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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `steam-condenser` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem steam-condenser`.

# This module is used as a wrapper around Steam Condenser's classes
# It does not provide any own functionality, but this file is used as an entry
# point when using the gem (i.e. +require 'steam-condenser').
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser.rb#12
module SteamCondenser; end

# This module is used as a wrapper around Steam Condenser's Steam Community
# classes
# It does not provide any own functionality, but this file is used to easily
# require classes to interact with the Steam Community
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community.rb#15
module SteamCondenser::Community; end

# This class represents Steam news and can be used to load a list of current
# news about specific games
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Community::AppNews
  # Creates a new instance of an AppNews news item with the given data
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g.
  #   `440` for Team Fortress 2). See
  # for
  #   all application IDs.
  # @param news_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The news data extracted from JSON
  # @return [AppNews] a new instance of AppNews
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#122
  def initialize(app_id, news_data); end

  # Returns the Steam Application ID of the game this news belongs to
  # @return [Fixnum] The application ID of the game this news belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#21
  def app_id; end

  # Returns the name of the author of this news
  # @return [String] The author of this news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#26
  def author; end

  # Returns the contents of this news
  # This might contain HTML code.
  # @note Depending on the setting for the maximum length of a news (see
  #   {.news_for_app}), the contents might be truncated.
  # @return [String]  The contents of this news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#35
  def contents; end

  # Returns the date this news item has been published
  # @return [Time] The date this news has been published
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#40
  def date; end

  # Returns whether this news item originates from a source other than Steam
  # itself (e.g. an external blog)
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this news item is from an external source
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#99
  def external?; end

  # Returns the name of the feed this news item belongs to
  # @return [String] The name of the feed this news belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#45
  def feed_label; end

  # Returns the symbolic name of the feed this news item belongs to
  # @return [String] The symbolic name of the feed this news belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#50
  def feed_name; end

  # Returns a unique identifier for this news
  # @return [Fixnum] A unique identifier for this news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#55
  def gid; end

  # Returns the title of this news
  # @return [String] The title of this news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#60
  def title; end

  # Returns a simple textual representation of this news item
  # Will consist of the name of the feed this news belongs to and the title
  # of the news.
  # @return [String] A simple text representing this news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#109
  def to_s; end

  # Returns the URL of the original news
  # This is a direct link to the news on the Steam website or a redirecting
  # link to the external post.
  # @return [String] The URL of the original news
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#68
  def url; end

  class << self
    # Loads the news for the given game with the given restrictions
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g.
    #   `440` for Team Fortress 2). See
    # for
    #   all application IDs.
    # @param count [Fixnum] The maximum number of news to load. There's no
    #   reliable way to load all news. Use a really great number instead.
    # @param max_length [Fixnum] The maximum content length of the news. If a
    #   maximum length is defined, the content of the news will only be at
    #   most `max_length` characters long plus an ellipsis.
    # @return [Array<AppNews>] An array of news items for the specified game
    #   with the given options
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/app_news.rb#83
    def news_for_app(app_id, count = T.unsafe(nil), max_length = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# This module implements caching functionality to be used in any object class
# having one or more unique object identifier (i.e. ID) and using a `fetch`
# method to fetch data, e.g. using a HTTP download.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#20
module SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  mixes_in_class_methods ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Saves this object in the cache
  # This will use the ID attributes selected for caching
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#138
  def cache; end

  # Fetches the object from some data source
  # @note This method should be overridden in cacheable object classes and
  #   should implement the logic to retrieve the object's data. Updating
  #   the time is handled dynamically and does not need to be implemented
  #   separately.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#153
  def fetch; end

  # Returns the time the object's data has been fetched the last time
  # @return [Time] The time the object has been updated the last time
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#133
  def fetch_time; end

  # Returns whether the data for this object has already been fetched
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this object's data is available
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#159
  def fetched?; end


  # Returns the value for the ID
  # @param id [Symbol] The name of an instance variable
  # @return [Object] The value of the given instance variable
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#195
  def cache_id_value(id); end

  # Returns a complete list of all values for the cache IDs of the cacheable
  # object
  # @return [Array<Object, Array<Object>>] The values for the cache IDs
  # @see #cache_id_value
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#183
  def cache_ids; end

  # If available, returns the cached instance for the object it is called on
  # This may be used to either replace an initial object with a completely
  # cached instance of the same ID or to compare a modified object with the
  # copy that was cached before.
  # @see #cache_ids
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#172
  def cached_instance; end

  class << self
    # When this module is included in another class it is initialized to make
    # use of caching
    # The original `initialize` method of the including class will be wrapped,
    # relaying all instantiations to the `new` method defined in {ClassMethods}.
    # Additionally the class variable to save the attributes to cache (i.e. cache
    # IDs) and the cache class variable itself are initialized.
    # @param base [Class] The class to extend with caching functionality
    # @see ClassMethods
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#32
    def included(base); end

# This module implements functionality to access the cache of a class that
# includes the {Cacheable} module as class methods
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#57
module SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods
  # Defines wich instance variables which should be used to index the
  # cached objects
  # @note A call to this method is needed if you want a class including
  #   this module to really use the cache.
  # @param ids [Array<Symbol>] The symbolic names of the instance variables
  #   representing a unique identifier for this object class
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#66
  def cacheable_with_ids(*ids); end

  # Returns whether an object with the given ID is already cached
  # @param id [Object] The ID of the desired object
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the object with the given ID is already
  #   cached
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#75
  def cached?(id); end

  # Clears the object cache for the class this method is called on
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#81
  def clear_cache; end

  # This checks the cache for an existing object. If it exists it is
  # returned, otherwise a new object is created.
  # Overrides the default `new` method of the cacheable object class.
  # @param args [Array<Object>] The parameters of the object that should be
  #   created and if possible loaded from cache
  # @see #cached?
  # @see #fetch
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#93
  def new(*args); end


  # Returns the current cache for the cacheable class
  # @return [Hash<Object, Cacheable>] The cache for cacheable class
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#117
  def cache; end

  # Returns the list of IDs used for caching objects
  # @return [Array<Symbol, Array<Symbol>>] The IDs used for caching objects
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#124
  def cache_ids; end

# Represents the inventory of a DotA 2 player
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_inventory.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Community::Dota2Inventory < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  # Creates a new inventory object for the given SteamID64 in DotA 2
  # (App ID 570)
  # @overload initialize
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [Dota2Inventory] a new instance of Dota2Inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_inventory.rb#25
  def initialize(steam_id64); end

# The Steam application ID of DotA 2
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_inventory.rb#17
SteamCondenser::Community::Dota2Inventory::APP_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a DotA 2 item
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_item.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::Dota2Item < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameItem
  # Creates a new instance of a DotA 2 item with the given data
  # @param inventory [Dota2Inventory] The inventory this item is contained in
  # @param item_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The data specifying this item
  # @raise [Error::WebApi] on Web API errors
  # @return [Dota2Item] a new instance of Dota2Item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_item.rb#20
  def initialize(inventory, item_data); end

  # Returns whether this item is equipped by this player at all
  # @return [Boolean] Whether this item is equipped by this player at all
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_item.rb#29
  def equipped?; end

# Represents the inventory of a player of the DotA 2 beta
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_test_inventory.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Community::Dota2TestInventory < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  # Creates a new inventory object for the given SteamID64 in the DotA 2 beta
  # (App ID 205790)
  # @overload initialize
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [Dota2TestInventory] a new instance of Dota2TestInventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_test_inventory.rb#25
  def initialize(steam_id64); end

# The Steam application ID of the DotA 2 beta
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/dota2/dota2_test_inventory.rb#17
SteamCondenser::Community::Dota2TestInventory::APP_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The GameAchievement class represents a specific achievement for a single
# game and for a single user
# It also provides the ability to load the global unlock percentages of all
# achievements of a specific game.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#19
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameAchievement
  # Creates the achievement with the given name for the given user and game
  # and achievement data
  # @param schema [GameStatsSchema] The game this achievement belongs to
  # @param data [Hash<String, Object>] The achievement data extracted from
  #   the game schema
  # @return [GameAchievement] a new instance of GameAchievement
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#74
  def initialize(schema, data); end

  # Returns the symbolic API name of this achievement
  # @return [String]  The API name of this achievement
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#24
  def api_name; end

  # Returns the description of this achievement
  # @param language [Symbol]
  # @return [String]  The description of this achievement
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#86
  def description(language = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns whether this achievement is hidden
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this achievement is hidden
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#29
  def hidden; end

  # Returns the url for the closed icon of this achievement
  # @return [String] The url of the closed achievement icon
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#34
  def icon_closed_url; end

  # Returns the url for the open icon of this achievement
  # @return [String] The url of the open achievement icon
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#39
  def icon_open_url; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#90
  def inspect; end

  # Returns an instance of this achievement for the given user and the given
  # unlock state
  # @param user [SteamId] The user the instance should be returned for
  # @param unlocked [Boolean] The state of the achievement for this user
  # @return [Instance] The achievement instance for this user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#100
  def instance(user, unlocked); end

