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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `maxmind-geoip2` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem maxmind-geoip2`.

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#3
module MaxMind; end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#4
module MaxMind::GeoIP2; end

# Base error class for all errors that originate from the IP address
# itself and will not change when retried.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#11
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# An AddressInvalidError means the IP address was invalid.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#24
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressInvalidError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressError; end

# An AddressNotFoundError means the IP address was not found in the
# database or the web service said the IP address was not found.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#16
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressNotFoundError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressError; end

# An AddressReservedError means the IP address is reserved.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#28
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressReservedError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::AddressError; end

# An AuthenticationError means there was a problem authenticating to the
# web service.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#33
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::AuthenticationError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#56
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Client
  # Create a Client that may be used to query a GeoIP2 Precision web service.
  # Once created, the Client is safe to use for lookups from multiple
  # threads.
  # @param account_id [Integer] your MaxMind account ID.
  # @param license_key [String] your MaxMind license key.
  # @param locales [Array<String>] a list of locale codes to use in the name
  #   property from most preferred to least preferred.
  # @param host [String] the host to use when querying the web service. Set
  #   this to "" to use the GeoLite2 web service instead of
  #   GeoIP2 Precision.
  # @param timeout [Integer] the number of seconds to wait for a request
  #   before timing out. If 0, no timeout is set.
  # @param proxy_address [String] proxy address to use, if any.
  # @param proxy_port [Integer] proxy port to use, if any.
  # @param proxy_username [String] proxy username to use, if any.
  # @param proxy_password [String] proxy password to use, if any.
  # @param pool_size [Integer] HTTP connection pool size
  # @return [Client] a new instance of Client
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#89
  def initialize(account_id:, license_key:, locales: T.unsafe(nil), host: T.unsafe(nil), timeout: T.unsafe(nil), proxy_address: T.unsafe(nil), proxy_port: T.unsafe(nil), proxy_username: T.unsafe(nil), proxy_password: T.unsafe(nil), pool_size: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # This method calls the City web service.
  # @param ip_address [String] IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
  #   address is provided, the address that the web service is called from is
  #   used.
  # @raise [HTTP::Error] if there was an error performing the HTTP request,
  #   such as an error connecting.
  # @raise [JSON::ParserError] if there was invalid JSON in the response.
  # @raise [HTTPError] if there was a problem with the HTTP response, such as
  #   an unexpected HTTP status code.
  # @raise [AddressInvalidError] if the web service believes the IP address
  #   to be invalid or missing.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address was not found.
  # @raise [AddressReservedError] if the IP address is reserved.
  # @raise [AuthenticationError] if there was a problem authenticating to the
  #   web service, such as an invalid or missing license key.
  # @raise [InsufficientFundsError] if your account is out of credit.
  # @raise [PermissionRequiredError] if your account does not have permission
  #   to use the web service.
  # @raise [InvalidRequestError] if the web service responded with an error
  #   and there is no more specific error to raise.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#153
  def city(ip_address = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # This method calls the Country web service.
  # @param ip_address [String] IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
  #   address is provided, the address that the web service is called from is
  #   used.
  # @raise [HTTP::Error] if there was an error performing the HTTP request,
  #   such as an error connecting.
  # @raise [JSON::ParserError] if there was invalid JSON in the response.
  # @raise [HTTPError] if there was a problem with the HTTP response, such as
  #   an unexpected HTTP status code.
  # @raise [AddressInvalidError] if the web service believes the IP address
  #   to be invalid or missing.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address was not found.
  # @raise [AddressReservedError] if the IP address is reserved.
  # @raise [AuthenticationError] if there was a problem authenticating to the
  #   web service, such as an invalid or missing license key.
  # @raise [InsufficientFundsError] if your account is out of credit.
  # @raise [PermissionRequiredError] if your account does not have permission
  #   to use the web service.
  # @raise [InvalidRequestError] if the web service responded with an error
  #   and there is no more specific error to raise.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Country]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#190
  def country(ip_address = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # This method calls the Insights web service.
  # Insights is only supported by the GeoIP2 Precision web service. The
  # GeoLite2 web service does not support it.
  # @param ip_address [String] IPv4 or IPv6 address as a string. If no
  #   address is provided, the address that the web service is called from is
  #   used.
  # @raise [HTTP::Error] if there was an error performing the HTTP request,
  #   such as an error connecting.
  # @raise [JSON::ParserError] if there was invalid JSON in the response.
  # @raise [HTTPError] if there was a problem with the HTTP response, such as
  #   an unexpected HTTP status code.
  # @raise [AddressInvalidError] if the web service believes the IP address
  #   to be invalid or missing.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address was not found.
  # @raise [AddressReservedError] if the IP address is reserved.
  # @raise [AuthenticationError] if there was a problem authenticating to the
  #   web service, such as an invalid or missing license key.
  # @raise [InsufficientFundsError] if your account is out of credit.
  # @raise [PermissionRequiredError] if your account does not have permission
  #   to use the web service.
  # @raise [InvalidRequestError] if the web service responded with an error
  #   and there is no more specific error to raise.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Insights]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#230
  def insights(ip_address = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#262
  def get(endpoint, ip_address); end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#292
  def handle_client_error(endpoint, status, body, is_json); end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#327
  def handle_success(endpoint, body, is_json); end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#242
  def make_http_client; end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/client.rb#236
  def response_for(endpoint, model_class, ip_address); end

