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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `net-sftp` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem net-sftp`.

# Net::SFTP is a pure-Ruby module for programmatically interacting with a
# remote host via the SFTP protocol (that's SFTP as in "Secure File Transfer
# Protocol" produced by the Secure Shell Working Group, not "Secure FTP"
# and certainly not "Simple FTP").
# See Net::SFTP#start for an introduction to the library. Also, see
# Net::SFTP::Session for further documentation.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#1
module Net::SFTP
  class << self
    # A convenience method for starting a standalone SFTP session. It will
    # start up an SSH session using the given arguments (see the documentation
    # for Net::SSH::Session for details), and will then start a new SFTP session
    # with the SSH session. This will block until the new SFTP is fully open
    # and initialized before returning it.
    #   sftp = Net::SFTP.start("localhost", "user")
    #   sftp.upload! "/local/file.tgz", "/remote/file.tgz"
    # If a block is given, it will be passed to the SFTP session and will be
    # called once the SFTP session is fully open and initialized. When the
    # block terminates, the new SSH session will automatically be closed.
    #   Net::SFTP.start("localhost", "user") do |sftp|
    #     sftp.upload! "/local/file.tgz", "/remote/file.tgz"
    #   end
    # Extra parameters can be passed:
    # - The Net::SSH connection options (see Net::SSH for more information)
    # - The Net::SFTP connection options (only :version is supported, to let you
    #   set the SFTP protocol version to be used)
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp.rb#35
    def start(host, user, ssh_options = T.unsafe(nil), sftp_options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

# The packet types and other general constants used by the SFTP protocol.
# See the specification for the SFTP protocol for a full discussion of their
# meaning and usage.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#6
module Net::SFTP::Constants; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#140
module Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE; end

# Access control entry flags, used from version 4 of the protocol,
# onward. See Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::ACL.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#152
module Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#154
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::DIRECTORY_INHERIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#158
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::FAILED_ACCESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#153
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::FILE_INHERIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#159
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::IDENTIFIER_GROUP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#156
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::INHERIT_ONLY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#155
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#157
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Flag::SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Access control entry masks, used from version 4 of the protocol,
# onward. See Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::ACL.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#164
module Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#168
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::ADD_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#170
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::ADD_SUBDIRECTORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#169
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::APPEND_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#177
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::DELETE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#174
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::DELETE_CHILD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#173
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::EXECUTE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#166
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::LIST_DIRECTORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#178
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::READ_ACL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#175
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::READ_ATTRIBUTES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#165
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::READ_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#171
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::READ_NAMED_ATTRS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#181
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::SYNCHRONIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#179
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::WRITE_ACL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#176
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#167
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::WRITE_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#172
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#180
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Mask::WRITE_OWNER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Access control entry types, used from version 4 of the protocol,
# onward. See Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::ACL.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#143
module Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Type; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#144
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Type::ACCESS_ALLOWED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#145
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Type::ACCESS_DENIED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#147
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Type::SYSTEM_ALARM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#146
Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE::Type::SYSTEM_AUDIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The Net::SFTP::Session#block operation, implemented in version 6 of
# the protocol, understands these constants for the +mask+ parameter.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#133
module Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#137
Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes::ADVISORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#136
Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes::DELETE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#134
Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes::READ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#135
Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes::WRITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The Net::SFTP::Session#open operation is one of the worst casualties of
# the revisions between SFTP protocol versions. The flags change considerably
# between version 1 and version 6. Net::SFTP tries to shield programmers
# from the differences, so you'll almost never need to use these flags
# directly, but if you ever need to specify some flag that isn't exposed
# by the higher-level API, these are the ones that are available to you.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#89
module Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags; end

# These are the flags that are understood by versions 1-4 of the the
# open operation.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#92
module Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#95
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::APPEND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#96
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::CREAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#98
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::EXCL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#93
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::READ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#97
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::TRUNC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#94
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV1::WRITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Version 5 of the open operation totally discarded the flags understood
# by versions 1-4, and replaced them with these.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#103
module Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#110
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::APPEND_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#111
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::APPEND_DATA_ATOMIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#104
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::CREATE_NEW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#105
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::CREATE_TRUNCATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#115
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::DELETE_LOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#106
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::OPEN_EXISTING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#107
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::OPEN_OR_CREATE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#113
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::READ_LOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#112
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::TEXT_MODE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#108
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::TRUNCATE_EXISTING = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#114
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV5::WRITE_LOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Version 6 of the open operation added these flags, in addition to the
# flags understood by version 5.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#120
module Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#124
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::ACCESS_AUDIT_ALARM_INFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#125
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::ACCESS_BACKUP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#121
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::ADVISORY_LOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#126
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::BACKUP_STREAM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#123
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::DELETE_ON_CLOSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#122
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::NOFOLLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#127
Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags::FV6::OVERRIDE_OWNER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The various packet types supported by SFTP protocol versions 1 through 6.
# The FXP_EXTENDED and FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet types are not currently
# understood by Net::SFTP.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#11
module Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#41
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_ATTRS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#34
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_BLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#16
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_CLOSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#39
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_DATA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#43
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_EXTENDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#44
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#22
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_FSETSTAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#20
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_FSTAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#38
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_HANDLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#12
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_INIT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#33
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_LINK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#19
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_LSTAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#26
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_MKDIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#40
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#15
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_OPEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#23
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_OPENDIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#17
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_READ = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#24
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_READDIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#31
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_READLINK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#28
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_REALPATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#25
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_REMOVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#30
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_RENAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#27
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_RMDIR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#21
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_SETSTAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#29
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_STAT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#37
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_STATUS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#32
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_SYMLINK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#35
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_UNBLOCK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#13
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#18
Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes::FXP_WRITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Beginning in version 5 of the protocol, Net::SFTP::Session#rename accepts
# an optional +flags+ argument that must be either 0 or a combination of
# these constants.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#50
module Net::SFTP::Constants::RenameFlags; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#52
Net::SFTP::Constants::RenameFlags::ATOMIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#53
Net::SFTP::Constants::RenameFlags::NATIVE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#51
Net::SFTP::Constants::RenameFlags::OVERWRITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# When an FXP_STATUS packet is received from the server, the +code+ will
# be one of the following constants.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#58
module Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#64
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_BAD_MESSAGE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#66
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_CONNECTION_LOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#77
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_DIR_NOT_EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#60
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_EOF = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#63
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_FAILURE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#70
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#79
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_INVALID_FILENAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#68
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_INVALID_HANDLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#80
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_LINK_LOOP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#76
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_LOCK_CONFlICT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#78
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NOT_A_DIRECTORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#65
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NO_CONNECTION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#72
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NO_MEDIA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#73
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NO_SPACE_ON_FILESYSTEM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#61
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NO_SUCH_FILE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#69
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_NO_SUCH_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#59
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_OK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#67
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#62
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_PERMISSION_DENIED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#74
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_QUOTA_EXCEEDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#75
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPLE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/constants.rb#71
Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes::FX_WRITE_PROTECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The base exception class for the SFTP system.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#4
class Net::SFTP::Exception < ::RuntimeError; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Operations; end

# A convenience class for working with remote directories. It provides methods
# for searching and enumerating directory entries, similarly to the standard
# ::Dir class.
#   sftp.dir.foreach("/remote/path") do |entry|
#     puts
#   end
#   p sftp.dir.entries("/remote/path").map { |e| }
#   sftp.dir.glob("/remote/path", "**/*.rb") do |entry|
#     puts
#   end
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#18
class Net::SFTP::Operations::Dir
  # Create a new instance on top of the given SFTP session instance.
  # @return [Dir] a new instance of Dir
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#23
  def initialize(sftp); end

  # Identical to calling #glob with a +flags+ parameter of 0 and no block.
  # Simply returns the matched entries as an array.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#88
  def [](path, pattern); end

  # Returns an array of Name objects representing the items in the given
  # remote directory, +path+.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#42
  def entries(path); end

  # Calls the block once for each entry in the named directory on the
  # remote server. Yields a Name object to the block, rather than merely
  # the name of the entry.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#30
  def foreach(path); end

  # Works as ::Dir.glob, matching (possibly recursively) all directory
  # entries under +path+ against +pattern+. If a block is given, matches
  # will be yielded to the block as they are found; otherwise, they will
  # be returned in an array when the method finishes.
  # Because working over an SFTP connection is always going to be slower than
  # working purely locally, don't expect this method to perform with the
  # same level of alacrity that ::Dir.glob does; it will work best for
  # shallow directory hierarchies with relatively few directories, though
  # it should be able to handle modest numbers of files in each directory.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#58
  def glob(path, pattern, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The SFTP session object that drives this directory factory.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb#20
  def sftp; end

# A general purpose downloader module for Net::SFTP. It can download files
# into IO objects, or directly to files on the local file system. It can
# even download entire directory trees via SFTP, and provides a flexible
# progress reporting mechanism.
# To download a single file from the remote server, simply specify both the
# remote and local paths:
#   downloader ="/path/to/remote.txt", "/path/to/local.txt")
# By default, this operates asynchronously, so if you want to block until
# the download finishes, you can use the 'bang' variant:
#!("/path/to/remote.txt", "/path/to/local.txt")
# Or, if you have multiple downloads that you want to run in parallel, you can
# employ the #wait method of the returned object:
#   dls = %w(file1 file2 file3).map { |f|"remote/#{f}", f) }
#   dls.each { |d| d.wait }
# To download an entire directory tree, recursively, simply specify :recursive => true:
#!("/path/to/remotedir", "/path/to/local", :recursive => true)
# This will download "/path/to/remotedir", its contents, its subdirectories,
# and their contents, recursively, to "/path/to/local" on the local host.
# (If you specify :recursive => true and the source is not a directory,
# you'll get an error!)
# If you want to pull the contents of a file on the remote server, and store
# the data in memory rather than immediately to disk, you can pass an IO
# object as the destination:
#   require 'stringio'
#   io =
#!("/path/to/remote", io)
# This will only work for single-file downloads. Trying to do so with
# :recursive => true will cause an error.
# The following options are supported:
# * <tt>:progress</tt> - either a block or an object to act as a progress
#   callback. See the discussion of "progress monitoring" below.
# * <tt>:requests</tt> - the number of pending SFTP requests to allow at
#   any given time. When downloading an entire directory tree recursively,
#   this will default to 16. Setting this higher might improve throughput.
#   Reducing it will reduce throughput.
# * <tt>:read_size</tt> - the maximum number of bytes to read at a time
#   from the source. Increasing this value might improve throughput. It
#   defaults to 32,000 bytes.
# == Progress Monitoring
# Sometimes it is desirable to track the progress of a download. There are
# two ways to do this: either using a callback block, or a special custom
# object.
# Using a block it's pretty straightforward:
#!("remote", "local") do |event, downloader, *args|
#     case event
#     when :open then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       puts "starting download: #{args[0].remote} -> #{args[0].local} (#{args[0].size} bytes}"
#     when :get then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       # args[1] : byte offset in remote file
#       # args[2] : data that was received
#       puts "writing #{args[2].length} bytes to #{args[0].local} starting at #{args[1]}"
#     when :close then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       puts "finished with #{args[0].remote}"
#     when :mkdir then
#       # args[0] : local path name
#       puts "creating directory #{args[0]}"
#     when :finish then
#       puts "all done!"
#     end
#   end
# However, for more complex implementations (e.g., GUI interfaces and such)
# a block can become cumbersome. In those cases, you can create custom
# handler objects that respond to certain methods, and then pass your handler
# to the downloader:
#   class CustomHandler
#     def on_open(downloader, file)
#       puts "starting download: #{file.remote} -> #{file.local} (#{file.size} bytes)"
#     end
#     def on_get(downloader, file, offset, data)
#       puts "writing #{data.length} bytes to #{file.local} starting at #{offset}"
#     end
#     def on_close(downloader, file)
#       puts "finished with #{file.remote}"
#     end
#     def on_mkdir(downloader, path)
#       puts "creating directory #{path}"
#     end
#     def on_finish(downloader)
#       puts "all done!"
#     end
#   end
#!("remote", "local", :progress =>
# If you omit any of those methods, the progress updates for those missing
# events will be ignored. You can create a catchall method named "call" for
# those, instead.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#119
class Net::SFTP::Operations::Download
  include ::Net::SSH::Loggable