  # Returns the name of this achievement
  # @param language [Symbol]
  # @return [String]  The name of this achievement
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#108
  def name(language = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Return the stats schema of the game this achievement belongs to
  # @return [GameStatsSchema] The stats schema of game this achievement
  #   belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#45
  def schema; end

  class << self
    # Loads the global unlock percentages of all achievements for the game with
    # the given Steam Application ID
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g.
    #   `440` for Team Fortress 2). See
    # for
    #   all application IDs
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Float>] The symbolic achievement names with their
    #   corresponding unlock percentages
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#57
    def global_percentages(app_id); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#112
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameAchievement::Instance
  # @return [Instance] a new instance of Instance
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#118
  def initialize(achievement, user, unlocked); end

  # Returns the value of attribute achievement.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#114
  def achievement; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#124
  def inspect; end

  # Returns whether this achievement has been unlocked by its owner
  # @return [Boolean]  `true` if the achievement has been unlocked by the
  #   user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#132
  def unlocked?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute user.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_achievement.rb#116
  def user; end

# Provides basic functionality to represent an inventory of player in a game
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a new inventory object for the given AppID and SteamID64. This
  # calls update to fetch the data and create the item instances contained in
  # this players backpack
  # @overload initialize
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [GameInventory] a new instance of GameInventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#112
  def initialize(app_id, steam_id64); end

  # Returns the item at the given position in the inventory. The positions
  # range from 1 to 100 instead of the usual array indices (0 to 99).
  # @return [GameItem] The item at the given position in the inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#128
  def [](index); end

  # Returns the application ID of the game this inventory class belongs to
  # @return [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#36
  def app_id; end

  # Updates the contents of the inventory using the Steam Web API
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#43
  def fetch; end

  # Returns a short, human-readable string representation of this inventory
  # @return [String] A string representation of this inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#154
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the item schema for this inventory
  # @return [GameItemSchema] The item schema for the game this inventory
  #   belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#163
  def item_schema; end

  # Returns an array of all items in this players inventory.
  # @return [Array<GameItem>] All items in the backpack
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#41
  def items; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#133
  def original_fetch; end

  # Returns an array of all items that this player just found or traded
  # @return [Array<GameItem>] All preliminary items of the inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#46
  def preliminary_items; end

  # Returns the number of items in the user's inventory
  # @return [Fixnum]  The number of items in the inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#170
  def size; end

  # Returns the Steam ID of the player owning this inventory
  # @return [SteamId] The Steam ID of the owner of this inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#51
  def user; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

    # This is a wrapper around all subclasses of `GameInventory` so that an
    # instance of correct subclass is returned for a given application ID. If
    # there's no specific subclass for an application ID exists, a generic
    # instance of `GameInventory` is created.
    # @overload new
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
    # @param steam_id [Fixnum] The 64bit Steam ID or vanity URL of the user
    # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
    #   creation
    # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
    #   even if it has been cached already
    # @raise [SteamCondenserException] if creating the inventory fails
    # @return [GameInventory] The inventory for the given user and game
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#67
    def new(app_id, steam_id = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end

    # Sets the language the schema should be fetched in (default is: `'en'`)
    # @param language [String] The ISO 639-1 code of the schema language
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_inventory.rb#100
    def schema_language=(language); end

# A module implementing basic functionality for classes representing an item
# in a game
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameItem
  # Creates a new instance of a GameItem with the given data
  # @param inventory [GameInventory] The inventory this item is contained in
  # @param item_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The data representing this item
  # @return [GameItem] a new instance of GameItem
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#90
  def initialize(inventory, item_data); end

  # Return the attributes of this item
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>, nil] The attributes of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#19
  def attributes; end

  # Returns the position of this item in the player's inventory
  # @return [Fixnum] The position of this item in the player's inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#24
  def backpack_position; end

  # Returns the number of items the player owns of this item
  # @return [Fixnum] The quantity of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#29
  def count; end

  # Returns whether this item is craftable
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this item is craftable
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#129
  def craftable?; end

  # Returns the index where the item is defined in the schema
  # @return [Fixnum] The schema index of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#34
  def defindex; end

  # Returns the ID of this item
  # @return [Fixnum] The ID of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#39
  def id; end

  # Returns the inventory this items belongs to
  # @return [GameInventory] The inventory this item belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#44
  def inventory; end

  # Returns the class of this item
  # @return [String] The class of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#49
  def item_class; end

  # Returns the item set this item belongs to
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>, nil] The set this item belongs to
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#54
  def item_set; end

  # Returns the level of this item
  # @return [Fixnum] The level of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#59
  def level; end

  # Returns the level of this item
  # @return [String] The level of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#64
  def name; end

  # Returns the origin of this item
  # @return [String] The origin of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#69
  def origin; end

  # Returns the original ID of this item
  # @return [Fixnum] The original ID of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#74
  def original_id; end

  # Returns whether this item is preliminary
  # Preliminary means that this item was just found or traded and has not yet
  # been added to the inventory
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this item is preliminary
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#139
  def preliminary?; end

  # Returns the quality of this item
  # @return [String] The quality of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#79
  def quality; end

  # Returns the data for this item that's defined in the item schema
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The schema data for this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#146
  def schema_data; end

  # Returns whether this item is tradeable
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this item is tradeable
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#153
  def tradeable?; end

  # Returns the type of this item
  # @return [String] The type of this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item.rb#84
  def type; end

# Provides item definitions and related data that specify the items of a game
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameItemSchema
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a new item schema for the game with the given application ID and
  # with descriptions in the given language
  # @overload initialize
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # @param language [Symbol] The language of description strings
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [GameItemSchema] a new instance of GameItemSchema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#74
  def initialize(app_id, language = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the application ID of the game this item schema belongs to
  # @return [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#21
  def app_id; end

  # The attributes defined for this game's items
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] This item schema's attributes
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#26
  def attributes; end

  # The effects defined for this game's items
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] This item schema's effects
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#31
  def effects; end

  # Updates the item definitions of this schema using the Steam Web API
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#43
  def fetch; end

  # Returns a short, human-readable string representation of this item schema
  # @return [String] A string representation of this item schema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#128
  def inspect; end

  # The levels defined for this game's items
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] This item schema's item levels
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#36
  def item_levels; end

  # A mapping from the item name to the item's defindex
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The item name mapping
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#41
  def item_names; end

  # The item sets defined for this game's items
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] This item schema's item sets
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#46
  def item_sets; end

  # The items defined for this game
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The items in this schema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#51
  def items; end

  # The language of this item schema
  # @return [Symbol] The language of this item schema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#56
  def language; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#80
  def original_fetch; end

  # The item origins defined for this game's items
  # @return [Array<String>] This item schema's origins
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#61
  def origins; end

  # The item qualities defined for this game's items
  # @return [Array<String>] This item schema's qualities
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_item_schema.rb#66
  def qualities; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

# The GameLeaderboard class represents a single leaderboard for a specific
# game
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#19
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::XMLData

  # Creates a new leaderboard instance with the given XML data
  # @param board_data [Hash<String, Object>] The XML data of the leaderboard
  # @return [GameLeaderboard] a new instance of GameLeaderboard
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#171
  def initialize(board_data); end

  # Returns the display type of the scores on this leaderboard
  # @return [Fixnum] The display type of the scores
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#37
  def display_type; end

  # Returns the number of entries on this leaderboard
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of entries on this leaderboard
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#42
  def entry_count; end

  # Returns the entry on this leaderboard for the user with the given SteamID
  # raise [SteamCondenserException] if an error occurs while fetching the
  #         leaderboard
  # @param steam_id [Fixnum, SteamId] The 64bit SteamID or the `SteamId`
  #   object of the user
  # @raise [SteamCondenser::Error]
  # @return [GameLeaderboardEntry] The entry of the user if available
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#93
  def entry_for_steam_id(steam_id); end

  # Returns an array of entries on this leaderboard for the user with the
  # given SteamID and his/her friends
  # raise [SteamCondenserException] if an error occurs while fetching the
  #         leaderboard
  # @param steam_id [Fixnum, SteamId] The 64bit SteamID or the `SteamId`
  #   object of the user
  # @raise [SteamCondenser::Error]
  # @return [Array<GameLeaderboardEntry>] The entries of the user and his/her
  #   friends
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#119
  def entry_for_steam_id_friends(steam_id); end

  # Returns the entries on this leaderboard for a given rank range
  # The range is inclusive and a maximum of 5001 entries can be returned in a
  # single request.
  # raise [SteamCondenserException] if an error occurs while fetching the
  #         leaderboard
  # @param first [Fixnum] The first entry to return from the leaderboard
  # @param last [Fixnum] The last entry to return from the leaderboard
  # @raise [SteamCondenser::Error]
  # @return [Array<GameLeaderboardEntry>] The entries that match the given
  #   rank range
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#141
  def entry_range(first, last); end

  # Returns the ID of the leaderboard
  # @return [Fixnum] The ID of the leaderboard
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#47
  def id; end

  # Returns the name of the leaderboard
  # @return [String] The name of the leaderboard
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#52
  def name; end

  # Returns the method that is used to sort the entries on the leaderboard
  # @return [Fixnum] The sort method
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#57
  def sort_method; end


  # Parses all entries available in the XML data
  # @return [Array<GameLeaderboardEntry>] All available entries
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#183
  def parse_entries; end

  class << self
    # Returns the leaderboard for the given game and leaderboard ID or name
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
    # @param id [Fixnum, String] The ID or name of the leaderboard to return
    # @return [GameLeaderboard] The matching leaderboard if available
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#64
    def leaderboard(app_id, id); end