# Module's base error class
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#6
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error < ::StandardError; end

# An HTTPError means there was an unexpected HTTP status or response.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#20
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::HTTPError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# An InsufficientFundsError means the account is out of credits.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#37
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::InsufficientFundsError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# An InvalidRequestError means the web service returned an error and there
# is no more specific error class.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#47
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::InvalidRequestError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#11
module MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model; end

# Model class for the GeoLite2 ASN database.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/asn.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ASN < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # The autonomous system number associated with the IP address.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/asn.rb#13
  def autonomous_system_number; end

  # The organization associated with the registered autonomous system number
  # for the IP address.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/asn.rb#21
  def autonomous_system_organization; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/asn.rb#28
  def ip_address; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/asn.rb#37
  def network; end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/abstract.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # @return [Abstract] a new instance of Abstract
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/abstract.rb#10
  def initialize(record); end


  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/abstract.rb#19
  def get(key); end

# Model class for the Anonymous IP database.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::AnonymousIP < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # This is true if the IP address belongs to any sort of anonymous network.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#13
  def anonymous?; end

  # This is true if the IP address is registered to an anonymous VPN
  # provider. If a VPN provider does not register subnets under names
  # associated with them, we will likely only flag their IP ranges using the
  # hosting_provider? method.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#23
  def anonymous_vpn?; end

  # This is true if the IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider (see
  # description of the anonymous_vpn? method).
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#31
  def hosting_provider?; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#38
  def ip_address; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#47
  def network; end

  # This is true if the IP address belongs to a public proxy.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#54
  def public_proxy?; end

  # This is true if the IP address is on a suspected anonymizing network
  # and belongs to a residential ISP.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#62
  def residential_proxy?; end

  # This is true if the IP address is a Tor exit node.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/anonymous_ip.rb#69
  def tor_exit_node?; end

# Model class for the data returned by the GeoIP2 City web service and
# database. It is also used for GeoLite2 City lookups.
# The only difference between the City and Insights model classes is which
# fields in each record may be populated. See
# for more details.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Country} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#20
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Country
  # @return [City] a new instance of City
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#49
  def initialize(record, locales); end

  # City data for the IP address.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::City]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#24
  def city; end

  # Location data for the IP address.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Location]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#29
  def location; end

  # The most specific subdivision returned.
  # If the response did not contain any subdivisions, this method returns
  # nil.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Subdivision, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#63
  def most_specific_subdivision; end

  # Postal data for the IP address.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Postal]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#34
  def postal; end

  # The country subdivisions for the IP address.
  # The number and type of subdivisions varies by country, but a subdivision
  # is typically a state, province, country, etc. Subdivisions are ordered
  # from most general (largest) to most specific (smallest).
  # If the response did not contain any subdivisions, this attribute will be
  # an empty array.
  # @return [Array<MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Subdivision>]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#46
  def subdivisions; end


  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/city.rb#69
  def create_subdivisions(subdivisions, locales); end

# Model class for the GeoIP2 Connection Type database.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/connection_type.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ConnectionType < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # The connection type may take the following values: "Dialup", "Cable/DSL",
  # "Corporate", "Cellular". Additional values may be added in the future.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/connection_type.rb#14
  def connection_type; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/connection_type.rb#21
  def ip_address; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/connection_type.rb#30
  def network; end

# Model class for the data returned by the GeoIP2 Country web service and
# database. It is also used for GeoLite2 Country lookups.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#14
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Country
  # @return [Country] a new instance of Country
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#51
  def initialize(record, locales); end

  # Continent data for the IP address.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Continent]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#18
  def continent; end

  # Country data for the IP address. This object represents the country where
  # MaxMind believes the end user is located.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Country]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#24
  def country; end

  # Data related to your MaxMind account.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::MaxMind]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#29
  def maxmind; end