  # Instantiates a new downloader process on top of the given SFTP session.
  # +local+ is either an IO object that should receive the data, or a string
  # identifying the target file or directory on the local host. +remote+ is
  # a string identifying the location on the remote host that the download
  # should source.
  # This will return immediately, and requires that the SSH event loop be
  # run in order to effect the download. (See #wait.)
  # @return [Download] a new instance of Download
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#147
  def initialize(sftp, local, remote, options = T.unsafe(nil), &progress); end

  # Returns the property with the given name. This allows Download instances
  # to store their own state when used as part of a state machine.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#193
  def [](name); end

  # Sets the given property to the given name. This allows Download instances
  # to store their own state when used as part of a state machine.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#199
  def []=(name, value); end

  # Forces the transfer to stop.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#179
  def abort!; end

  # Returns true if there are any active requests or pending files or
  # directories.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#174
  def active?; end

  # The destination of the download (the name of a file or directory on
  # the local server, or an IO object)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#124
  def local; end

  # The hash of options that was given to this Download instance.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#131
  def options; end

  # The properties hash for this object
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#137
  def properties; end

  # Returns the value of the :recursive key in the options hash that was
  # given when the object was instantiated.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#168
  def recursive?; end

  # The source of the download (the name of a file or directory on the
  # remote server)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#128
  def remote; end

  # The SFTP session instance that drives this download.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#134
  def sftp; end

  # Runs the SSH event loop for as long as the downloader is active (see
  # #active?). This can be used to block until the download completes.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#186
  def wait; end


  # Initiates a read of the next #read_size bytes from the file.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#318
  def download_next_chunk(entry); end

  # Called when a file handle is closed.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#346
  def on_close(response); end

  # Called when a directory handle is closed.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#297
  def on_closedir(response); end

  # Called when a file has been opened. This will call #download_next_chunk
  # to initiate the data transfer.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#306
  def on_open(response); end

  # Called when a remote directory is "opened" for reading, e.g. to
  # enumerate its contents. Starts an readdir operation if the opendir
  # operation was successful.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#257
  def on_opendir(response); end

  # Called when a read from a file finishes. If the read was successful
  # and returned data, this will call #download_next_chunk to read the
  # next bit from the file. Otherwise the file will be closed.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#327
  def on_read(response); end

  # Called when the next batch of items is read from a directory on the
  # remote server. If any items were read, they are added to the queue
  # and #process_next_entry is called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#268
  def on_readdir(response); end

  # Called when a file is to be opened for reading from the remote server.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#290
  def open_file(entry); end

  # Enqueues as many files and directories from the stack as possible
  # (see #requests).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#236
  def process_next_entry; end

  # The progress handler for this instance. Possibly nil.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#218
  def progress; end

  # The number of bytes to read at a time from remote files.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#224
  def read_size; end

  # The number of simultaneou SFTP requests to use to effect the download.
  # Defaults to 16 for recursive downloads.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#230
  def requests; end

  # The stack of Entry instances, indicating which files and directories
  # on the remote host remain to be downloaded.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#215
  def stack; end

  # If a progress callback or object has been set, this will report
  # the progress to that callback or object.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#355
  def update_progress(hook, *args); end

# The default read size.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#221
Net::SFTP::Operations::Download::DEFAULT_READ_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# A simple struct for encapsulating information about a single remote
# file or directory that needs to be downloaded.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/download.rb#207
class Net::SFTP::Operations::Download::Entry < ::Struct
  # Returns the value of attribute directory
  # @return [Object] the current value of directory
  def directory; end

  # Sets the attribute directory
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute directory to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def directory=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute handle
  # @return [Object] the current value of handle
  def handle; end

  # Sets the attribute handle
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute handle to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def handle=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute local
  # @return [Object] the current value of local
  def local; end

  # Sets the attribute local
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute local to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def local=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute offset
  # @return [Object] the current value of offset
  def offset; end

  # Sets the attribute offset
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute offset to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def offset=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute remote
  # @return [Object] the current value of remote
  def remote; end

  # Sets the attribute remote
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute remote to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def remote=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute sink
  # @return [Object] the current value of sink
  def sink; end

  # Sets the attribute sink
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute sink to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def sink=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute size
  # @return [Object] the current value of size
  def size; end

  # Sets the attribute size
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute size to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def size=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# A wrapper around an SFTP file handle, that exposes an IO-like interface
# for interacting with the remote file. All operations are synchronous
# (blocking), making this a very convenient way to deal with remote files.
# A wrapper is usually created via the Net::SFTP::Session#file factory:
#   file ="/path/to/remote")
#   puts file.gets
#   file.close
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#14
class Net::SFTP::Operations::File
  # Creates a new wrapper that encapsulates the given +handle+ (such as
  # would be returned by Net::SFTP::Session#open!). The +sftp+ parameter
  # must be the same Net::SFTP::Session instance that opened the file.
  # @return [File] a new instance of File
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#27
  def initialize(sftp, handle); end

  # Closes the underlying file and sets the handle to +nil+. Subsequent
  # operations on this object will fail.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#46
  def close; end

  # Returns true if the end of the file has been encountered by a previous
  # read. Setting the current file position via #pos= will reset this
  # flag (useful if the file's contents have changed since the EOF was
  # encountered).
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#55
  def eof?; end

  # Reads up to the next instance of +sep_string+ in the stream, and
  # returns the bytes read (including +sep_string+). If +sep_string+ is
  # omitted, it defaults to +$/+. If EOF is encountered before any data
  # could be read, #gets will return +nil+. If the first argument is an
  # integer, or optional second argument is given, the returning string
  # would not be longer than the given value in bytes.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#87
  def gets(sep_or_limit = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The SFTP file handle object that this object wraps
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#19
  def handle; end

  # The current position within the remote file
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#22
  def pos; end

  # Repositions the file pointer to the given offset (relative to the
  # start of the file). This will also reset the EOF flag.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#38
  def pos=(offset); end

  # Writes each argument to the stream. If +$\+ is set, it will be written
  # after all arguments have been written.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#142
  def print(*items); end

  # Writes each argument to the stream, appending a newline to any item
  # that does not already end in a newline. Array arguments are flattened.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#159
  def puts(*items); end

  # Reads up to +n+ bytes of data from the stream. Fewer bytes will be
  # returned if EOF is encountered before the requested number of bytes
  # could be read. Without an argument (or with a nil argument) all data
  # to the end of the file will be read and returned.
  # This will advance the file pointer (#pos).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#65
  def read(n = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Same as #gets, but raises EOFError if EOF is encountered before any
  # data could be read.
  # @raise [EOFError]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#124
  def readline(sep_or_limit = T.unsafe(nil), limit = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Resets position to beginning of file
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#153
  def rewind; end

  # A reference to the Net::SFTP::Session instance that drives this wrapper
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#16
  def sftp; end

  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#148
  def size; end

  # Performs an fstat operation on the handle and returns the attribute
  # object (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes, Net::SFTP::Protool::V04::Attributes,
  # or Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes, depending on the SFTP protocol
  # version in use).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#175
  def stat; end

  # Writes the given data to the stream, incrementing the file position and
  # returning the number of bytes written.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#132
  def write(data); end


  # Fills the buffer. Returns +true+ if it succeeded, and +false+ if
  # EOF was encountered before any data was read.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file.rb#183
  def fill; end

# A factory class for opening files and returning Operations::File instances
# that wrap the SFTP handles that represent them. This is a convenience
# class for use when working with files synchronously. Rather than relying
# on the programmer to provide callbacks that define a state machine that
# describes the behavior of the program, this class (and Operations::File)
# provide an interface where calls will block until they return, mimicking
# the IO class' interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file_factory.rb#13
class Net::SFTP::Operations::FileFactory
  # Create a new instance on top of the given SFTP session instance.
  # @return [FileFactory] a new instance of FileFactory
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file_factory.rb#18
  def initialize(sftp); end

  # Returns +true+ if the argument refers to a directory on the remote host.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file_factory.rb#55
  def directory?(path); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   open(name, flags="r", mode=nil) -> file
  #   open(name, flags="r", mode=nil) { |file| ... }
  # Attempt to open a file on the remote server. The +flags+ parameter
  # accepts the same values as the standard Ruby ::File#open method. The
  # +mode+ parameter must be an integer describing the permissions to use
  # if a new file is being created.
  # If a block is given, the new Operations::File instance will be yielded
  # to it, and closed automatically when the block terminates. Otherwise
  # the object will be returned, and it is the caller's responsibility to
  # close the file.
  #"/tmp/names.txt", "w") do |f|
  #     # ...
  #   end
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file_factory.rb#39
  def open(name, flags = T.unsafe(nil), mode = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # The SFTP session object that drives this file factory.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/file_factory.rb#15
  def sftp; end