    # Returns an array containing all of a game's leaderboards
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
    # @return [Array<GameLeaderboard>] The leaderboards for this game
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#80
    def leaderboards(app_id); end

    # Loads the leaderboards of the specified games into the cache
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
    # @raise [SteamCondenserException] if an error occurs while fetching the
    #   leaderboards
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#198
    def load_leaderboards(app_id); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#26
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::DISPLAY_TYPE_MILLISECONDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#23
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#24
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::DISPLAY_TYPE_NUMERIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#25
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::DISPLAY_TYPE_SECONDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#29
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::SORT_METHOD_ASC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#30
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::SORT_METHOD_DESC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard.rb#28
SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboard::SORT_METHOD_NONE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The GameLeaderboard class represents a single entry in a leaderboard
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#11
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameLeaderboardEntry
  # Creates new entry instance for the given XML data and leaderboard
  # @param entry_data [Hash<String, Object>] The XML data of the leaderboard
  #   of the leaderboard entry
  # @param leaderboard [GameLeaderboard] The leaderboard this entry belongs
  #   to
  # @return [GameLeaderboardEntry] a new instance of GameLeaderboardEntry
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#39
  def initialize(entry_data, leaderboard); end

  # Returns the leaderboard this entry belongs to
  # @return [GameLeaderboard] The leaderboard of this entry
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#31
  def leaderboard; end

  # Returns the rank where this entry is listed in the leaderboard
  # @return [Fixnum] The rank of this entry
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#26
  def rank; end

  # Returns the score of this entry
  # @return [Fixnum] The score of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#21
  def score; end

  # Returns the Steam ID of this entry's player
  # @return [SteamId] The Steam ID of the player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_leaderboard_entry.rb#16
  def steam_id; end

# This class represents the game statistics for a single user and a specific
# game
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameStats
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a `GameStats` object and fetches data from the Steam Community
  # for the given user and game
  # @param user_id [String, Fixnum] The custom URL or the 64bit Steam ID of
  #   the user
  # @param game_id [String] The application ID or friendly name of the game
  # @raise [Error] if the stats cannot be fetched
  # @return [GameStats] a new instance of GameStats
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#50
  def initialize(user_id, game_id); end

  # Returns the achievements for this stats' user and game
  # If the achievements' data hasn't been parsed yet, parsing is done now.
  # @return [Array<GameAchievement::Instance>] All achievements belonging to
  #   this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#28
  def achievements; end

  # Returns the number of achievements done by this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of achievements completed
  # @see #achievements
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#81
  def achievements_done; end

  # Returns the percentage of achievements done by this player
  # @return [Float] The percentage of achievements completed
  # @see #achievements_done
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#89
  def achievements_percentage; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#93
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the schema of the game these stats belong to
  # @return [GameStatsSchema] The stats schema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#38
  def schema; end

  # Returns the Steam ID of the player these stats belong to
  # @return [SteamId] The Steam ID instance of the player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#33
  def user; end

  # @return [Array<GameStatsValue::Instance>]
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats.rb#41
  def values; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#10
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameStatsDatum
  # @param schema [GameStatsSchema]
  # @param data [Hash<Symbol, Object>]
  # @return [GameStatsDatum] a new instance of GameStatsDatum
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#20
  def initialize(schema, data); end

  # Returns the value of attribute api_name.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#12
  def api_name; end

  # Returns the value of attribute default_value.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#14
  def default_value; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#27
  def inspect; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#31
  def instance(user, value); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#35
  def name(language = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the value of attribute schema.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#16
  def schema; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#39
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameStatsDatum::Instance
  # @return [Instance] a new instance of Instance
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#47
  def initialize(user, datum, value); end

  # Returns the value of attribute datum.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#41
  def datum; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#53
  def inspect; end

  # Returns the value of attribute user.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#43
  def user; end

  # Returns the value of attribute value.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_datum.rb#45
  def value; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::GameStatsSchema
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # @overload initialize
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [GameStatsSchema] a new instance of GameStatsSchema
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#40
  def initialize(app_id); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#44
  def achievement(api_name); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#52
  def achievement_translations(language); end

  # @return [Hash<String, GameAchievement>]
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#21
  def achievements; end

  # Returns the value of attribute app_id.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#23
  def app_id; end

  # Returns the value of attribute app_name.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#25
  def app_name; end

  # Returns the value of attribute app_version.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#27
  def app_version; end

  # Returns the value of attribute data.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#29
  def data; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#57
  def datum(api_name); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#61
  def datum_names(language); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#43
  def fetch; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#66
  def inspect; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#48
  def original_fetch; end


  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#72
  def add_language(language); end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#100
  def fetch_language(language); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#31
    def default_language; end

    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/game_stats_schema.rb#35
    def default_language=(language); end

    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

# Represents the inventory (a.k.a. Robot Enrichment) of a Portal 2 player
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_inventory.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Community::Portal2Inventory < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  # Creates a new inventory object for the given SteamID64 in Portal 2 (App ID
  # 620)
  # @overload initialize
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [Portal2Inventory] a new instance of Portal2Inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_inventory.rb#25
  def initialize(steam_id64); end

# The Steam application ID of Portal 2
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_inventory.rb#17
SteamCondenser::Community::Portal2Inventory::APP_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a Portal 2 item
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::Portal2Item < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameItem
  # Creates a new instance of a Portal 2 item with the given data
  # @param inventory [Portal2Inventory] The inventory this item is contained
  #   in
  # @param item_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The data specifying this item
  # @raise [Error::WebApi] on Web API errors
  # @return [Portal2Item] a new instance of Portal2Item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#30
  def initialize(inventory, item_data); end

  # Returns the symbols for each bot this player has equipped this item
  # @return [Array<String>] The names of the bots this player has equipped
  #   this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#45
  def bots_equipped?; end

  # Returns whether this item is equipped by this player at all
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the player has equipped this item at all
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#52
  def equipped?; end

  # Returns the slot where this item can be equipped in or `nil` if this item
  # cannot be equipped
  # @return [String, nil] The slot where this item can be equipped in
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#22
  def slot; end

# The names of the bots available in Portal 2
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/portal2/portal2_item.rb#16
SteamCondenser::Community::Portal2Item::BOTS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# This class represents a game available on Steam
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Community::SteamGame
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a new instance of a game with the given data and caches it
  # @note The real constructor of `SteamGame` is {.new}
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # @param game_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>, Hash<String, Object>] The JSON
  #   data of the game
  # @return [SteamGame] a new instance of SteamGame
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#153
  def initialize(app_id, game_data); end

  # Returns the Steam application ID of this game
  # @return [Fixnum] The Steam application ID of this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#24
  def app_id; end

  # Returns the URL for the icon image of this game
  # @return [String] The URL for the game icon
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#79
  def icon_url; end

  # Returns the Steam application ID of this game
  # @return [Fixnum] The Steam application ID of this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#24
  def id; end

  # Returns the leaderboard for this game and the given leaderboard ID or
  # name
  # @param id [Fixnum, String] The ID or name of the leaderboard to return
  # @return [GameLeaderboard] The matching leaderboard if available
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#88
  def leaderboard(id); end

  # Returns an array containing all of this game's leaderboards
  # @return [Array<GameLeaderboard>] The leaderboards for this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#95
  def leaderboards; end

  # Returns the URL for the logo thumbnail image of this game
  # @return [String] The URL for the game logo thumbnail
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#109
  def logo_thumbnail_url; end

  # Returns the URL for the logo image of this game
  # @return [String] The URL for the game logo
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#102
  def logo_url; end

  # Returns the full name of this game
  # @return [String] The full name of this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#30
  def name; end

  # Returns the overall number of players currently playing this game
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of players playing this game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#116
  def player_count; end

  # Returns the URL of this game's page in the Steam Store
  # @return [String] This game's store page
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#124
  def store_url; end

  # Returns whether the given version of this game is up-to-date
  # @param version [Fixnum] The version to check against the Web API
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the given version is up-to-date
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#132
  def uptodate?(version); end

  # Creates a stats object for the given user and this game
  # @param steam_id [String, Fixnum] The custom URL or the 64bit Steam ID of
  #   the user
  # @return [GameStats] The stats of this game for the given user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#141
  def user_stats(steam_id); end

  class << self
    # Checks if a game is up-to-date by reading information from a `steam.inf`
    # file and comparing it using the Web API
    # @param path [String] The file system path of the `steam.inf` file
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if the game is up-to-date
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#37
    def check_steam_inf(path); end

    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

    # Creates a new instance of a game with the given data and caches it
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
    # @param game_data [Hash<String, Object>] The XML data of the game
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#52
    def new(app_id, game_data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Returns whether the given version of the game with the given application
    # ID is up-to-date
    # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game to check
    # @param version [Fixnum] The version to check against the Web API
    # @raise [SteamCondenser::Error]
    # @return [Boolean] `true` if the given version is up-to-date
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_game.rb#68
    def uptodate?(app_id, version); end