  # Registered country data for the IP address. This record represents the
  # country where the ISP has registered a given IP block and may differ from
  # the user's country.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Country]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#36
  def registered_country; end

  # Represented country data for the IP address. The represented country is
  # used for things like military bases. It is only present when the
  # represented country differs from the country.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::RepresentedCountry]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#43
  def represented_country; end

  # Data for the traits of the IP address.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Traits]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/country.rb#48
  def traits; end

# Model class for the GeoIP2 Domain database.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/domain.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Domain < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # The second level domain associated with the IP address. This will be
  # something like "" or "", not "".
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/domain.rb#14
  def domain; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/domain.rb#21
  def ip_address; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/domain.rb#30
  def network; end

# Model class for the data returned by GeoIP2 Enterprise database lookups.
# The only difference between the City and Insights model classes is which
# fields in each record may be populated. See
# for more details.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/enterprise.rb#15
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Enterprise < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City; end

# Model class for the GeoIP2 ISP database.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ISP < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Abstract
  # The autonomous system number associated with the IP address.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#13
  def autonomous_system_number; end

  # The organization associated with the registered autonomous system number
  # for the IP address.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#21
  def autonomous_system_organization; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#28
  def ip_address; end

  # The name of the ISP associated with the IP address.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#35
  def isp; end

  # The { mobile country
  # code (MCC)} associated with the IP address and ISP.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#43
  def mobile_country_code; end

  # The { mobile network
  # code (MNC)} associated with the IP address and ISP.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#51
  def mobile_network_code; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#60
  def network; end

  # The name of the organization associated with the IP address.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/isp.rb#67
  def organization; end

# Model class for the data returned by the GeoIP2 Precision Insights web
# service.
# The only difference between the City and Insights model classes is which
# fields in each record may be populated. See
# for more details.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/model/insights.rb#14
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Insights < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City; end

# A PermissionRequiredError means the account does not have permission to
# use the requested service.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/errors.rb#42
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::PermissionRequiredError < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Error; end

# Reader is a reader for the GeoIP2/GeoLite2 database format. IP addresses
# can be looked up using the database specific methods.
# == Example
#   require 'maxmind/geoip2'
#   reader = 'GeoIP2-Country.mmdb')
#   record ='')
#   puts
#   reader.close
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#29
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Reader
  # Create a Reader for looking up IP addresses in a GeoIP2/GeoLite2 database
  # file.
  # If you're performing multiple lookups, it's most efficient to create one
  # Reader and reuse it.
  # Once created, the Reader is safe to use for lookups from multiple
  # threads. It is safe to use after forking.
  # @overload initialize
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database is corrupt
  #   or invalid.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if the mode is invalid.
  # @return [Reader] a new instance of Reader
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#56
  def initialize(*args); end

  # Look up the IP address in the database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-Anonymous IP database or if
  #   you attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::AnonymousIP]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#104
  def anonymous_ip(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in an ASN database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-ASN database or if you
  #   attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ASN]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#128
  def asn(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in a City database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-City database or if you
  #   attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::City]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#147
  def city(ip_address); end

  # Close the Reader and return resources to the system.
  # @return [void]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#261
  def close; end

  # Look up the IP address in a Connection Type database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-Connection Type database or if
  #   you attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ConnectionType]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#166
  def connection_type(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in a Country database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-Country database or if you
  #   attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Country]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#190
  def country(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in a Domain database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-Domain database or if you
  #   attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Domain]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#209
  def domain(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in an Enterprise database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-Enterprise database or if
  #   you attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::Enterprise]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#228
  def enterprise(ip_address); end

  # Look up the IP address in an ISP database.
  # @param ip_address [String] a string in the standard notation. It may be
  #   IPv4 or IPv6.
  # @raise [ArgumentError] if used against a non-ISP database or if you
  #   attempt to look up an IPv6 address in an IPv4 only database.
  # @raise [AddressNotFoundError] if the IP address is not found in the
  #   database.
  # @raise [MaxMind::DB::InvalidDatabaseError] if the database appears
  #   corrupt.
  # @return [MaxMind::GeoIP2::Model::ISP]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#247
  def isp(ip_address); end

  # Return the metadata associated with the database.
  # @return [MaxMind::DB::Metadata]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#254
  def metadata; end


  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#293
  def flat_model_for(model_class, method, type, ip_address); end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#277
  def get_record(method, type, ip_address); end

  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/reader.rb#267
  def model_for(model_class, method, type, ip_address); end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/abstract.rb#5
module MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record; end

# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/abstract.rb#7
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # @return [Abstract] a new instance of Abstract
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/abstract.rb#8
  def initialize(record); end