# A general purpose uploader module for Net::SFTP. It can upload IO objects,
# files, and even entire directory trees via SFTP, and provides a flexible
# progress reporting mechanism.
# To upload a single file to the remote server, simply specify both the
# local and remote paths:
#   uploader = sftp.upload("/path/to/local.txt", "/path/to/remote.txt")
# By default, this operates asynchronously, so if you want to block until
# the upload finishes, you can use the 'bang' variant:
#   sftp.upload!("/path/to/local.txt", "/path/to/remote.txt")
# Or, if you have multiple uploads that you want to run in parallel, you can
# employ the #wait method of the returned object:
#   uploads = %w(file1 file2 file3).map { |f| sftp.upload(f, "remote/#{f}") }
#   uploads.each { |u| u.wait }
# To upload an entire directory tree, recursively, simply pass the directory
# path as the first parameter:
#   sftp.upload!("/path/to/directory", "/path/to/remote")
# This will upload "/path/to/directory", its contents, its subdirectories,
# and their contents, recursively, to "/path/to/remote" on the remote server.
# For uploading a directory without creating it, do
# sftp.upload!("/path/to/directory", "/path/to/remote", :mkdir => false)
# If you want to send data to a file on the remote server, but the data is
# in memory, you can pass an IO object and upload its contents:
#   require 'stringio'
#   io =
#   sftp.upload!(io, "/path/to/remote")
# The following options are supported:
# * <tt>:progress</tt> - either a block or an object to act as a progress
#   callback. See the discussion of "progress monitoring" below.
# * <tt>:requests</tt> - the number of pending SFTP requests to allow at
#   any given time. When uploading an entire directory tree recursively,
#   this will default to 16, otherwise it will default to 2. Setting this
#   higher might improve throughput. Reducing it will reduce throughput.
# * <tt>:read_size</tt> - the maximum number of bytes to read at a time
#   from the source. Increasing this value might improve throughput. It
#   defaults to 32,000 bytes.
# * <tt>:name</tt> - the filename to report to the progress monitor when
#   an IO object is given as +local+. This defaults to "<memory>".
# == Progress Monitoring
# Sometimes it is desirable to track the progress of an upload. There are
# two ways to do this: either using a callback block, or a special custom
# object.
# Using a block it's pretty straightforward:
#   sftp.upload!("local", "remote") do |event, uploader, *args|
#     case event
#     when :open then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       puts "starting upload: #{args[0].local} -> #{args[0].remote} (#{args[0].size} bytes}"
#     when :put then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       # args[1] : byte offset in remote file
#       # args[2] : data being written (as string)
#       puts "writing #{args[2].length} bytes to #{args[0].remote} starting at #{args[1]}"
#     when :close then
#       # args[0] : file metadata
#       puts "finished with #{args[0].remote}"
#     when :mkdir then
#       # args[0] : remote path name
#       puts "creating directory #{args[0]}"
#     when :finish then
#       puts "all done!"
#   end
# However, for more complex implementations (e.g., GUI interfaces and such)
# a block can become cumbersome. In those cases, you can create custom
# handler objects that respond to certain methods, and then pass your handler
# to the uploader:
#   class CustomHandler
#     def on_open(uploader, file)
#       puts "starting upload: #{file.local} -> #{file.remote} (#{file.size} bytes)"
#     end
#     def on_put(uploader, file, offset, data)
#       puts "writing #{data.length} bytes to #{file.remote} starting at #{offset}"
#     end
#     def on_close(uploader, file)
#       puts "finished with #{file.remote}"
#     end
#     def on_mkdir(uploader, path)
#       puts "creating directory #{path}"
#     end
#     def on_finish(uploader)
#       puts "all done!"
#     end
#   end
#   sftp.upload!("local", "remote", :progress =>
# If you omit any of those methods, the progress updates for those missing
# events will be ignored. You can create a catchall method named "call" for
# those, instead.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#117
class Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload
  include ::Net::SSH::Loggable

  # Instantiates a new uploader process on top of the given SFTP session.
  # +local+ is either an IO object containing data to upload, or a string
  # identifying a file or directory on the local host. +remote+ is a string
  # identifying the location on the remote host that the upload should
  # target.
  # This will return immediately, and requires that the SSH event loop be
  # run in order to effect the upload. (See #wait.)
  # @return [Upload] a new instance of Upload
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#143
  def initialize(sftp, local, remote, options = T.unsafe(nil), &progress); end

  # Returns the property with the given name. This allows Upload instances
  # to store their own state when used as part of a state machine.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#209
  def [](name); end

  # Sets the given property to the given name. This allows Upload instances
  # to store their own state when used as part of a state machine.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#215
  def []=(name, value); end

  # Forces the transfer to stop.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#195
  def abort!; end

  # Returns true if the uploader is currently running. When this is false,
  # the uploader has finished processing.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#190
  def active?; end

  # The source of the upload (on the local server)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#121
  def local; end

  # The hash of options that were given when the object was instantiated
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#127
  def options; end

  # The properties hash for this object
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#133
  def properties; end

  # Returns true if a directory tree is being uploaded, and false if only a
  # single file is being uploaded.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#184
  def recursive?; end

  # The destination of the upload (on the remote server)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#124
  def remote; end

  # The SFTP session object used by this upload instance
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#130
  def sftp; end

  # Blocks until the upload has completed.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#202
  def wait; end


  # Returns all directory entries for the given path, removing the '.'
  # and '..' relative paths.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#379
  def entries_for(local); end

  # Called when a +close+ request finishes. Raises a StatusException if the
  # close failed, otherwise it calls #process_next_entry to continue the
  # state machine.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#346
  def on_close(response); end

  # Called when a +mkdir+ request finishes, successfully or otherwise.
  # If the request failed, this will raise a StatusException, otherwise
  # it will call #process_next_entry to continue the state machine.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#307
  def on_mkdir(response); end

  # Called when an +open+ request finishes. Raises StatusException if the
  # open failed, otherwise it calls #write_next_chunk to begin sending
  # data to the remote server.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#318
  def on_open(response); end

  # Called when a +write+ request finishes. Raises StatusException if the
  # write failed, otherwise it calls #write_next_chunk to continue the
  # write.
  # @raise [StatusException]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#336
  def on_write(response); end

  # Prepares to send +local+ to +remote+.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#280
  def open_file(local, remote); end

  # Examines the stack and determines what action to take. This is the
  # starting point of the state machine.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#243
  def process_next_entry; end

  # The progress handler for this instance. Possibly nil.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#226
  def progress; end

  # Attempts to notify the progress monitor (if one was given) about
  # progress made for the given event.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#385
  def update_progress(event, *args); end

  # Attempts to send the next chunk from the given file (where +file+ is
  # a LiveFile instance).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#355
  def write_next_chunk(file); end

# The default # of bytes to read from disk at a time.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#233
Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload::DEFAULT_READ_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# A simple struct for recording metadata about the file currently being
# uploaded.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#230
class Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload::LiveFile < ::Struct
  # Returns the value of attribute handle
  # @return [Object] the current value of handle
  def handle; end

  # Sets the attribute handle
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute handle to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def handle=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute io
  # @return [Object] the current value of io
  def io; end

  # Sets the attribute io
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute io to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def io=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute local
  # @return [Object] the current value of local
  def local; end

  # Sets the attribute local
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute local to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def local=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute remote
  # @return [Object] the current value of remote
  def remote; end

  # Sets the attribute remote
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute remote to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def remote=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute size
  # @return [Object] the current value of size
  def size; end

  # Sets the attribute size
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute size to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def size=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# The number of readers to use when uploading a directory.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#239
Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload::RECURSIVE_READERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The number of readers to use when uploading a single file.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/operations/upload.rb#236
Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload::SINGLE_FILE_READERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# A specialization of the Net::SSH::Buffer class, which simply auto-reads
# the type byte from the front of every packet it represents.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/packet.rb#7
class Net::SFTP::Packet < ::Net::SSH::Buffer
  # Create a new Packet object that wraps the given +data+ (which should be
  # a String). The first byte of the data will be consumed automatically and
  # interpreted as the #type of this packet.
  # @return [Packet] a new instance of Packet
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/packet.rb#15
  def initialize(data); end

  # The (intger) type of this packet. See Net::SFTP::Constants for all
  # possible packet types.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/packet.rb#10
  def type; end

# The Protocol module contains the definitions for all supported SFTP
# protocol versions.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#4
module Net::SFTP::Protocol
  class << self
    # Instantiates and returns a new protocol driver instance for the given
    # protocol version. +session+ must be a valid SFTP session object, and
    # +version+ must be an integer. If an unsupported version is given,
    # an exception will be raised.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol.rb#18
    def load(session, version); end

# The abstract superclass of the specific implementations for each supported
# SFTP protocol version. It implements general packet parsing logic, and
# provides a way for subclasses to send requests.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#9
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::Base
  include ::Net::SSH::Loggable
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes

  # Create a new instance of a protocol driver, servicing the given session.
  # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#18
  def initialize(session); end

  # Attept to parse the given packet. If the packet is of an unsupported
  # type, an exception will be raised. Returns the parsed data as a hash
  # (the keys in the hash are packet-type specific).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#27
  def parse(packet); end

  # The SFTP session object that acts as client to this protocol instance
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#15
  def session; end


  # Send a new packet of the given type, and with the given data arguments.
  # A new request identifier will be allocated to this request, and will
  # be returned.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/base.rb#43
  def send_request(type, *args); end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01; end

# A class representing the attributes of a file or directory on the server.
# It may be used to specify new attributes, or to query existing attributes.
# To specify new attributes, just pass a hash as the argument to the
# constructor. The following keys are supported:
# * :size:: the size of the file
# * :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
# * :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
# * :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
# * :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info
# Likewise, when the server sends an Attributes object, all of the
# above attributes are exposed as methods (though not all will be set with
# non-nil values from the server).
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#24
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes
  # Create a new Attributes instance with the given attributes. The
  # following keys are supported:
  # * :size:: the size of the file
  # * :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
  # * :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
  # * :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
  # * :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
  # * :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
  # * :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  # * :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  # * :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info
  # @return [Attributes] a new instance of Attributes
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#152
  def initialize(attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The last access time of the file
  def atime; end

  # The last access time of the file
  def atime=(value); end

  # The hash of name/value pairs that backs this Attributes instance
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#117
  def attributes; end

  # Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a directory.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#244
  def directory?; end