# The SteamGroup class represents a group in the Steam Community
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Community::SteamGroup
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::XMLData
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a new `SteamGroup` instance for the group with the given ID
  # @overload initialize
  # @param id [String, Fixnum] The custom URL of the group specified by the
  #   group admin or the 64bit group ID
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [SteamGroup] a new instance of SteamGroup
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#58
  def initialize(id); end

  # Returns the URL to this group's full avatar
  # @return [String] The URL to this group's full avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#70
  def avatar_full_url; end

  # Returns the URL to this group's icon avatar
  # @return [String] The URL to this group's icon avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#79
  def avatar_icon_url; end

  # Returns the URL to this group's medium avatar
  # @return [String] The URL to this group's medium avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#88
  def avatar_medium_url; end

  # Returns the base URL for this group's page
  # This URL is different for groups having a custom URL.
  # @return [String] The base URL for this group
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#99
  def base_url; end

  # Returns the custom URL of this group
  # The custom URL is a admin specified unique string that can be used
  # instead of the 64bit SteamID as an identifier for a group.
  # @return [String] The custom URL of this group
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#31
  def custom_url; end

  # Loads information about and members of this group
  # This includes the ID, name, headline, summary of the group as well as
  # avatar and custom URLs.
  # This might take several HTTP requests as the Steam Community splits this
  # data over several XML documents if the group has lots of members.
  # @see Cacheable#fetch
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#43
  def fetch; end

  # Returns this group's 64bit SteamID
  # @return [Fixnum] This group's 64bit SteamID
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#36
  def group_id64; end

  # Returns this group's headline text
  # @return [String] This group's headline text
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#41
  def headline; end

  # Returns the number of members this group has
  # If the members have already been fetched the size of the member array is
  # returned. Otherwise the the first page of the member listing is fetched
  # and the member count and the first batch of members is stored.
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of this group's members
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#135
  def member_count; end

  # Returns the members of this group
  # If the members haven't been fetched yet, this is done now.
  # @return [Array<SteamId>] The Steam ID's of the members of this group
  # @see #fetch
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#150
  def members; end

  # Returns this group's name
  # @return [String] This group's name
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#46
  def name; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#116
  def original_fetch; end

  # Returns this group's summary text
  # @return [String] This group's summary text
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#51
  def summary; end


  # Fetches a specific page of the member listing of this group
  # @param page [Fixnum] The member page to fetch
  # @return [Fixnum] The total number of pages of this group's member listing
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#161
  def fetch_page(page); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_group.rb#23
SteamCondenser::Community::SteamGroup::AVATAR_URL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# The SteamId class represents a Steam Community profile (also called Steam
# ID)
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#23
class SteamCondenser::Community::SteamId
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable
  include ::SteamCondenser::Community::XMLData
  extend ::SteamCondenser::Community::Cacheable::ClassMethods

  # Creates a new `SteamId` instance for the given Steam ID
  # @overload initialize
  # @param id [String, Fixnum] The custom URL of the Steam ID specified by the
  #   user or the 64bit SteamID
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [SteamId] a new instance of SteamId
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#186
  def initialize(id); end

  # Returns whether the owner of this SteamID is VAC banned
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the user has been banned by VAC
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#201
  def banned?; end

  # Returns the base URL for this Steam ID
  # This URL is different for Steam IDs having a custom URL.
  # @return [String] The base URL for this SteamID
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#211
  def base_url; end

  # Returns the custom URL of this Steam ID
  # The custom URL is a user specified unique string that can be used instead
  # of the 64bit SteamID as an identifier for a Steam ID.
  # @note The custom URL is not necessarily the same as the user's nickname.
  # @return [String] The custom URL of this Steam ID
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#37
  def custom_url; end

  # Fetches data from the Steam Community by querying the XML version of the
  # profile specified by the ID of this Steam ID
  # @raise [Error] if the Steam ID data is not available, e.g. when it is
  #   private
  # @see Cacheable#fetch
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#43
  def fetch; end

  # Fetches the friends of this user
  # This creates a new `SteamId` instance for each of the friends without
  # fetching their data.
  # @see #friends
  # @see #initialize
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#267
  def fetch_friends; end

  # Fetches information about the game the user is playing currently
  # @return The user’s current game information
  # @see #game_info
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#325
  def fetch_game_info; end

  # Fetches the games this user owns
  # This fills the game hash with the names of the games as keys. The values
  # will either be `false` if the game does not have stats or the game's
  # "friendly name".
  # @see #games
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#283
  def fetch_games; end

  # Fetches the groups this user is member of
  # Uses the ISteamUser/GetUserGroupList interface.
  # @return [Array<SteamGroup>] The groups of this user
  # @see #groups
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#310
  def fetch_groups; end

  # Returns the Steam Community friends of this user
  # If the friends haven't been fetched yet, this is done now.
  # @return [Array<SteamId>]  The friends of this user
  # @see #fetch_friends
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#362
  def friends; end

  # Returns the URL of the full-sized version of this user's avatar
  # @return [String] The URL of the full-sized avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#341
  def full_avatar_url; end

  # Returns information about the game the user is playing currently
  # If the information hasn't been fetched yet, this is done now.
  # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The user’s current game information
  # @see #fetch_game_info
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#393
  def game_info; end

  # Returns the stats for the given game for the owner of this SteamID
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game stats should be
  #   fetched for
  # @raise [Error] if the user does not own this game or it does not have any
  #   stats
  # @return [GameStats] The statistics for the game with the given name
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#352
  def game_stats(app_id); end

  # Returns the games this user owns
  # The keys of the hash are the games' application IDs and the values are
  # the corresponding game instances.
  # If the friends haven't been fetched yet, this is done now.
  # @return [Hash<Fixnum, SteamGame>] The games this user owns
  # @see #fetch_games
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#375
  def games; end

  # Returns all groups where this user is a member
  # @return [] The groups of this user
  # @see #fetch_groups
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#383
  def groups; end

  # Returns the URL of the icon version of this user's avatar
  # @return [String] The URL of the icon-sized avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#400
  def icon_url; end

  # Returns a unique identifier for this Steam ID
  # This is either the 64bit numeric SteamID or custom URL
  # @return [Fixnum, String] The 64bit numeric SteamID or the custom URL
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#409
  def id; end

  # Returns whether the owner of this SteamId is playing a game
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the user is in-game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#416
  def in_game?; end

  # Returns whether the owner of this SteamID is VAC banned
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the user has been banned by VAC
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#201
  def is_banned?; end

  # Returns whether this Steam account is limited
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this account is limited
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#423
  def limited?; end

  # Returns the location of the user
  # @return [String] The location of the user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#47
  def location; end

  # Returns the URL of the medium-sized version of this user's avatar
  # @return [String] The URL of the medium-sized avatar
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#430
  def medium_avatar_url; end

  # Returns the date of registration for the Steam account belonging to this
  # SteamID
  # @return [Time] The date of the Steam account registration
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#53
  def member_since; end

  # Returns the Steam nickname of the user
  # @return [String] The Steam nickname of the user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#58
  def nickname; end

  # Returns whether the owner of this SteamID is currently logged into Steam
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the user is online
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#437
  def online?; end

  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#225
  def original_fetch; end

  # Returns the privacy state of this Steam ID
  # @return [String] The privacy state of this Steam ID
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#63
  def privacy_state; end

  # Returns whether this Steam ID is publicly accessible
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if this Steam ID is public
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#444
  def public?; end

  # Returns the real name of this user
  # @return [String] The real name of this user
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#68
  def real_name; end

  # Returns the time in minutes this user has played this game in the last
  # two weeks
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of minutes this user played the given game in
  #   the last two weeks
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#454
  def recent_playtime(app_id); end

  # Returns the message corresponding to this user's online state
  # @return [String] The message corresponding to this user's online state
  # @see #ingame?
  # @see #online?
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#75
  def state_message; end

  # Returns this user's 64bit SteamID
  # If the SteamID is not known yet it is resolved from the vanity URL.
  # @return [Fixnum] This user's 64bit SteamID
  # @see .resolve_vanity_url
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#464
  def steam_id64; end

  # Returns the current Steam level of this user
  # If the Steam level hasn't been updated yet, this is done now.
  # @return [Fixnum] The current Steam level of this user
  # @see #update_steam_level
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#474
  def steam_level; end

  # Returns the summary this user has provided
  # @return [String] This user's summary
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#80
  def summary; end

  # Returns the total time in minutes this user has played this game
  # @param app_id [Fixnum] The application ID of the game
  # @return [Fixnum] The total number of minutes this user played the given
  #   game
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#483
  def total_playtime(app_id); end

  # Returns this user's ban state in Steam's trading system
  # @return [String] This user's trading ban state
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#85
  def trade_ban_state; end

  # Updates the Steam level of this user using the Web API
  # @return [Fixnum] The current Steam level of this user
  # @see #steam_level
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#491
  def update_steam_level; end

  # Returns the visibility state of this Steam ID
  # @return [Fixnum] This Steam ID's visibility State
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#90
  def visibility_state; end

  class << self
    # Converts a 64bit numeric SteamID as used by the Steam Community to the
    # legacy SteamID format
    # @param community_id [Fixnum] The SteamID string as used by the Steam
    #   Community
    # @raise [Error] if the community ID is to small
    # @return [String] The converted SteamID, like `STEAM_0:0:12345`
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#99
    def community_id_to_steam_id(community_id); end