  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/abstract.rb#14
  def get(key); end

# City-level data associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases besides
# Country.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/city.rb#14
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::City < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place
  # A value from 0-100 indicating MaxMind's confidence that the city is
  # correct. This attribute is only available from the Insights service and
  # the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/city.rb#20
  def confidence; end

  # The GeoName ID for the city. This attribute is returned by all location
  # services and databases.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/city.rb#28
  def geoname_id; end

  # A Hash where the keys are locale codes and the values are names. This
  # attribute is returned by all location services and databases.
  # @return [Hash<String, String>, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/city.rb#36
  def names; end

# Contains data for the continent record associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/continent.rb#13
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Continent < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place
  # A two character continent code like "NA" (North America) or "OC"
  # (Oceania). This attribute is returned by all location services and
  # databases.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/continent.rb#19
  def code; end

  # The GeoName ID for the continent. This attribute is returned by all
  # location services and databases.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/continent.rb#27
  def geoname_id; end

  # A Hash where the keys are locale codes and the values are names. This
  # attribute is returned by all location services and databases.
  # @return [Hash<String, String>, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/continent.rb#35
  def names; end

# Contains data for the country record associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#13
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Country < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place
  # A value from 0-100 indicating MaxMind's confidence that the country is
  # correct. This attribute is only available from the Insights service and
  # the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#19
  def confidence; end

  # The GeoName ID for the country. This attribute is returned by all
  # location services and databases.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#27
  def geoname_id; end

  # This is true if the country is a member state of the European Union. This
  # attribute is returned by all location services and databases.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#35
  def in_european_union?; end

  # The two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha code for the country. See
  # This attribute is returned by
  # all location services and databases.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#44
  def iso_code; end

  # A Hash where the keys are locale codes and the values are names. This
  # attribute is returned by all location services and databases.
  # @return [Hash<String, String>, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/country.rb#52
  def names; end

# Contains data for the location record associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases besides
# Country.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#12
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Location < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # The approximate accuracy radius in kilometers around the latitude and
  # longitude for the IP address. This is the radius where we have a 67%
  # confidence that the device using the IP address resides within the circle
  # centered at the latitude and longitude with the provided radius.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#19
  def accuracy_radius; end

  # The average income in US dollars associated with the requested IP
  # address. This attribute is only available from the Insights service.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#27
  def average_income; end

  # The approximate latitude of the location associated with the IP address.
  # This value is not precise and should not be used to identify a particular
  # address or household.
  # @return [Float, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#36
  def latitude; end

  # The approximate longitude of the location associated with the IP address.
  # This value is not precise and should not be used to identify a particular
  # address or household.
  # @return [Float, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#45
  def longitude; end

  # The metro code of the location if the location is in the US. MaxMind
  # returns the same metro codes as the Google AdWords API. See
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#54
  def metro_code; end

  # The estimated population per square kilometer associated with the IP
  # address. This attribute is only available from the Insights service.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#62
  def population_density; end

  # The time zone associated with location, as specified by the IANA Time
  # Zone Database, e.g., "America/New_York". See
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/location.rb#71
  def time_zone; end

# Contains data about your account.
# This record is returned by all location services.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/maxmind.rb#11
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::MaxMind < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # The number of remaining queries you have for the service you are calling.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/maxmind.rb#15
  def queries_remaining; end

# Location data common to different location types.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/place.rb#9
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # @return [Place] a new instance of Place
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/place.rb#11
  def initialize(record, locales); end

  # The first available localized name in order of preference.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/place.rb#19
  def name; end

# Contains data for the postal record associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases besides
# Country.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/postal.rb#12
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Postal < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all
  # countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal
  # code. This attribute is returned by all location databases and services
  # besides Country.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/postal.rb#19
  def code; end

  # A value from 0-100 indicating MaxMind's confidence that the postal code
  # is correct. This attribute is only available from the Insights service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/postal.rb#28
  def confidence; end

# Contains data for the represented country associated with an IP address.
# This class contains the country-level data associated with an IP address
# for the IP's represented country. The represented country is the country
# represented by something like a military base.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Country} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/represented_country.rb#15
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::RepresentedCountry < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Country
  # A string indicating the type of entity that is representing the country.
  # Currently we only return +military+ but this could expand to include
  # other types in the future.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/represented_country.rb#21
  def type; end

# Contains data for the subdivisions associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location databases and services besides
# Country.
# See {MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place} for inherited methods.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/subdivision.rb#14
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Subdivision < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Place
  # This is a value from 0-100 indicating MaxMind's confidence that the
  # subdivision is correct. This attribute is only available from the
  # Insights service and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/subdivision.rb#20
  def confidence; end