  # The hash of name/value pairs identifying extended information about the file
  def extended; end

  # The hash of name/value pairs identifying extended information about the file
  def extended=(value); end

  # Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a regular file.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#262
  def file?; end

  # Returns the group-id of the group that owns the file, or +nil+ if that
  # information is not available. If a :group key exists, but not a :gid
  # key, the Etc module will be used to reverse lookup the id from the name.
  # This might fail on some systems (e.g., Windows).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#172
  def gid; end

  # The group-id of the user that owns the file
  def gid=(value); end

  # Returns the group name of the group that owns the file, or +nil+ if that
  # information is not available. If the :gid is given, but not the :group,
  # the Etc module will be used to lookup the name from the id. This might
  # fail on some systems (e.g. Windows).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#196
  def group; end

  # The modification time of the file
  def mtime; end

  # The modification time of the file
  def mtime=(value); end

  # Returns the username of the user that owns the file, or +nil+ if that
  # information is not available. If the :uid is given, but not the :owner,
  # the Etc module will be used to lookup the name from the id. This might
  # fail on some systems (e.g. Windows).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#184
  def owner; end

  # The permissions on the file
  def permissions; end

  # The permissions on the file
  def permissions=(value); end

  # The size of the file.
  def size; end

  # The size of the file.
  def size=(value); end

  # Returns the type as a symbol, rather than an integer, for easier use in
  # Ruby programs.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#228
  def symbolic_type; end

  # Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a symlink.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#253
  def symlink?; end

  # Convert the object to a string suitable for passing in an SFTP
  # packet. This is the raw representation of the attribute packet payload,
  # and is not intended to be human readable.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#273
  def to_s; end

  # Inspects the permissions bits to determine what type of entity this
  # attributes object represents. If will return one of the T_ constants.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#206
  def type; end

  # Returns the user-id of the user that owns the file, or +nil+ if that
  # information is not available. If an :owner key exists, but not a :uid
  # key, the Etc module will be used to reverse lookup the id from the name.
  # This might fail on some systems (e.g., Windows).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#160
  def uid; end

  # The user-id of the user that owns the file
  def uid=(value); end


  # Encodes information about the extended info onto the end of the given
  # buffer.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#308
  def encode_extended(buffer); end

  # Perform protocol-version-specific preparations for serialization.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#299
  def prepare_serialization!; end

  class << self
    # A convenience method for defining methods that expose specific
    # attributes. This redefines the standard attr_accessor (an admittedly
    # bad practice) because (1) I don't need any "regular" accessors, and
    # (2) because rdoc will automatically pick up and note methods defined
    # via attr_accessor.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#81
    def attr_accessor(name); end

    # A convenience method for defining methods that expose specific
    # attributes. This redefines the standard attr_writer (an admittedly
    # bad practice) because (1) I don't need any "regular" accessors, and
    # (2) because rdoc will automatically pick up and note methods defined
    # via attr_writer.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#96
    def attr_writer(name); end

    # Returns the array of attribute meta-data that defines the structure of
    # the attributes packet as described by this version of the protocol.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#45
    def elements; end

    # Parses the given buffer and returns an Attributes object compsed from
    # the data extracted from it.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#59
    def from_buffer(buffer); end


    # Parse the hash of extended data from the buffer.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#107
    def parse_extended(buffer); end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#29
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::F_ACMODTIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#30
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::F_EXTENDED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#28
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::F_PERMISSIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#26
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::F_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#27
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::F_UIDGID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#39
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_BLOCK_DEVICE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#38
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_CHAR_DEVICE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#33
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_DIRECTORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#40
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_FIFO = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#32
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_REGULAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#37
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_SOCKET = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#35
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_SPECIAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#34
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_SYMLINK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb#36
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes::T_UNKNOWN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Also
# implements the packet parsing as defined by version 1 of the protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#19
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::Base
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants::OpenFlags

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#218
  def block(handle, offset, length, mask); end

  # Sends a FXP_CLOSE packet to the server for the given +handle+ (such as
  # would be returned via a FXP_HANDLE packet). Returns the new packet id.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#95
  def close(handle); end

  # Sends a FXP_FSETSTAT packet to the server, to update the attributes for
  # the file represented by the given +handle+ (which must have been obtained
  # from a FXP_HANDLE packet). The +attrs+ parameter is a hash that defines
  # the attributes to set.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#142
  def fsetstat(handle, attrs); end

  # Sends a FXP_FSTAT packet to the server, requesting a FXP_ATTR response
  # for the file represented by the given +handle+ (which must have been
  # obtained from a FXP_HANDLE packet). The +flags+ parameter is ignored in
  # this version of the protocol.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#127
  def fstat(handle, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#212
  def link(*args); end

  # Sends a FXP_LSTAT packet to the server, requesting a FXP_ATTR response
  # for the file at the given remote +path+ (a string). The +flags+ parameter
  # is ignored in this version of the protocol. #lstat will not follow
  # symbolic links; see #stat for a version that will.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#119
  def lstat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends a FXP_MKDIR packet to the server, to request that a new directory
  # at +path+ on the remote server be created, and with +attrs+ (a hash)
  # describing the attributes of the new directory.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#168
  def mkdir(path, attrs); end

  # Sends a FXP_OPEN packet to the server and returns the packet identifier.
  # The +flags+ parameter is either an integer (in which case it must be
  # a combination of the IO constants) or a string (in which case it must
  # be one of the mode strings that IO::open accepts). The +options+
  # parameter is a hash that is used to construct a new Attribute object,
  # to pass as part of the FXP_OPEN request.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#73
  def open(path, flags, options); end

  # Sends a FXP_OPENDIR packet to the server, to request a handle for
  # manipulating the directory at the given remote +path+.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#148
  def opendir(path); end

  # Parses the given FXP_ATTRS packet and returns a hash with one key,
  # :attrs, which references an Attributes object.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#48
  def parse_attrs_packet(packet); end

  # Parses the given FXP_DATA packet and returns a hash with one key,
  # :data, which references the data returned in the packet.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#42
  def parse_data_packet(packet); end

  # Parses the given FXP_HANDLE packet and returns a hash with one key,
  # :handle, which references the handle.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#30
  def parse_handle_packet(packet); end

  # Parses the given FXP_NAME packet and returns a hash with one key, :names,
  # which references an array of Name objects.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#54
  def parse_name_packet(packet); end

  # Parses the given FXP_STATUS packet and returns a hash with one key,
  # :code, which references the status code returned by the server.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#36
  def parse_status_packet(packet); end

  # Sends a FXP_READ packet to the server, requesting that +length+ bytes
  # be read from the file identified by +handle+, starting at +offset+ bytes
  # within the file. The handle must be one that was returned via a
  # FXP_HANDLE packet. Returns the new packet id.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#103
  def read(handle, offset, length); end

  # Sends a FXP_READDIR packet to the server, to request a batch of
  # directory name entries in the directory identified by +handle+ (which
  # must have been obtained via a FXP_OPENDIR request).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#155
  def readdir(handle); end

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#200
  def readlink(path); end

  # Sends a FXP_REALPATH packet to the server, to request that the given
  # +path+ be canonicalized, taking into account path segments like "..".
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#180
  def realpath(path); end

  # Sends a FXP_REMOTE packet to the server, to request that the given
  # file be deleted from the remote server.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#161
  def remove(filename); end

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#194
  def rename(name, new_name, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends a FXP_RMDIR packet to the server, to request that the directory
  # at +path+ on the remote server be deleted.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#174
  def rmdir(path); end

  # Sends a FXP_SETSTAT packet to the server, to update the attributes for
  # the file at the given remote +path+ (a string). The +attrs+ parameter is
  # a hash that defines the attributes to set.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#134
  def setstat(path, attrs); end

  # Sends a FXP_STAT packet to the server, requesting a FXP_ATTR response
  # for the file at the given remote +path+ (a string). The +flags+ parameter
  # is ignored in this version of the protocol. #stat will follow
  # symbolic links; see #lstat for a version that will not.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#188
  def stat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#206
  def symlink(path, target); end

  # Not implemented in version 1 of the SFTP protocol. Raises a
  # NotImplementedError if called.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#224
  def unblock(handle, offset, length); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (1, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#24
  def version; end

  # Sends a FXP_WRITE packet to the server, requesting that +data+ (a string),
  # be written to the file identified by +handle+, starting at +offset+ bytes
  # from the beginning of the file. The handle must be one that was returned
  # via a FXP_HANDLE packet. Returns the new packet id.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#111
  def write(handle, offset, data); end


  # Returns the Attributes class used by this version of the protocol
  # (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes, in this case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#257
  def attribute_factory; end

  # Returns the Name class used by this version of the protocol
  # (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Name, in this case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#263
  def name_factory; end

  # Normalizes the given flags parameter, converting it into a combination
  # of IO constants.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#239
  def normalize_open_flags(flags); end

  # A helper method for implementing wrappers for operations that are
  # not implemented by the current SFTP protocol version. Simply raises
  # NotImplementedError with a message based on the given operation name.
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/base.rb#233
  def not_implemented!(operation); end

# Represents a single named item on the remote server. This includes the
# name, attributes about the item, and the "longname", which is intended
# for use when displaying directory data, and has no specified format.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#6
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Name
  # Create a new Name object with the given name, longname, and attributes.
  # @return [Name] a new instance of Name
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#17
  def initialize(name, longname, attributes); end

  # The Attributes object describing this item.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#14
  def attributes; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item appears to be a directory. It does this by
  # examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the
  # attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#24
  def directory?; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item appears to be a regular file. It does this by
  # examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the
  # attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#38
  def file?; end

  # The display-ready name of the item, possibly with other attributes.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#11
  def longname; end

  # The name of the item on the remote server.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#8
  def name; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item appears to be a symlink. It does this by
  # examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the
  # attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb#31
  def symlink?; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V02; end

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 2 of the SFTP protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb#13
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V02::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Base
  # Sends a FXP_RENAME packet to the server to request that the file or
  # directory with the given +name+ (must be a full path) be changed to
  # +new_name+ (which must also be a path). The +flags+ parameter is
  # ignored in this version of the protocol.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb#25
  def rename(name, new_name, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (2, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb#17
  def version; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/03/base.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V03; end

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 3 of the SFTP protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/03/base.rb#13
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V03::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V02::Base
  # Sends a FXP_READLINK packet to the server to request that the target of
  # the given symlink on the remote host (+path+) be returned.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/03/base.rb#23
  def readlink(path); end