    # Converts a 64bit numeric SteamID as used by the Steam Community to the
    # modern SteamID format (also known as SteamID 3)
    # @param community_id [Fixnum] The SteamID string as used by the Steam
    #   Community
    # @raise [Error] if the community ID is to small
    # @return [String] The converted SteamID, like `[U:1:12345]`
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#119
    def community_id_to_steam_id3(community_id); end

    # Creates a new `SteamId` instance using a SteamID as used on servers
    # The SteamID from the server is converted into a 64bit numeric SteamID
    # first before this is used to retrieve the corresponding Steam Community
    # profile.
    # @param steam_id [String] The SteamID string as used on servers, like
    #   `STEAM_0:0:12345`
    # @return [SteamId] The `SteamId` belonging to the given SteamID
    # @see .convert_steam_id_to_community_id
    # @see #initialize
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#177
    def from_steam_id(steam_id); end

    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/cacheable.rb#38
    def method_added(name); end

    # Resolves a vanity URL of a Steam Community profile to a 64bit numeric
    # SteamID
    # @param vanity_url [String] The vanity URL of a Steam Community profile
    # @return [Fixnum] The 64bit numeric SteamID
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#136
    def resolve_vanity_url(vanity_url); end

    # Converts a SteamID as reported by game servers to a 64bit numeric SteamID
    # as used by the Steam Community
    # @param steam_id [String] The SteamID string as used on servers, like
    #   `STEAM_0:0:12345`
    # @raise [Error] if the SteamID doesn't have the correct format
    # @return [Fixnum] The converted 64bit numeric SteamID
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/steam_id.rb#152
    def steam_id_to_community_id(steam_id); end

# Represents the inventory (aka. Backpack) of a player of the public Team
# Fortress 2 beta
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_beta_inventory.rb#15
class SteamCondenser::Community::TF2BetaInventory < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  # Creates a new inventory object for the given SteamID64 in the Team Fortress
  # 2 beta (App ID 520)
  # @overload initialize
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [TF2BetaInventory] a new instance of TF2BetaInventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_beta_inventory.rb#26
  def initialize(steam_id64); end

# The Steam application ID of the Team Fortress 2 beta
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_beta_inventory.rb#18
SteamCondenser::Community::TF2BetaInventory::APP_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents the special Team Fortress 2 item Golden Wrench. It includes the
# ID of the item, the serial number of the wrench, a reference to the SteamID
# of the owner and the date this player crafted the wrench
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Community::TF2GoldenWrench
  # Creates a new instance of a Golden Wrench with the given data
  # @param wrench_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The JSON data for this wrench
  # @return [TF2GoldenWrench] a new instance of TF2GoldenWrench
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#65
  def initialize(wrench_data); end

  # Returns the date this Golden Wrench has been crafted
  # @return [Time] The crafting date of this wrench
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#23
  def date; end

  # Returns the unique item ID of this Golden Wrench
  # @return [Fixnum] The ID of this wrench
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#28
  def id; end

  # Returns the serial number of this Golden Wrench
  # @return [Fixnum] The serial of this wrench
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#33
  def number; end

  # Returns the SteamID of the owner of this Golden Wrench
  # @return [SteamId] The owner of this wrench
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#38
  def owner; end

  class << self
    # Returns all Golden Wrenches
    # @raise [Error] if an error occurs querying the Web API or the Steam
    #   Community
    # @return [Array<GoldenWrench>] All Golden Wrenches
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_golden_wrench.rb#47
    def golden_wrenches; end

# Represents the inventory (aka. Backpack) of a Team Fortress 2 player
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_inventory.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Community::TF2Inventory < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameInventory
  # Creates a new inventory object for the given SteamID64 in Team Fortress 2
  # (App ID 440)
  # @overload initialize
  # @param steam_id64 [Fixnum] The 64bit SteamID of the player to get the
  #   inventory for
  # @param fetch [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched after
  #   creation
  # @param bypass_cache [Boolean] if `true` the object's data is fetched again
  #   even if it has been cached already
  # @return [TF2Inventory] a new instance of TF2Inventory
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_inventory.rb#25
  def initialize(steam_id64); end

# The Steam application ID of Team Fortress 2
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_inventory.rb#17
SteamCondenser::Community::TF2Inventory::APP_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Represents a Team Fortress 2 item
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Community::TF2Item < ::SteamCondenser::Community::GameItem
  # Creates a new instance of a TF2 item with the given data
  # @param inventory [TF2Inventory] The inventory this item is contained in
  # @param item_data [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The data specifying this item
  # @raise [Error::WebApi] on Web API errors
  # @return [TF2Item] a new instance of TF2Item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#29
  def initialize(inventory, item_data); end

  # Returns the class symbols for each class this player has equipped this item
  # @return [Array<String>] The names of the classes this player has equipped
  #   this item
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#44
  def classes_equipped?; end

  # Returns whether this item is equipped by this player at all
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the player has equipped this item at all
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#51
  def equipped?; end

  # Returns the slot where this item can be equipped in or `nil` if this item
  # cannot be equipped
  # @return [String, nil] The slot where this item can be equipped in
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#22
  def slot; end

# The names of the classes available in Team Fortress 2
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/tf2/tf2_item.rb#16
SteamCondenser::Community::TF2Item::CLASSES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/uri.rb#4
module SteamCondenser::Community::URI
  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/uri.rb#6
    def open(*args); end

# This module provides functionality for accessing Steam's Web API
# The Web API requires you to register a domain with your Steam account to
# acquire an API key. See for further details.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#19
module SteamCondenser::Community::WebApi
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  class << self
    # Returns the Steam Web API key currently used by Steam Condenser
    # @return [String] The currently active Steam Web API key
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#30
    def api_key; end

    # Sets the Steam Web API key
    # @param api_key [String] The 128bit API key as a hexadecimal string that
    #   has to be requested from
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the given API key is not a valid 128bit
    #   hexadecimal string
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#40
    def api_key=(api_key); end

    # Fetches data from Steam Web API using the specified interface, method and
    # version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET. Data is
    # returned as a string in the given format.
    # @param format [Symbol] The format to load from the API (`:json`, `:vdf`,
    #   or `:xml`)
    # @param interface [String] The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #   `ISteamUser`
    # @param method [String] The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #   `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param version [Fixnum] The API method version to use
    # @param params [Hash<Symbol, Object>] Additional parameters to supply via
    #   HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [String] The data as replied by the Web API in the desired format
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#123
    def get(format, interface, method, version = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Returns a raw list of interfaces and their methods that are available in
    # Steam's Web API
    # This can be used for reference when accessing interfaces and methods that
    # have not yet been implemented by Steam Condenser.
    # @return [Array<Hash>] The list of interfaces and methods
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#62
    def interfaces; end

    # Fetches JSON data from Steam Web API using the specified interface,
    # method and version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET.
    # Data is returned as a Hash containing the JSON data.
    # @param interface [String] The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #   `ISteamUser`
    # @param method [String] The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #   `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param version [Fixnum] The API method version to use
    # @param params [Hash<Symbol, Object>] Additional parameters to supply via
    #   HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The JSON data replied to the request
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#79
    def json(interface, method, version = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Fetches JSON data from Steam Web API using the specified interface,
    # method and version. Additional parameters are supplied via HTTP GET.
    # Data is returned as a Hash containing the JSON data.
    # @param interface [String] The Web API interface to call, e.g.
    #   `ISteamUser`
    # @param method [String] The Web API method to call, e.g.
    #   `GetPlayerSummaries`
    # @param version [Fixnum] The API method version to use
    # @param params [Hash<Symbol, Object>] Additional parameters to supply via
    #   HTTP GET
    # @raise [Error::WebApi] if the request to Steam's Web API fails
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The JSON data replied to the request
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#97
    def json!(interface, method, version = T.unsafe(nil), params = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

    # Sets whether HTTPS should be used for the communication with the Web API
    # @param secure [Boolean] Whether to use HTTPS
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/web_api.rb#51
    def secure=(secure); end

# This class provides basic functionality to parse XML data
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/xml_data.rb#14
module SteamCondenser::Community::XMLData
  # Parse the given URL as XML data using `multi_xml`
  # @param url [String] The URL to parse
  # @raise [Error] if an error occurs while parsing the XML data
  # @return [Hash<String, Object>] The data parsed from the XML document
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/community/xml_data.rb#20
  def parse(url); end

# This error class is used as a base class for all errors related to Steam
# Condenser's operation
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error.rb#12
class SteamCondenser::Error < ::StandardError
  # Creates a new `Error` instance
  # @param message [String] The message to attach to the error
  # @param cause [Exception] The exception that caused this error
  # @return [Error] a new instance of Error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error.rb#23
  def initialize(message, cause = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the exception that caused this error
  # @return [Exception] The exception that caused this error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error.rb#17
  def cause; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/packet_format.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Error::PacketFormat < ::SteamCondenser::Error; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/rcon_ban.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Error::RCONBan < ::SteamCondenser::Error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/rcon_ban.rb#21
  def initialize; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/rcon_no_auth.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Error::RCONNoAuth < ::SteamCondenser::Error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/rcon_no_auth.rb#19
  def initialize; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/timeout.rb#19
class SteamCondenser::Error::Timeout < ::SteamCondenser::Error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/timeout.rb#22
  def initialize; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/web_api.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Error::WebApi < ::SteamCondenser::Error
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/error/web_api.rb#45
  def initialize(cause, status_code = T.unsafe(nil), status_message = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# This module is included by all classes of Steam Condenser that log events
# It is a lightweight wrapper around Ruby's `Logger` class from the standard
# library.
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#12
module SteamCondenser::Logging
  # Returns the logger for the current class
  # @return [Logger] The logger for the current class
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#69
  def log; end

  class << self
    # Sets the default formatter to use for all logging events in Steam
    # Condenser
    # @param formatter [#call] The formatter to use when logging
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#46
    def formatter=(formatter); end

