; end

  # Returns the value of attribute log.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def log; end

  # Sets the attribute log
  # @param value the value to set the attribute log to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def log=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute logs_tf_url.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def logs_tf_url; end

  # Sets the attribute logs_tf_url
  # @param value the value to set the attribute logs_tf_url to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def logs_tf_url=(_arg0); end

  # @raise [error_class]
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#30
  def raise_logs_tf_error; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#71
  def request_success?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute response.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def response; end

  # Sets the attribute response
  # @param value the value to set the attribute response to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def response=(_arg0); end

  # Returns the value of attribute response_body.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#63
  def response_body; end

  # Sets the attribute response_body
  # @param value the value to set the attribute response_body to.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#8
  def response_body=(_arg0); end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#15
  def send; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#67
  def upload_success?; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#26
  def url; end


  # Returns the value of attribute api_key.
  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#96
  def api_key; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#100
  def connection; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#84
  def logfile; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#92
  def map_name; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#77
  def post_options; end

  # source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#88
  def title; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#108
class LogsTF::Upload::Error < ::StandardError; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#119
class LogsTF::Upload::GuruMeditationError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#113
class LogsTF::Upload::InvalidAPIKeyError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#110
class LogsTF::Upload::InvalidLogError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#116
class LogsTF::Upload::LogIsEmptyError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#118
class LogsTF::Upload::MissingAPIKeyOrLoginError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#111
class LogsTF::Upload::MissingLogError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#114
class LogsTF::Upload::NoValidRoundsError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#112
class LogsTF::Upload::NotAuthenticatedError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#115
class LogsTF::Upload::NotEnoughPlayersError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#117
class LogsTF::Upload::ParsingFailedError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#109
class LogsTF::Upload::RequestError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/upload.rb#120
class LogsTF::Upload::UnknownLogsTfError < ::LogsTF::Upload::Error; end

# source://logs_tf//lib/logs_tf/version.rb#2
LogsTF::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)