  # Sends a FXP_SYMLINK packet to the server to request that a symlink at the
  # given +path+ be created, pointing at +target+..
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/03/base.rb#29
  def symlink(path, target); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (3, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/03/base.rb#17
  def version; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04; end

# A class representing the attributes of a file or directory on the server.
# It may be used to specify new attributes, or to query existing attributes.
# This particular class is specific to versions 4 and 5 of the SFTP
# protocol.
# To specify new attributes, just pass a hash as the argument to the
# constructor. The following keys are supported:
# * :type:: the type of the item (integer, one of the T_ constants)
# * :size:: the size of the item (integer)
# * :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
# * :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
# * :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
# * :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :atime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of atime (integer)
# * :createtime:: the time at which the file was created (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :createtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of createtime (integer)
# * :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :mtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of mtime (integer)
# * :acl:: an array of ACL entries for the item
# * :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info
# Likewise, when the server sends an Attributes object, all of the
# above attributes are exposed as methods (though not all will be set with
# non-nil values from the server).
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#32
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes
  # Create a new Attributes instance with the given attributes. The
  # following keys are supported:
  # * :type:: the type of the item (integer, one of the T_ constants)
  # * :size:: the size of the item (integer)
  # * :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
  # * :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
  # * :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
  # * :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
  # * :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
  # * :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  # * :atime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of atime (integer)
  # * :createtime:: the time at which the file was created (integer, seconds since epoch)
  # * :createtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of createtime (integer)
  # * :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  # * :mtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of mtime (integer)
  # * :acl:: an array of ACL entries for the item
  # * :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info
  # All of them default to +nil+ if omitted, except for +type+, which defaults
  # to T_REGULAR.
  # @return [Attributes] a new instance of Attributes
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#124
  def initialize(attributes = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The array of access control entries for this item.
  def acl; end

  # The array of access control entries for this item.
  def acl=(value); end

  # The nanosecond component of the access time.
  def atime_nseconds; end

  # The nanosecond component of the access time.
  def atime_nseconds=(value); end

  # The creation time of the remote item, in seconds since the epoch.
  def createtime; end

  # The creation time of the remote item, in seconds since the epoch.
  def createtime=(value); end

  # The nanosecond component of the creation time.
  def createtime_nseconds; end

  # The nanosecond component of the creation time.
  def createtime_nseconds=(value); end

  # The group of the item on the remote server, as a string.
  def group=(value); end

  # The nanosecond component of the modification time.
  def mtime_nseconds; end

  # The nanosecond component of the modification time.
  def mtime_nseconds=(value); end

  # The owner of the item on the remote server, as a string.
  def owner=(value); end

  # The type of the item on the remote server. Must be one of the T_* constants.
  def type; end

  # The type of the item on the remote server. Must be one of the T_* constants.
  def type=(value); end


  # Performs protocol-version-specific encoding of the access control
  # list, if one exists.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#141
  def encode_acl(buffer); end

  # Perform protocol-version-specific preparations for serialization.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#132
  def prepare_serialization!; end

  class << self
    # The list of supported elements in the attributes structure as defined
    # by v4 of the sftp protocol.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#48
    def elements; end


    # A helper method for parsing the ACL entry in an Attributes struct.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#69
    def parse_acl(buffer); end

# A simple struct for representing a single entry in an Access Control
# List. (See Net::SFTP::Constants::ACE)
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#43
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::ACL < ::Struct
  # Returns the value of attribute flag
  # @return [Object] the current value of flag
  def flag; end

  # Sets the attribute flag
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute flag to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def flag=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute mask
  # @return [Object] the current value of mask
  def mask; end

  # Sets the attribute mask
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute mask to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def mask=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute type
  # @return [Object] the current value of type
  def type; end

  # Sets the attribute type
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute type to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def type=(_); end

  # Returns the value of attribute who
  # @return [Object] the current value of who
  def who; end

  # Sets the attribute who
  # @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute who to.
  # @return [Object] the newly set value
  def who=(_); end

  class << self
    def [](*_arg0); end
    def inspect; end
    def keyword_init?; end
    def members; end
    def new(*_arg0); end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#34
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_ACCESSTIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#37
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_ACL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#35
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_CREATETIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#36
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_MODIFYTIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#38
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_OWNERGROUP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/attributes.rb#39
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_SUBSECOND_TIMES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 4 of the SFTP protocol. Also
# implements the updated FXP_NAME packet parsing as mandated by v4 of the
# protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#17
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V03::Base
  # Sends a FXP_FSTAT packet to the server for the given +path+, and with the
  # given +flags+. If +flags+ is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS |
  # F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes
  # for those constants).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#63
  def fstat(handle, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends a FXP_LSTAT packet to the server for the given +path+, and with the
  # given +flags+. If +flags+ is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS |
  # F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes
  # for those constants).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#54
  def lstat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # As of v4 of the SFTP protocol, the "longname" member was removed from the
  # FXP_NAME structure. This method is essentially the same as the previous
  # implementation, but omits longname.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#28
  def parse_name_packet(packet); end

  # Sends a FXP_STAT packet to the server for the given +path+, and with the
  # given +flags+. If +flags+ is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS |
  # F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes
  # for those constants).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#45
  def stat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (4, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#21
  def version; end


  # Returns the Attributes class used by this version of the protocol
  # (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes, in this case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#83
  def attribute_factory; end

  # Returns the Name class used by this version of the protocol
  # (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Name, in this case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#89
  def name_factory; end

# The default flags used if the +flags+ parameter is nil for any of the
# #stat, #lstat, or #fstat operations.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb#71
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Base::DEFAULT_FLAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a single named item on the remote server. This includes the
# name, and attributes about the item, and the "longname".
# For backwards compatibility with the format and interface of the Name
# structure from previous protocol versions, this also exposes a #longname
# method, which returns a string that can be used to display this item in
# a directory listing.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#10
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Name
  # Create a new Name object with the given name and attributes.
  # @return [Name] a new instance of Name
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#18
  def initialize(name, attributes); end

  # Attributes instance describing this item.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#15
  def attributes; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item is a directory.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#23
  def directory?; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item is a regular file.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#33
  def file?; end

  # Returns a string representing this file, in a format similar to that
  # used by the unix "ls" utility.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#39
  def longname; end

  # The name of the item on the remote server.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#12
  def name; end

  # Returns +true+ if the item is a symlink.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/name.rb#28
  def symlink?; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/05/base.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V05; end

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 5 of the SFTP protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/05/base.rb#13
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V05::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Base
  # Sends a FXP_OPEN packet to the server and returns the packet identifier.
  # The +flags+ parameter is either an integer (in which case it must be
  # a combination of the IO constants) or a string (in which case it must
  # be one of the mode strings that IO::open accepts). The +options+
  # parameter is a hash that is used to construct a new Attribute object,
  # to pass as part of the FXP_OPEN request.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/05/base.rb#35
  def open(path, flags, options); end

  # Sends a FXP_RENAME packet to the server to request that the file or
  # directory with the given +name+ (must be a full path) be changed to
  # +new_name+ (which must also be a path). The +flags+ parameter must be
  # either +nil+ or 0 (the default), or some combination of the
  # Net::SFTP::Constants::RenameFlags constants.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/05/base.rb#25
  def rename(name, new_name, flags = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (5, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/05/base.rb#16
  def version; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#3
module Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06; end

# A class representing the attributes of a file or directory on the server.
# It may be used to specify new attributes, or to query existing attributes.
# This particular class is specific to versions 6 and higher of the SFTP
# protocol.
# To specify new attributes, just pass a hash as the argument to the
# constructor. The following keys are supported:
# * :type:: the type of the item (integer, one of the T_ constants)
# * :size:: the size of the item (integer)
# * :allocation_size:: the actual number of bytes that the item uses on disk (integer)
# * :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
# * :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
# * :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
# * :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
# * :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :atime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of atime (integer)
# * :createtime:: the time at which the file was created (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :createtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of createtime (integer)
# * :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
# * :mtime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of mtime (integer)
# * :ctime:: the time that the file's attributes were last changed (integer)
# * :ctime_nseconds:: the nanosecond component of ctime (integer)
# * :acl:: an array of ACL entries for the item
# * :attrib_bits:: other attributes of the file or directory (as a bit field) (integer)
# * :attrib_bits_valid:: a mask describing which bits in attrib_bits are valid (integer)
# * :text_hint:: whether the file may or may not contain textual data (integer)
# * :mime_type:: the mime type of the file (string)
# * :link_count:: the hard link count of the file (integer)
# * :untranslated_name:: the value of the filename before filename translation was attempted (string)
# * :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info
# Likewise, when the server sends an Attributes object, all of the
# above attributes are exposed as methods (though not all will be set with
# non-nil values from the server).
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#41
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes
  # The size on-disk of the file
  def allocation_size; end

  # The size on-disk of the file
  def allocation_size=(value); end

  # Other attributes of this file or directory (as a bit field)
  def attrib_bits; end

  # Other attributes of this file or directory (as a bit field)
  def attrib_bits=(value); end

  # A bit mask describing which bits in #attrib_bits are valid
  def attrib_bits_valid; end

  # A bit mask describing which bits in #attrib_bits are valid
  def attrib_bits_valid=(value); end

  # The time at which the file's attributes were last changed
  def ctime; end

  # The time at which the file's attributes were last changed
  def ctime=(value); end

  # The nanosecond component of #ctime
  def ctime_nseconds; end

  # The nanosecond component of #ctime
  def ctime_nseconds=(value); end

  # The hard link count for the file
  def link_count; end

  # The hard link count for the file
  def link_count=(value); end

  # The mime-type of the file
  def mime_type; end

  # The mime-type of the file
  def mime_type=(value); end

  # Describes whether the file may or may not contain textual data
  def text_hint; end

  # Describes whether the file may or may not contain textual data
  def text_hint=(value); end

  # The value of the file name before filename translation was attempted
  def untranslated_name; end

  # The value of the file name before filename translation was attempted
  def untranslated_name=(value); end

  class << self
    # The array of elements that describe this structure, in order. Used when
    # parsing and serializing attribute objects.
    # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#52
    def elements; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#43
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_ALLOCATION_SIZE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#42
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_BITS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#48
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_CTIME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#46
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_LINK_COUNT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#45
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_MIME_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#44
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_TEXT_HINT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/attributes.rb#47
Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes::F_UNTRANSLATED_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 6 of the SFTP protocol.
# None of these protocol methods block--all of them return immediately,
# requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is
# pending.
# You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please
# see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#14
class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Base < ::Net::SFTP::Protocol::V05::Base
  # Sends a FXP_BLOCK packet to the server to request that a byte-range lock
  # be obtained on the given +handle+, for the given byte +offset+ and
  # +length+. The +mask+ parameter is a bitfield indicating what kind of
  # lock to acquire, and must be a combination of one or more of the
  # Net::SFTP::Constants::LockTypes constants.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#41
  def block(handle, offset, length, mask); end