    # Creates a logger for the class that includes this module
    # Additionally it defines a `.log` singleton method for the class that
    # includes this module
    # @param klass [Class] The class that includes this module
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#26
    def included(klass); end

    # Sets the default log level to use for filtering all logging events in
    # Steam Condenser
    # @param level [Fixnum] The log level to use when logging
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#62
    def level=(level); end

    # Sets the default logging device to use for all logging events in Steam
    # Condenser
    # @param logdev [IO] For example an output stream or file to log to
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#54
    def logdev=(logdev); end

# This module is used as a wrapper around Steam Condenser's server classes
# It does not provide any own functionality, but this file is used to easily
# require classes to interact with servers
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers.rb#14
module SteamCondenser::Servers; end

# This module is included by all classes implementing server functionality
# It provides basic name resolution features and the ability to rotate between
# different IP addresses belonging to a single DNS name.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#18
module SteamCondenser::Servers::BaseServer
  # Creates a new server instance with the given address and port
  # @param address [String] Either an IP address, a DNS name or one of them
  #   combined with the port number. If a port number is given, e.g.
  #   '' it will override the second argument.
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @raise [Error] if an host name cannot be resolved
  # @see init_socket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#38
  def initialize(address, port = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Disconnect the connections to this server
  # @note In the base implementation this does nothing, only connection-based
  #   communication channels have to be disconnected.
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#62
  def disconnect; end

  # Returns a list of host names associated with this server
  # @return [Array<String>] The host names of this server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#23
  def host_names; end

  # Returns a list of IP addresses associated with this server
  # @return [Array<String>] The IP addresses of this server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#28
  def ip_addresses; end

  # Rotate this server's IP address to the next one in the IP list
  # If this method returns `true`, it indicates that all IP addresses have been
  # used, hinting at the server(s) being unreachable. An appropriate action
  # should be taken to inform the user.
  # Servers with only one IP address will always cause this method to return
  # `true` and the sockets will not be reinitialized.
  # @return [Boolean] `true`, if the IP list reached its end. If the list
  #   contains only one IP address, this method will instantly return
  #   `true`
  # @see #init_socket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#78
  def rotate_ip; end


  # Execute an action in the context of this server's current IP address
  # Any failure will cause the IP to rotate to the next IP in the server's IP
  # list and the execution will be repeated for the next IP address. If the IP
  # rotation reaches the end of the list, the error will be reraised.
  # @param proc [Proc] The action to be executed in a failsafe way
  # @see #rotate_ip
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#99
  def failsafe(&proc); end

  # Initializes the socket(s) to communicate with the server
  # @abstract Must be implemented in including classes to prepare sockets for
  #   server communication
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/base_server.rb#113
  def init_socket; end

# This module is included by classes representing different game server
# implementations and provides the basic functionality to communicate with
# them using the common query protocol
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#28
module SteamCondenser::Servers::GameServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::BaseServer

  # Creates a new instance of a game server object
  # @param address [String] Either an IP address, a DNS name or one of them
  #   combined with the port number. If a port number is given, e.g.
  #   '' it will override the second argument.
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @raise [Error] if an host name cannot be resolved
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#91
  def initialize(address, port = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends the specified request to the server and handles the returned response
  # Depending on the given request type this will fill the various data
  # attributes of the server object.
  # @param request_type [Symbol] The type of request to send to the server
  # @param repeat_on_failure [Boolean] Whether the request should be repeated,
  #   if the replied packet isn't expected. This is useful to handle
  #   missing challenge numbers, which will be automatically filled in,
  #   although not requested explicitly.
  # @raise [Error] if either the request type or the response
  #   packet is not known
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#207
  def handle_response_for_request(request_type, repeat_on_failure = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Initializes this server object with basic information
  # @see #update_challenge_number
  # @see #update_ping
  # @see #update_server_info
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#255
  def init; end

  # Returns the last measured response time of this server
  # If the latency hasn't been measured yet, it is done when calling this
  # method for the first time.
  # If this information is vital to you, be sure to call {#update_ping}
  # regularly to stay up-to-date.
  # @return [Fixnum] The latency of this server in milliseconds
  # @see #update_ping
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#107
  def ping; end

  # Returns a list of players currently playing on this server
  # If the players haven't been fetched yet, it is done when calling this
  # method for the first time.
  # As the players and their scores change quite often be sure to update this
  # list regularly by calling {#update_players} if you rely on this
  # information.
  # @param rcon_password [String] The RCON password of this server may be
  #   provided to gather more detailed information on the players, like
  #   STEAM_IDs.
  # @return [Hash] The players on this server
  # @see update_players
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#126
  def players(rcon_password = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Authenticates the connection for RCON communication with the server
  # @abstract Must be be implemented by including classes to handle the
  #   authentication
  # @param password [String] The RCON password of the server
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [Boolean] whether the authentication was successful
  # @see #rcon_exec
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#138
  def rcon_auth(password); end

  # Returns whether the RCON connection to this server is already authenticated
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if the RCON connection is authenticated
  # @see #rcon_auth
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#146
  def rcon_authenticated?; end

  # Remotely executes a command on the server via RCON
  # @abstract Must be be implemented by including classes to handle the command
  #   execution
  # @param command [String] The command to execute on the server
  # @raise [NotImplementedError]
  # @return [String] The output of the executed command
  # @see #rcon_auth
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#157
  def rcon_exec(command); end

  # Returns the settings applied on the server. These settings are also called
  # rules.
  # If the rules haven't been fetched yet, it is done when calling this method
  # for the first time.
  # As the rules usually don't change often, there's almost no need to update
  # this hash. But if you need to, you can achieve this by calling
  # {#update_rules}.
  # @return [Hash<String, String>] The currently active server rules
  # @see #update_rules
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#173
  def rules; end

  # Returns a hash with basic information on the server.
  # If the server information haven't been fetched yet, it is done when
  # calling this method for the first time.
  # The server information usually only changes on map change and when players
  # join or leave. As the latter changes can be monitored by calling
  # {#update_players}, there's no need to call {#update_server_info} very
  # often.
  # @return [Hash] Server attributes with their values
  # @see #update_server_info
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#190
  def server_info; end

  # Returns a human-readable text representation of the server
  # @return [String] Available information about the server in a human-readable
  #   format
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#355
  def to_s; end

  # Sends a A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE request to the server and updates the
  # challenge number used to communicate with this server
  # There's usually no need to call this method explicitly, because
  # {#handle_response_for_request} will automatically get the challenge number
  # when the server assigns a new one.
  # @see #handle_response_for_request
  # @see #init
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#331
  def update_challenge_number; end

  # Sends a A2S_INFO request to the server and measures the time needed for the
  # reply
  # If this information is vital to you, be sure to call this method regularly
  # to stay up-to-date.
  # @return [Fixnum] The latency of this server in milliseconds
  # @see #ping
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#343
  def update_ping; end

  # Sends a A2S_PLAYERS request to the server and updates the players' data for
  # this server
  # As the players and their scores change quite often be sure to update this
  # list regularly by calling this method if you rely on this
  # information.
  # @param rcon_password [String] The RCON password of this server may be
  #   provided to gather more detailed information on the players, like
  #   STEAM_IDs.
  # @see #handle_response_for_request
  # @see #players
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#273
  def update_players(rcon_password = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends a A2S_RULES request to the server and updates the rules of this
  # server
  # As the rules usually don't change often, there's almost no need to update
  # this hash. But if you need to, you can achieve this by calling this method.
  # @see #handle_response_for_request
  # @see #rules
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#305
  def update_rules; end

  # Sends a A2S_INFO request to the server and updates this server's basic
  # information
  # The server information usually only changes on map change and when players
  # join or leave. As the latter changes can be monitored by calling
  # {#update_players}, there's no need to call this method very often.
  # @see #handle_response_for_request
  # @see #server_info
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#318
  def update_server_info; end

  class << self
    # Parses the player attribute names supplied by `rcon status`
    # @param status_header [String] The header line provided by `rcon status`
    # @return [Array<Symbol>] Split player attribute names
    # @see .split_player_status
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#37
    def player_status_attributes(status_header); end

    # Splits the player status obtained with `rcon status`
    # @param attributes [Array<Symbol>] The attribute names
    # @param player_status [String] The status line of a single player
    # @return [Hash<Symbol, String>] The attributes with the corresponding values
    #   for this player
    # @see .player_status_attributes
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/game_server.rb#57
    def split_player_status(attributes, player_status); end