  # This is a GeoName ID for the subdivision. This attribute is returned by
  # all location databases and services besides Country.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/subdivision.rb#28
  def geoname_id; end

  # This is a string up to three characters long contain the subdivision
  # portion of the ISO 3166-2 code. See
  # This attribute is returned by
  # all location databases and services except Country.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/subdivision.rb#38
  def iso_code; end

  # A Hash where the keys are locale codes and the values are names. This attribute is returned by all location services and
  # databases besides country.
  # @return [Hash<String, String>, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/subdivision.rb#46
  def names; end

# Contains data for the traits record associated with an IP address.
# This record is returned by all location services and databases.
# source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#12
class MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Traits < ::MaxMind::GeoIP2::Record::Abstract
  # @return [Traits] a new instance of Traits
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#14
  def initialize(record); end

  # This is true if the IP address belongs to any sort of anonymous network.
  # This property is only available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#79
  def anonymous?; end

  # This is true if the IP address is registered to an anonymous VPN
  # provider. If a VPN provider does not register subnets under names
  # associated with them, we will likely only flag their IP ranges using the
  # hosting_provider? property. This property is only available from GeoIP2
  # Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#90
  def anonymous_vpn?; end

  # The autonomous system number associated with the IP address. See
  # Wikipedia[].
  # This attribute is only available from the City and Insights web service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#29
  def autonomous_system_number; end

  # The organization associated with the registered autonomous system number
  # for the IP address. See
  # Wikipedia[].
  # This attribute is only available from the City and Insights web service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#40
  def autonomous_system_organization; end

  # The connection type may take the following  values: "Dialup",
  # "Cable/DSL", "Corporate", "Cellular". Additional values may be added in
  # the future. This attribute is only available in the GeoIP2 Enterprise
  # database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#50
  def connection_type; end

  # The second level domain associated with the IP address. This will be
  # something like "" or "", not "".
  # This attribute is only available from the City and Insights web service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#60
  def domain; end

  # This is true if the IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider (see
  # description of the anonymous_vpn? property). This property is only
  # available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#99
  def hosting_provider?; end

  # The IP address that the data in the model is for. If you performed a "me"
  # lookup against the web service, this will be the externally routable IP
  # address for the system the code is running on. If the system is behind a
  # NAT, this may differ from the IP address locally assigned to it. This
  # attribute is returned by all end points.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#71
  def ip_address; end

  # The name of the ISP associated with the IP address. This attribute is
  # only available from the City and Insights web services and the GeoIP2
  # Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#164
  def isp; end

  # This attribute is true if MaxMind believes this IP address to be a
  # legitimate proxy, such as an internal VPN used by a corporation. This
  # attribute is only available in the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#108
  def legitimate_proxy?; end

  # The { mobile country
  # code (MCC)} associated with the IP address and ISP.
  # This attribute is only available from the City and Insights web service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#119
  def mobile_country_code; end

  # The { mobile network
  # code (MNC)} associated with the IP address and ISP.
  # This attribute is only available from the City and Insights web service
  # and the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#130
  def mobile_network_code; end

  # The network in CIDR notation associated with the record. In particular,
  # this is the largest network where all of the fields besides ip_address
  # have the same value.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#173
  def network; end

  # The name of the organization associated with the IP address. This
  # attribute is only available from the City and Insights web services and
  # the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#182
  def organization; end

  # This is true if the IP address belongs to a public proxy. This property
  # is only available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#138
  def public_proxy?; end

  # This is true if the IP address is on a suspected anonymizing network
  # and belongs to a residential ISP. This property is only available
  # from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#147
  def residential_proxy?; end

  # An indicator of how static or dynamic an IP address is. This property is
  # only available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Float, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#190
  def static_ip_score; end

  # This is true if the IP address is a Tor exit node. This property is only
  # available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#155
  def tor_exit_node?; end

  # The estimated number of users sharing the IP/network during the past 24
  # hours. For IPv4, the count is for the individual IP. For IPv6, the count
  # is for the /64 network. This property is only available from GeoIP2
  # Precision Insights.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#200
  def user_count; end

  # The user type associated with the IP address. This can be one of the
  # following values:
  # * business
  # * cafe
  # * cellular
  # * college
  # * content_delivery_network
  # * dialup
  # * government
  # * hosting
  # * library
  # * military
  # * residential
  # * router
  # * school
  # * search_engine_spider
  # * traveler
  # This attribute is only available from the Insights web service and the
  # GeoIP2 Enterprise database.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://maxmind-geoip2//lib/maxmind/geoip2/record/traits.rb#227
  def user_type; end