  # Sends a FXP_LINK packet to the server to request that a link be created
  # at +new_link_path+, pointing to +existing_path+. If +symlink+ is true, a
  # symbolic link will be created; otherwise a hard link will be created.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#25
  def link(new_link_path, existing_path, symlink); end

  # Provided for backwards compatibility; v6 of the SFTP protocol removes the
  # older FXP_SYMLINK packet type, so this method simply calls the #link
  # method.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#32
  def symlink(path, target); end

  # Sends a FXP_UNBLOCK packet to the server to request that a previously
  # acquired byte-range lock be released on the given +handle+, for the
  # given byte +offset+ and +length+. The +handle+, +offset+, and +length+
  # must all exactly match the parameters that were given when the lock was
  # originally acquired (see #block).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#50
  def unblock(handle, offset, length); end

  # Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (6, in this
  # case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#18
  def version; end


  # Returns the Attributes class used by this version of the protocol
  # (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V06::Attributes, in this case)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/protocol/06/base.rb#58
  def attribute_factory; end

# Encapsulates a single active SFTP request. This is instantiated
# automatically by the Net::SFTP::Session class when an operation is
# executed.
#   request ="/path/to/file")
#   puts request.pending? #-> true
#   request.wait
#   puts request.pending? #-> false
#   result = request.response
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#15
class Net::SFTP::Request
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes

  # Instantiate a new Request object, serviced by the given +session+, and
  # being of the given +type+. The +id+ is the packet identifier for this
  # request.
  # @return [Request] a new instance of Request
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#42
  def initialize(session, type, id, &callback); end

  # Returns the value of property with the given +key+. If +key+ is not a
  # symbol, it will be converted to a symbol before lookup.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#50
  def [](key); end

  # Sets the value of the property with name +key+ to +value+. If +key+ is
  # not a symbol, it will be converted to a symbol before lookup.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#56
  def []=(key, value); end

  # The callback (if any) associated with this request. When the response
  # is recieved for this request, the callback will be invoked.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#29
  def callback; end

  # The SFTP packet identifier for this request
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#22
  def id; end

  # Returns +true+ if the request is still waiting for a response from the
  # server, and +false+ otherwise. The SSH event loop must be run in order
  # for a request to be processed; see #wait.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#63
  def pending?; end

  # The hash of properties associated with this request. Properties allow
  # programmers to associate arbitrary data with a request, making state
  # machines richer.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#34
  def properties; end

  # When the server responds to this request, the packet is passed to
  # this method, which parses the packet and builds a Net::SFTP::Response
  # object to encapsulate it. If a #callback has been provided for this
  # request, the callback is invoked with the new response object.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#82
  def respond_to(packet); end

  # The response that was received for this request (see Net::SFTP::Response)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#37
  def response; end

  # The Net::SFTP session object that is servicing this request
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#19
  def session; end

  # The type of this request (e.g., :open, :symlink, etc.)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#25
  def type; end

  # Waits (blocks) until the server responds to this packet. If prior
  # SFTP packets were also pending, they will be processed as well (since
  # SFTP packets are processed in the order in which they are received by
  # the server). Returns the request object itself.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/request.rb#71
  def wait; end

# Encapsulates a response from the remote server, to a specific client
# request. Response objects are passed as parameters to callbacks when you
# are performing asynchronous operations; when you call Net::SFTP::Request#wait,
# you can get the corresponding response object via Net::SFTP::Request#response.
#"/path/to/file") do |response|
#     p response.ok?
#     p response[:handle]
#   end
#   sftp.loop
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#16
class Net::SFTP::Response
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants::StatusCodes

  # Create a new Response object for the given Net::SFTP::Request instance,
  # and with the given data. If there is no :code key in the data, the
  # code is assumed to be FX_OK.
  # @return [Response] a new instance of Response
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#34
  def initialize(request, data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Retrieve the data item with the given +key+. The key is converted to a
  # symbol before being used to lookup the value.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#41
  def [](key); end

  # The numeric code, one of the FX_* constants
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#26
  def code; end

  # A hash of request-specific data, such as a file handle or attribute information
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#23
  def data; end

  # Returns +true+ if the status code is FX_EOF; +false+ otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#63
  def eof?; end

  # The textual message for this response (possibly blank)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#29
  def message; end

  # Returns +true+ if the status code is FX_OK; +false+ otherwise.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#58
  def ok?; end

  # The request object that this object is in response to
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#20
  def request; end

  # Returns a textual description of this response, including the status
  # code and name.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#47
  def to_s; end

  # Returns a textual description of this response, including the status
  # code and name.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#47
  def to_str; end

# --
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/response.rb#68
Net::SFTP::Response::MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# The Session class encapsulates a single SFTP channel on a Net::SSH
# connection. Instances of this class are what most applications will
# interact with most, as it provides access to both low-level (mkdir,
# rename, remove, symlink, etc.) and high-level (upload, download, etc.)
# SFTP operations.
# Although Session makes it easy to do SFTP operations serially, you can
# also set up multiple operations to be done in parallel, too, without
# needing to resort to threading. You merely need to fire off the requests,
# and then run the event loop until all of the requests have completed:
#   handle1 =!("/path/to/file1")
#   handle2 =!("/path/to/file2")
#   r1 =, 0, 1024)
#   r2 =, 0, 1024)
#   sftp.loop { [r1, r2].any? { |r| r.pending? } }
#   puts "chunk #1: #{r1.response[:data]}"
#   puts "chunk #2: #{r2.response[:data]}"
# By passing blocks to the operations, you can set up powerful state
# machines, to fire off subsequent operations. In fact, the Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload
# and Net::SFTP::Operations::Download classes set up such state machines, so that
# multiple uploads and/or downloads can be running simultaneously.
# The convention with the names of the operations is as follows: if the method
# name ends with an exclamation mark, like #read!, it will be synchronous
# (e.g., it will block until the server responds). Methods without an
# exclamation mark (e.g. #read) are asynchronous, and return before the
# server has responded. You will need to make sure the SSH event loop is
# run in order to process these requests. (See #loop.)
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#45
class Net::SFTP::Session
  include ::Net::SSH::Loggable
  include ::Net::SFTP::Constants::PacketTypes

  # Creates a new Net::SFTP instance atop the given Net::SSH connection.
  # This will return immediately, before the SFTP connection has been properly
  # initialized. Once the connection is ready, the given block will be called.
  # If you want to block until the connection has been initialized, try this:
  #   sftp =
  #   sftp.loop { sftp.opening? }
  # @return [Session] a new instance of Session
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#78
  def initialize(session, version = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   block(handle, offset, length, mask) -> request
  #   block(handle, offset, length, mask) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Creates a byte-range lock on the file specified by the given +handle+.
  # This operation is only available in SFTP protocol versions 6 and
  # higher. The lock may be either mandatory or advisory.
  # The +handle+ parameter is a file handle, as obtained by the #open method.
  # The +offset+ and +length+ parameters describe the location and size of
  # the byte range.
  # The +mask+ describes how the lock should be defined, and consists of
  # some combination of the following bit masks:
  # * 0x0040 - Read lock. The byte range may not be accessed for reading
  #   by via any other handle, though it may be written to.
  # * 0x0080 - Write lock. The byte range may not be written to via any
  #   other handle, though it may be read from.
  # * 0x0100 - Delete lock. No other handle may delete this file.
  # * 0x0200 - Advisory lock. The server need not honor the lock instruction.
  # Once created, the lock may be removed via the #unblock method.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#693
  def block(handle, offset, length, mask, &callback); end

  # Identical to #block, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#700
  def block!(handle, offset, length, mask, &callback); end

  # The Net::SSH::Connection::Channel object that the SFTP session is being
  # processed by.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#57
  def channel; end

  # :call-seq:
  #   close(handle) -> request
  #   close(handle) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Closes an open handle, whether obtained via #open, or #opendir. Returns
  # immediately with a Request object. If a block is given, it will be
  # invoked when the server responds.
  #"/path/to/file") do |response|
  #     raise "fail!" unless response.ok?
  #     sftp.close(response[:handle])
  #   end
  #   sftp.loop
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#209
  def close(handle, &callback); end

  # Identical to #close, but blocks until the server responds. It will
  # raise a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise,
  # it returns the Response object for this request.
  #   sftp.close!(handle)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#218
  def close!(handle, &callback); end

  # Closes the SFTP connection, but not the SSH connection. Blocks until the
  # session has terminated. Once the session has terminated, further operations
  # on this object will result in errors. You can reopen the SFTP session
  # via the #connect method.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#729
  def close_channel; end

  # Returns true if the connection has been closed.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#741
  def closed?; end

  # Attempts to establish an SFTP connection over the SSH session given when
  # this object was instantiated. If the object is already open, this will
  # simply execute the given block (if any), passing the SFTP session itself
  # as argument. If the session is currently being opened, this will add
  # the given block to the list of callbacks, to be executed when the session
  # is fully open.
  # This method does not block, and will return immediately. If you pass a
  # block to it, that block will be invoked when the connection has been
  # fully established. Thus, you can do something like this:
  #   sftp.connect do
  #     puts "open!"
  #   end
  # If you just want to block until the connection is ready, see the #connect!
  # method.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#768
  def connect(&block); end

  # Same as the #connect method, but blocks until the SFTP connection has
  # been fully initialized.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#787
  def connect!(&block); end

  # Returns a Net::SFTP::Operations::Dir instance, which can be used to
  # conveniently iterate over and search directories on the remote server.
  #  sftp.dir.glob("/base/path", "*/**/*.rb") do |entry|
  #    p
  #  end
  # See Net::SFTP::Operations::Dir for a more detailed discussion of how
  # to use this.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#155
  def dir; end