# This class represents a GoldSrc game server and can be used to query
# information about and remotely execute commands via RCON on the server
# A GoldSrc game server is an instance of the Half-Life Dedicated Server
# (HLDS) running games using Valve's GoldSrc engine, like Half-Life
# Deathmatch, Counter-Strike 1.6 or Team Fortress Classic.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#23
class SteamCondenser::Servers::GoldSrcServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::BaseServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::GameServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Creates a new instance of a GoldSrc server object
  # @param address [String] Either an IP address, a DNS name or one of them
  #   combined with the port number. If a port number is given, e.g.
  #   '' it will override the second argument.
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @param is_hltv [Boolean] HLTV servers need special treatment, so this
  #   is used to determine if the server is a HLTV server
  # @raise [Error] if an host name cannot be resolved
  # @return [GoldSrcServer] a new instance of GoldSrcServer
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#45
  def initialize(address, port = T.unsafe(nil), is_hltv = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Initializes the socket to communicate with the GoldSrc server
  # @see GoldSrcSocket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#54
  def init_socket; end

  # Tries to establish RCON authentication with the server with the given
  # password
  # This will send an empty command that will ensure the given password was
  # correct. If successful, the password is stored for future use.
  # @param password [String] The RCON password of the server
  # @return [Boolean] `true` if authentication was successful
  # @see #rcon_exec
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#67
  def rcon_auth(password); end

  # Remotely executes a command on the server via RCON
  # @param command [String] The command to execute on the server via RCON
  # @raise [Error::RCONNoAuth]
  # @return [String] The output of the executed command
  # @see #rcon_auth
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#85
  def rcon_exec(command); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

    # Returns a master server instance for the default master server for
    # GoldSrc games
    # @return [MasterServer] The GoldSrc master server
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/goldsrc_server.rb#32
    def master; end

# This class represents a Steam master server and can be used to get game
# servers which are publicly available
# An intance of this class can be used much like Steam's server browser to get
# a list of available game servers, including filters to narrow down the search
# results.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#23
class SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::BaseServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Initializes the socket to communicate with the master server
  # @see MasterServerSocket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#75
  def init_socket; end

  # Returns a list of game server matching the given region and filters
  # Filtering:
  # Instead of filtering the results sent by the master server locally, you
  # should at least use the following filters to narrow down the results sent
  # by the master server.
  # Available filters:
  # * `\type\d`: Request only dedicated servers
  # * `\secure\1`: Request only secure servers
  # * `\gamedir\[mod]`: Request only servers of a specific mod
  # * `\map\[mapname]`: Request only servers running a specific map
  # * `\linux\1`: Request only linux servers
  # * `\empty\1`: Request only **non**-empty servers
  # * `\full\1`: Request only servers **not** full
  # * `\proxy\1`: Request only spectator proxy servers
  # @note Receiving all servers from the master server is taking quite some
  #   time.
  # @param region_code [Fixnum] The region code to specify a location of the
  #   game servers
  # @param filters [String] The filters that game servers should match
  # @param force [Boolean] Return a list of servers even if an error occured
  #   while fetching them from the master server
  # @raise [Error::Timeout] if too many timeouts occur while querying the
  #   master server
  # @return [Array<Array<String>>] A list of game servers matching the given
  #   region and filters
  # @see A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2_Packet
  # @see MasterServer.retries=
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#110
  def servers(region_code = T.unsafe(nil), filters = T.unsafe(nil), force = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

    # Sets the number of consecutive requests that may fail, before getting
    # the server list is cancelled (default: 3)
    # @param retries [Fixnum] The number of allowed retries
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#68
    def retries=(retries); end

# The master server address to query for GoldSrc game servers
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#32
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::GOLDSRC_MASTER_SERVER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# The region code for Africa
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#59
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_AFRICA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for the whole world
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#62
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_ALL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for Asia
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#50
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_ASIA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for Australia
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#53
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_AUSTRALIA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for Europe
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#47
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_EUROPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for the Middle East
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#56
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_MIDDLE_EAST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for South America
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#44
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_SOUTH_AMERICA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for the US east coast
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#38
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_US_EAST_COAST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The region code for the US west coast
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#41
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::REGION_US_WEST_COAST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# The master server address to query for Source game servers
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/master_server.rb#35
SteamCondenser::Servers::MasterServer::SOURCE_MASTER_SERVER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#10
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets; end

# This packet class represents a A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2 request sent to a
# master server
# It is used to receive a list of game servers matching the specified
# filters.
# Filtering:
# Instead of filtering the results sent by the master server locally, you
# should at least use the following filters to narrow down the results sent
# by the master server. Receiving all servers from the master server is
# taking quite some time.
# Available filters:
# * `\type\d`: Request only dedicated servers
# * `\secure\1`: Request only secure servers
# * `\gamedir\[mod]`: Request only servers of a specific mod
# * `\map\[mapname]`: Request only servers running a specific map
# * `\linux\1`: Request only linux servers
# * `\emtpy\1`: Request only **non**-empty servers
# * `\full\`: Request only servers **not** full
# * `\proxy\1`: Request only spectator proxy servers
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see MasterServer#servers
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2m_get_servers_batch2_packet.rb#36
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a master server request, filtering by the given paramters
  # @param region_code [Numeric] The region code to filter servers by region
  # @param start_ip [String] This should be the last IP received from the
  #   master server or
  # @param filter [String] The filters to apply in the form
  #   "\filtername\value..."
  # @return [A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2_Packet] a new instance of A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2m_get_servers_batch2_packet.rb#47
  def initialize(region_code = T.unsafe(nil), start_ip = T.unsafe(nil), filter = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the raw data representing this packet
  # @return [String] A string containing the raw data of this request packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2m_get_servers_batch2_packet.rb#58
  def to_s; end

# This packet class class represents a A2S_INFO request send to a game server
# It will cause the server to send some basic information about itself, e.g.
# the running game, map and the number of players.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_server_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_info_packet.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::A2S_INFO_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new A2S_INFO request object
  # @return [A2S_INFO_Packet] a new instance of A2S_INFO_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_info_packet.rb#22
  def initialize; end

# This packet class represents a A2S_PLAYER request send to a game server
# It is used to request the list of players currently playing on the server.
# This packet type requires the client to challenge the server in advance,
# which is done automatically if required.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_player_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_player_packet.rb#20
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::A2S_PLAYER_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RequestWithChallenge

  # Creates a new A2S_PLAYER request object including the challenge number
  # @param challenge_number [Numeric] The challenge number received from the
  #   server
  # @return [A2S_PLAYER_Packet] a new instance of A2S_PLAYER_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_player_packet.rb#29
  def initialize(challenge_number = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# This packet class represents a A2S_RULES request send to a game server
# The game server will return a list of currently active game rules, e.g.
# `mp_friendlyfire = 1`.
# This packet type requires the client to challenge the server in advance,
# which is done automatically if required.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_rules_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_rules_packet.rb#21
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::A2S_RULES_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RequestWithChallenge

  # Creates a new A2S_RULES request object including the challenge number
  # @param challenge_number [Numeric] The challenge number received from the
  #   server
  # @return [A2S_RULES_Packet] a new instance of A2S_RULES_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_rules_packet.rb#30
  def initialize(challenge_number = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# This packet class represents a A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE request send to
# a game server
# It is used to retrieve a challenge number from the game server, which helps
# to identify the requesting client.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_challenge_number
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_serverquery_getchallenge_packet.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE request object
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/a2s_serverquery_getchallenge_packet.rb#23
  def initialize; end

# This module implements the basic functionality used by most of the packets
# used in communication with master, Source or GoldSrc servers.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SteamPacketFactory
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#17
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  # Creates a new packet object based on the given data
  # @param header_data [Fixnum] The packet header
  # @param content_data [String] The raw data of the packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#40
  def initialize(header_data, content_data = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the raw data representing this packet
  # @return [String] A string containing the raw data of this request packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#48
  def to_s; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#19
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::A2M_GET_SERVERS_BATCH2_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#20
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::A2S_INFO_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#21
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::A2S_PLAYER_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#22
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::A2S_RULES_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#23
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::A2S_SERVERQUERY_GETCHALLENGE_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#24
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::C2M_CHECKMD5_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#25
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::M2A_SERVER_BATCH_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#26
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::RCON_GOLDSRC_CHALLENGE_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#27
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::RCON_GOLDSRC_NO_CHALLENGE_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#28
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::RCON_GOLDSRC_RESPONSE_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#30
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2A_INFO2_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#29
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2A_INFO_DETAILED_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#31
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2A_PLAYER_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#32
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2A_RULES_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#34
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2C_CHALLENGE_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/base_packet.rb#33
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket::S2C_CONNREJECT_HEADER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# This packet class represents a M2A_SERVER_BATCH response replied by a master
# server
# It contains a list of IP addresses and ports of game servers matching the
# requested criteria.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see MasterServer#servers
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/m2a_server_batch_packet.rb#19
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::M2A_SERVER_BATCH_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new M2A_SERVER_BATCH response object based on the given data
  # @param data [String] The raw packet data replied from the server
  # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the packet data is not well formatted
  # @return [M2A_SERVER_BATCH_Packet] a new instance of M2A_SERVER_BATCH_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/m2a_server_batch_packet.rb#33
  def initialize(data); end

  # Returns the list of servers returned from the server in this packet
  # @return [Array<String>] An array of server addresses (i.e. IP addresses +
  #   port numbers)
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/m2a_server_batch_packet.rb#27
  def servers; end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_request.rb#8
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON; end