  # Initiates a download from +remote+ to +local+, asynchronously. This
  # method will return a new Net::SFTP::Operations::Download instance, and requires
  # that the event loop be run in order for the download to progress. See
  # Net::SFTP::Operations::Download for a full discussion of how this method can be
  # used.
  #   download ="/remote/path", "/local/path")
  #   download.wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#116
  def download(remote, local, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Identical to #download, but blocks until the download is complete.
  # If +local+ is omitted, downloads the file to an in-memory buffer
  # and returns the result as a string; otherwise, returns the
  # Net::SFTP::Operations::Download instance.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#124
  def download!(remote, local = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Returns an Net::SFTP::Operations::FileFactory instance, which can be used to
  # mimic synchronous, IO-like file operations on a remote file via
  # SFTP.
  #"/path/to/file") do |file|
  #     while line = file.gets
  #       puts line
  #     end
  #   end
  # See Net::SFTP::Operations::FileFactory and Net::SFTP::Operations::File for more details.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#142
  def file; end

  # The fsetstat method is identical to the #setstat method, with the
  # exception that it takes a +handle+ as the first parameter, such as
  # would be obtained via the #open or #opendir methods. (See the
  # #setstat method for full documentation.)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#380
  def fsetstat(handle, attrs, &callback); end

  # Identical to the #fsetstat method, but blocks until the server responds.
  # It will raise a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful.
  # Otherwise, it will return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.fsetstat!(handle, :permissions => 0644)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#389
  def fsetstat!(handle, attrs, &callback); end

  # The fstat method is identical to the #stat and #lstat methods, with
  # the exception that it takes a +handle+ as the first parameter, such
  # as would be obtained via the #open or #opendir methods. (See the #lstat
  # method for full documentation).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#329
  def fstat(handle, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to the #fstat method, but blocks until the server responds.
  # It will raise a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful.
  # Otherwise, it will return the attribute object describing the path.
  #   puts sftp.fstat!(handle).permissions
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#338
  def fstat!(handle, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   link(new_link_path, existing_path, symlink=true) -> request
  #   link(new_link_path, existing_path, symlink=true) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Attempts to create a link, either hard or symbolic. This operation is
  # only available in SFTP protocol versions 6 and higher. If the +symlink+
  # paramter is true, a symbolic link will be created, otherwise a hard
  # link will be created. The link will be named +new_link_path+, and will
  # point to the path +existing_path+.
  #"/path/to/symlink", "/path/to/file", true).wait
  # Note that #link is only available for SFTP protocol 6 and higher. You
  # can use #symlink for protocols 3 and higher.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#656
  def link(new_link_path, existing_path, symlink = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to #link, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #!("/path/to/symlink", "/path/to/file", true)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#665
  def link!(new_link_path, existing_path, symlink = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Runs the SSH event loop while the given block returns true. This lets
  # you set up a state machine and then "fire it off". If you do not specify
  # a block, the event loop will run for as long as there are any pending
  # SFTP requests. This makes it easy to do thing like this:
  #   sftp.remove("/path/to/file")
  #   sftp.loop
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#802
  def loop(&block); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   lstat(path, flags=nil) -> request
  #   lstat(path, flags=nil) { |response| ... } -> request
  # This method is identical to the #stat method, with the exception that
  # it will not follow symbolic links (thus allowing you to stat the
  # link itself, rather than what it refers to). The +flags+ parameter
  # is not used in SFTP protocol versions prior to 4, and will be ignored
  # in those versions of the protocol that do not use it. For those that
  # do, however, you may provide hints as to which file proprties you wish
  # to query (e.g., if all you want is permissions, you could pass the
  # Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes::F_PERMISSIONS flag as the value
  # for the +flags+ parameter).
  # The method returns immediately with a Request object. If a block is given,
  # it will be invoked when the server responds. The :attrs property of
  # the response will contain an Attributes instance appropriate for the
  # the protocol version (see Protocol::V01::Attributes, Protocol::V04::Attributes,
  # and Protocol::V06::Attributes).
  #   request = sftp.lstat("/path/to/file") do |response|
  #     raise "fail!" unless response.ok?
  #     puts "permissions: %04o" % response[:attrs].permissions
  #   end
  #   request.wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#312
  def lstat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to the #lstat method, but blocks until the server responds.
  # It will raise a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful.
  # Otherwise, it will return the attribute object describing the path.
  #   puts sftp.lstat!("/path/to/file").permissions
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#321
  def lstat!(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   mkdir(path, attrs={}) -> request
  #   mkdir(path, attrs={}) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Creates the named directory on the remote server. If an attribute hash
  # is given, it must map to the set of attributes supported by the version
  # of the SFTP protocol in use. (See Protocol::V01::Attributes,
  # Protocol::V04::Attributes, and Protocol::V06::Attributes.)
  #   sftp.mkdir("/path/to/directory", :permissions => 0550).wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#490
  def mkdir(path, attrs = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to #mkdir, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.mkdir!("/path/to/directory", :permissions => 0550)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#499
  def mkdir!(path, attrs = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   open(path, flags="r", options={}) -> request
  #   open(path, flags="r", options={}) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Opens a file on the remote server. The +flags+ parameter determines
  # how the flag is open, and accepts the same format as IO#open (e.g.,
  # either a string like "r" or "w", or a combination of the IO constants).
  # The +options+ parameter is a hash of attributes to be associated
  # with the file, and varies greatly depending on the SFTP protocol
  # version in use, but some (like :permissions) are always available.
  # Returns immediately with a Request object. If a block is given, it will
  # be invoked when the server responds, with a Response object as the only
  # parameter. The :handle property of the response is the handle of the
  # opened file, and may be passed to other methods (like #close, #read,
  # #write, and so forth).
  #"/path/to/file") do |response|
  #     raise "fail!" unless response.ok?
  #     sftp.close(response[:handle])
  #   end
  #   sftp.loop
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#183
  def open(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to #open, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the handle of the newly opened file.
  #   handle =!("/path/to/file")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#192
  def open!(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Returns true if the connection has been initialized.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#736
  def open?; end

  # :call-seq:
  #   opendir(path) -> request
  #   opendir(path) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Attempts to open a directory on the remote host for reading. Once the
  # handle is obtained, directory entries may be retrieved using the
  # #readdir method. The method returns immediately with a Request object.
  # If a block is given, it will be invoked when the server responds.
  #   sftp.opendir("/path/to/directory") do |response|
  #     raise "fail!" unless response.ok?
  #     sftp.close(response[:handle])
  #   end
  #   sftp.loop
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#407
  def opendir(path, &callback); end

  # Identical to #opendir, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return a handle to the given path.
  #   handle = sftp.opendir!("/path/to/directory")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#416
  def opendir!(path, &callback); end

  # Returns true if the connection is in the process of being initialized
  # (e.g., it is not closed, but is not yet fully open).
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#747
  def opening?; end

  # The hash of pending requests. Any requests that have been sent and which
  # the server has not yet responded to will be represented here.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#69
  def pending_requests; end

  # The protocol instance being used by this SFTP session. Useful for
  # querying the protocol version in effect.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#65
  def protocol; end

  # :call-seq:
  #   read(handle, offset, length) -> request
  #   read(handle, offset, length) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Requests that +length+ bytes, starting at +offset+ bytes from the
  # beginning of the file, be read from the file identified by
  # +handle+. (The +handle+ should be a value obtained via the #open
  # method.)  Returns immediately with a Request object. If a block is
  # given, it will be invoked when the server responds.
  # The :data property of the response will contain the requested data,
  # assuming the call was successful.
  #   request =, 0, 1024) do |response|
  #     if response.eof?
  #       puts "end of file reached before reading any data"
  #     elsif !response.ok?
  #       puts "error (#{response})"
  #     else
  #       print(response[:data])
  #     end
  #   end
  #   request.wait
  # To read an entire file will usually require multiple calls to #read,
  # unless you know in advance how large the file is.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#248
  def read(handle, offset, length, &callback); end

  # Identical to #read, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. If the end of the file
  # was reached, +nil+ will be returned. Otherwise, it returns the data that
  # was read, as a String.
  #   data =!(handle, 0, 1024)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#258
  def read!(handle, offset, length, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   readdir(handle) -> request
  #   readdir(handle) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Reads a set of entries from the given directory handle (which must
  # have been obtained via #opendir). If the response is EOF, then there
  # are no more entries in the directory. Otherwise, the entries will be
  # in the :names property of the response:
  #   loop do
  #     request = sftp.readdir(handle).wait
  #     break if request.response.eof?
  #     raise "fail!" unless request.response.ok?
  #     request.response[:names].each do |entry|
  #        puts
  #     end
  #   end
  # See also Protocol::V01::Name and Protocol::V04::Name for the specific
  # properties of each individual entry (which vary based on the SFTP
  # protocol version in use).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#441
  def readdir(handle, &callback); end

  # Identical to #readdir, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return nil if there were no more names to read, or an array of name
  # entries.
  #   while (entries = sftp.readdir!(handle)) do
  #     entries.each { |entry| puts( }
  #   end
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#453
  def readdir!(handle, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   readlink(path) -> request
  #   readlink(path) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Queries the server for the target of the specified symbolic link.
  # This operation is only available in protocol versions 3 and higher.
  # The response to this request will include a names property, a one-element
  # array naming the target of the symlink.
  #   request = sftp.readlink("/path/to/symlink").wait
  #   puts request.response[:names]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#606
  def readlink(path, &callback); end

  # Identical to #readlink, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Name object for the path that the symlink targets.
  #   item = sftp.readlink!("/path/to/symlink")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#615
  def readlink!(path, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   realpath(path) -> request
  #   realpath(path) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Tries to canonicalize the given path, turning any given path into an
  # absolute path. This is primarily useful for converting a path with
  # ".." or "." segments into an identical path without those segments.
  # The answer will be in the response's :names attribute, as a
  # one-element array.
  #   request = sftp.realpath("/path/../to/../directory").wait
  #   puts request[:names]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#536
  def realpath(path, &callback); end

  # Identical to #realpath, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return a name object identifying the path.
  #   puts(sftp.realpath!("/path/../to/../directory"))
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#545
  def realpath!(path, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   remove(filename) -> request
  #   remove(filename) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Attempts to remove the given file from the remote file system. Returns
  # immediately with a Request object. If a block is given, the block will
  # be invoked when the server responds, and will be passed a Response
  # object.
  #   sftp.remove("/path/to/file").wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#467
  def remove(filename, &callback); end

  # Identical to #remove, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.remove!("/path/to/file")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#476
  def remove!(filename, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   rename(name, new_name, flags=nil) -> request
  #   rename(name, new_name, flags=nil) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Renames the given file. This operation is only available in SFTP
  # protocol versions two and higher. The +flags+ parameter is ignored
  # in versions prior to 5. In versions 5 and higher, the +flags+
  # parameter can be used to specify how the rename should be performed
  # (atomically, etc.).
  # The following flags are defined in protocol version 5:
  # * 0x0001 - overwrite an existing file if the new name specifies a file
  #   that already exists.
  # * 0x0002 - perform the rewrite atomically.
  # * 0x0004 - allow the server to perform the rename as it prefers.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#582
  def rename(name, new_name, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to #rename, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.rename!("/path/to/old", "/path/to/new")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#591
  def rename!(name, new_name, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   rmdir(path) -> request
  #   rmdir(path) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Removes the named directory on the remote server. The directory must
  # be empty before it can be removed.
  #   sftp.rmdir("/path/to/directory").wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#511
  def rmdir(path, &callback); end

  # Identical to #rmdir, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.rmdir!("/path/to/directory")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#520
  def rmdir!(path, &callback); end

  # Formats, constructs, and sends an SFTP packet of the given type and with
  # the given data. This does not block, but merely enqueues the packet for
  # sending and returns.
  # You should probably use the operation methods, rather than building and
  # sending the packet directly. (See #open, #close, etc.)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#813
  def send_packet(type, *args); end

  # A reference to the Net::SSH session object that powers this SFTP session.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#53
  def session; end

  # :call-seq:
  #    setstat(path, attrs) -> request
  #    setstat(path, attrs) { |response| ... } -> request
  # This method may be used to set file metadata (such as permissions, or
  # user/group information) on a remote file. The exact metadata that may
  # be tweaked is dependent on the SFTP protocol version in use, but in
  # general you may set at least the permissions, user, and group. (See
  # Protocol::V01::Attributes, Protocol::V04::Attributes, and Protocol::V06::Attributes
  # for the full lists of attributes that may be set for the different
  # protocols.)
  # The +attrs+ parameter is a hash, where the keys are symbols identifying
  # the attributes to set.
  # The method returns immediately with a Request object. If a block is given,
  # it will be invoked when the server responds.
  #   request = sftp.setstat("/path/to/file", :permissions => 0644)
  #   request.wait
  #   puts "success: #{request.response.ok?}"
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#363
  def setstat(path, attrs, &callback); end

  # Identical to the #setstat method, but blocks until the server responds.
  # It will raise a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful.
  # Otherwise, it will return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.setstat!("/path/to/file", :permissions => 0644)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#372
  def setstat!(path, attrs, &callback); end

  # Identical to the #lstat method, except that it follows symlinks
  # (e.g., if you give it the path to a symlink, it will stat the target
  # of the symlink rather than the symlink itself). See the #lstat method
  # for full documentation.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#553
  def stat(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # Identical to #stat, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return an attribute object for the named path.
  #   attrs = sftp.stat!("/path/to/file")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#562
  def stat!(path, flags = T.unsafe(nil), &callback); end

  # The state of the SFTP connection. It will be :opening, :subsystem, :init,
  # :open, or :closed.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#61
  def state; end

  # :call-seq:
  #   symlink(path, target) -> request
  #   symlink(path, target) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Attempts to create a symlink to +path+ at +target+. This operation
  # is only available in protocol versions 3, 4, and 5, but the Net::SFTP
  # library mimics the symlink behavior in protocol version 6 using the
  # #link method, so it is safe to use this method in protocol version 6.
  #   sftp.symlink("/path/to/file", "/path/to/symlink").wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#629
  def symlink(path, target, &callback); end

  # Identical to #symlink, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  #   sftp.symlink!("/path/to/file", "/path/to/symlink")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#638
  def symlink!(path, target, &callback); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   unblock(handle, offset, length) -> request
  #   unblock(handle, offset, length) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Removes a previously created byte-range lock. This operation is only
  # available in protocol versions 6 and higher. The +offset+ and +length+
  # parameters must exactly match those that were given to #block when the
  # lock was acquired.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#712
  def unblock(handle, offset, length, &callback); end

  # Identical to #unblock, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful. Otherwise, it will
  # return the Response object for the request.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#719
  def unblock!(handle, offset, length, &callback); end

  # Initiates an upload from +local+ to +remote+, asynchronously. This
  # method will return a new Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload instance, and requires
  # the event loop to be run in order for the upload to progress. See
  # Net::SFTP::Operations::Upload for a full discussion of how this method can be
  # used.
  #   uploader = sftp.upload("/local/path", "/remote/path")
  #   uploader.wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#99
  def upload(local, remote = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Identical to #upload, but blocks until the upload is complete.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#104
  def upload!(local, remote = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # :call-seq:
  #   write(handle, offset, data) -> request
  #   write(handle, offset, data) { |response| ... } -> request
  # Requests that +data+ be written to the file identified by +handle+,
  # starting at +offset+ bytes from the start of the file. The file must
  # have been opened for writing via #open. Returns immediately with a
  # Request object. If a block is given, it will be invoked when the
  # server responds.
  #   request = sftp.write(handle, 0, "hello, world!\n")
  #   request.wait
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#274
  def write(handle, offset, data, &callback); end

  # Identical to #write, but blocks until the server responds. It will raise
  # a StatusException if the request was unsuccessful, or the end of the file
  # was reached. Otherwise, it returns the Response object for this request.
  #   sftp.write!(handle, 0, "hello, world!\n")
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#283
  def write!(handle, offset, data, &callback); end


  # Parses the packet, finds the associated Request instance, and tells
  # the Request instance to respond to the packet (see Request#respond_to).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#947
  def dispatch_request(packet); end

  # Called to handle FXP_VERSION packets. This performs the SFTP protocol
  # version negotiation, instantiating the appropriate Protocol instance
  # and invoking the callback given to #connect, if any.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#921
  def do_version(packet); end

  # The input buffer used to accumulate packet data
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#826
  def input; end

  def loop_forever; end

  # Create and enqueue a new SFTP request of the given type, with the
  # given arguments. Returns a new Request instance that encapsulates the
  # request.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#831
  def request(type, *args, &callback); end

  # Waits for the given request to complete. If the response is
  # EOF, nil is returned. If the response was not successful
  # (e.g., !response.ok?), a StatusException will be raised.
  # If +property+ is given, the corresponding property from the response
  # will be returned; otherwise, the response object itself will be
  # returned.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#843
  def wait_for(request, property = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Called when the SSH server closes the underlying channel.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#885
  def when_channel_closed(channel); end

  # Called when the SSH channel is confirmed as "open" by the server.
  # This is one of the states of the SFTP state machine, and is followed
  # by the #when_subsystem_started state.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#859
  def when_channel_confirmed(channel); end

  # Called whenever Net::SSH polls the SFTP channel for pending activity.
  # This basically checks the input buffer to see if enough input has been
  # accumulated to handle. If there has, the packet is parsed and
  # dispatched, according to its type (see #do_version and #dispatch_request).
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#895
  def when_channel_polled(channel); end

  # Called when the SSH server confirms that the SFTP subsystem was
  # successfully started. This sets up the appropriate callbacks on the
  # SSH channel and then starts the SFTP protocol version negotiation
  # process.
  # @raise [Net::SFTP::Exception]
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#869
  def when_subsystem_started(channel, success); end

# The highest protocol version supported by the Net::SFTP library.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/session.rb#50
Net::SFTP::Session::HIGHEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION_SUPPORTED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# A exception class for reporting a non-success result of an operation.
# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#7
class Net::SFTP::StatusException < ::Net::SFTP::Exception
  # Create a new status exception that reports the given code and
  # description.
  # @return [StatusException] a new instance of StatusException
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#23
  def initialize(response, text = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The error code (numeric)
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#13
  def code; end

  # The description of the error
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#16
  def description; end

  # Override the default message format, to include the code and
  # description.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#32
  def message; end

  # The response object that caused the exception.
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#10
  def response; end

  # Any incident-specific text given when the exception was raised
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp/errors.rb#19
  def text; end

module Net::SSH::Connection; end

# source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp.rb#62
class Net::SSH::Connection::Session
  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#68
  def initialize(transport, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#94
  def [](key); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#99
  def []=(key, value); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#152
  def busy?(include_invisible = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#51
  def channel_open_handlers; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#44
  def channels; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#522
  def cleanup_channel(channel); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#121
  def close; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#114
  def closed?; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#255
  def ev_do_calculate_rw_wait(wait); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#270
  def ev_do_handle_events(readers, writers); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#289
  def ev_do_postprocess(was_events); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#248
  def ev_preprocess(&block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#379
  def exec(command, status: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#420
  def exec!(command, status: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#493
  def forward; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#105
  def host; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#481
  def listen_to(io, &callback); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#47
  def listeners; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#177
  def loop(wait = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#532
  def max_select_wait_time; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#517
  def on_global_request(type, &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#507
  def on_open_channel(type, &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#338
  def open_channel(type = T.unsafe(nil), *extra, &on_confirm); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#38
  def options; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#54
  def pending_requests; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#262
  def postprocess(readers, writers); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#237
  def preprocess(&block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#225
  def process(wait = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#41
  def properties; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#311
  def send_global_request(type, *extra, &callback); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#443
  def send_message(message); end

  # A convenience method for starting up a new SFTP connection on the current
  # SSH session. Blocks until the SFTP session is fully open, and then
  # returns the SFTP session.
  #   Net::SSH.start("localhost", "user", :password => "password") do |ssh|
  #     ssh.sftp.upload!("/local/file.tgz", "/remote/file.tgz")
  #     ssh.exec! "cd /some/path && tar xf /remote/file.tgz && rm /remote/file.tgz"
  #   end
  # source://net-sftp//lib/net/sftp.rb#71
  def sftp(wait = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#136
  def shutdown!; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#487
  def stop_listening_to(io); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#35
  def transport; end


  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#682
  def channel_close(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#568
  def channel_closed(channel); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#667
  def channel_data(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#677
  def channel_eof(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#672
  def channel_extended_data(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#694
  def channel_failure(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#612
  def channel_open(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#645
  def channel_open_confirmation(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#651
  def channel_open_failure(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#662
  def channel_request(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#689
  def channel_success(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#657
  def channel_window_adjust(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#545
  def dispatch_incoming_packets(raise_disconnect_errors: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#539
  def each_channel(&block); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#562
  def force_channel_cleanup_on_close; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#558
  def get_next_channel_id; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#579
  def global_request(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#699
  def io_select_wait(wait); end

  def loop_forever; end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#602
  def request_failure(packet); end

  # source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#595
  def request_success(packet); end

# source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#32
Net::SSH::Connection::Session::DEFAULT_IO_SELECT_TIMEOUT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://net-ssh/7.1.0/lib/net/ssh/connection/session.rb#703
Net::SSH::Connection::Session::MAP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)