# This module is included by all classes representing a packet used by
# Source's RCON protocol
# It provides a basic implementation for initializing and serializing such a
# packet.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see RCONPacketFactory
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#20
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new RCON packet object with the given request ID, type and
  # content data
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID for the current RCON
  #   communication
  # @param rcon_header [Fixnum] The header for the packet type
  # @param rcon_data [String] The raw packet data
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#48
  def initialize(request_id, rcon_header, rcon_data); end

  # Returns the request ID used to identify the RCON communication
  # @return [Fixnum] The request ID used to identify the RCON communication
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#39
  def request_id; end

  # Returns the raw data representing this packet
  # @return [String] A string containing the raw data of this RCON packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#57
  def to_s; end

# Header for authentication requests
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#25
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket::SERVERDATA_AUTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Header for replies to authentication attempts
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#28
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket::SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Header for command execution requests
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#31
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket::SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# Header for packets with the output of a command execution
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/base_packet.rb#34
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket::SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# This packet class represents a SERVERDATA_AUTH request sent to a Source
# server
# It is used to authenticate the client for RCON communication.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer#rcon_auth
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_auth_request.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONAuthRequest
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket

  # Creates a RCON authentication request for the given request ID and RCON
  # password
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID of the RCON connection
  # @param rcon_password [String] The RCON password of the server
  # @return [RCONAuthRequest] a new instance of RCONAuthRequest
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_auth_request.rb#26
  def initialize(request_id, rcon_password); end

# This packet class represents a SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE packet sent by a
# Source server
# It is used to indicate the success or failure of an authentication attempt
# of a client for RCON communication.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer#rcon_auth
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_auth_response.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONAuthResponse
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket

  # Creates a RCON authentication response for the given request ID
  # The request ID of the packet will match the client's request if
  # authentication was successful
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID of the RCON connection
  # @return [RCONAuthResponse] a new instance of RCONAuthResponse
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_auth_response.rb#28
  def initialize(request_id); end

# This packet class represents a SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND packet sent to a
# Source server
# It is used to request a command execution on the server.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer#rcon_exec
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_exec_request.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONExecRequest
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket

  # Creates a RCON command execution request for the given request ID and
  # command
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID of the RCON connection
  # @param rcon_command [String] The command to execute on the server
  # @return [RCONExecRequest] a new instance of RCONExecRequest
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_exec_request.rb#26
  def initialize(request_id, rcon_command); end

# This packet class represents a SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE packet sent by a
# Source server
# It is used to transport the output of a command from the server to the
# client which requested the command execution.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer#rcon_exec
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_exec_response.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONExecResponse
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket

  # Creates a RCON command response for the given request ID and command
  # output
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID of the RCON connection
  # @param command_response [String] The output of the command executed on
  #   the server
  # @return [RCONExecResponse] a new instance of RCONExecResponse
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_exec_response.rb#28
  def initialize(request_id, command_response); end

  # Returns the output of the command execution
  # @return [String] The output of the command
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_exec_response.rb#35
  def response; end

# This packet class represents a RCON request packet sent to a GoldSrc server
# It is used to request a command execution on the server.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GoldSrcServer#rcon_exec
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_request.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONGoldSrcRequest
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a request for the given request string
  # The request string has the form `rcon {challenge number} {RCON password}
  # {command}`.
  # @param request [String] The request string to send to the server
  # @return [RCONGoldSrcRequest] a new instance of RCONGoldSrcRequest
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_request.rb#26
  def initialize(request); end

  # Returns the raw data representing this packet
  # @return [String] A string containing the raw data of this request packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_request.rb#33
  def to_s; end

# This packet class represents a RCON response packet sent by a GoldSrc
# server
# It is used to transport the output of a command from the server to the
# client which requested the command execution.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GoldSrcServer#rcon_exec
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_response.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONGoldSrcResponse
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a RCON command response for the given command output
  # @param command_response [String] The output of the command executed on
  #   the server
  # @return [RCONGoldSrcResponse] a new instance of RCONGoldSrcResponse
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_response.rb#26
  def initialize(command_response); end

  # Returns the output of the command execution
  # @return [String] The output of the command
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_goldsrc_response.rb#33
  def response; end

# This module provides functionality to handle raw packet data for Source
# It's is used to transform data bytes into packet objects for RCON
# communication with Source servers.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see BasePacket
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_packet_factory.rb#22
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONPacketFactory
  class << self
    # Creates a new packet object based on the header byte of the given raw
    # data
    # @param raw_data [String] The raw data of the packet
    # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the packet header is not recognized
    # @return [BasePacket] The packet object generated from the packet data
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_packet_factory.rb#30
    def packet_from_data(raw_data); end

# This packet class represents a special SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE packet
# which is sent to the server
# It is used to determine the end of a RCON response from Source servers.
# Packets of this type are sent after the actual RCON command and the empty
# response packet from the server will indicate the end of the response.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see SourceServer#rcon_exec
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_terminator.rb#19
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::RCONTerminator
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RCON::BasePacket

  # Creates a new RCON terminator packet instance for the given request ID
  # @param request_id [Fixnum] The request ID for the current RCON
  #   communication
  # @return [RCONTerminator] a new instance of RCONTerminator
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/rcon/rcon_terminator.rb#27
  def initialize(request_id); end

# This module implements a method to generate raw packet data used by request
# packets which send a challenge number
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/request_with_challenge.rb#12
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::RequestWithChallenge
  # Returns the raw data representing this packet
  # @return [String] A string containing the raw data of this request packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/request_with_challenge.rb#17
  def to_s; end

# This class represents a S2A_INFO_DETAILED response packet sent by a Source
# or GoldSrc server
# Out-of-date (before 10/24/2008) GoldSrc servers use an older format (see
# {S2A_INFO_DETAILED_Packet}).
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_server_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO_BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2A_INFO2 response object based on the given data
  # @param data [String] The raw packet data replied from the server
  # @return [S2A_INFO2_Packet] a new instance of S2A_INFO2_Packet
  # @see S2A_INFO_BasePacket#generate_info_hash
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#32
  def initialize(data); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#22
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet::EDF_GAME_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#23
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet::EDF_GAME_PORT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#24
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet::EDF_SERVER_ID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#25
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet::EDF_SERVER_TAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info2_packet.rb#26
SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO2_Packet::EDF_SOURCE_TV = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)

# This module implements methods to generate and access server information
# from S2A_INFO_DETAILED and S2A_INFO2 response packets
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see S2A_INFO_DETAILED_Packet
# @see S2A_INFO2_Packet
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info_base_packet.rb#16
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO_BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Returns the information provided by the server
  # @return [Hash<String, Object>] The information provided by the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info_base_packet.rb#23
  def info; end

# This class represents a S2A_INFO_DETAILED response packet sent by a GoldSrc
# server
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @deprecated Only outdated GoldSrc servers (before 10/24/2008) use this
#   format. Newer ones use the same format as Source servers now
#   (see {S2A_INFO2_Packet}).
# @see GameServer#update_server_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info_detailed_packet.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO_DETAILED_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_INFO_BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2A_INFO_DETAILED response object based on the given data
  # @param data [String] The raw packet data replied from the server
  # @return [S2A_INFO_DETAILED_Packet] a new instance of S2A_INFO_DETAILED_Packet
  # @see S2A_INFO_BasePacket#generate_info_hash
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_info_detailed_packet.rb#26
  def initialize(data); end

# This class represents a S2A_LOGSTRING packet used to transfer log messages
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_logstring_packet.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_LOGSTRING_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2A_LOGSTRING object based on the given data
  # @param data [String] The raw packet data sent by the server
  # @return [S2A_LOGSTRING_Packet] a new instance of S2A_LOGSTRING_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_logstring_packet.rb#25
  def initialize(data); end

  # Returns the log message contained in this packet
  # @return [String] The log message
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_logstring_packet.rb#20
  def message; end

# This class represents a S2A_PLAYER response sent by a game server
# It is used to transfer a list of players currently playing on the server.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_player_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_player_packet.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_PLAYER_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2A_PLAYER response object based on the given data
  # @param content_data [String] The raw packet data sent by the server
  # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the packet data is not well formatted
  # @return [S2A_PLAYER_Packet] a new instance of S2A_PLAYER_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_player_packet.rb#30
  def initialize(content_data); end

  # Returns the list of active players provided by the server
  # @return [Hash<String, SteamPlayer>] All active players on the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_player_packet.rb#24
  def player_hash; end

# This class represents a S2A_RULES response sent by a game server
# It is used to transfer a list of server rules (a.k.a. CVARs) with their
# active values.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_rules_info
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_rules_packet.rb#17
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2A_RULES_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2A_RULES response object based on the given data
  # @param content_data [String] The raw packet data sent by the server
  # @return [S2A_RULES_Packet] a new instance of S2A_RULES_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_rules_packet.rb#29
  def initialize(content_data); end

  # Returns the list of server rules (a.k.a. CVars) with the current values
  # @return [Hash<String, String>] A list of server rules
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2a_rules_packet.rb#24
  def rules_hash; end

# This packet class represents a S2C_CHALLENGE response replied by a game
# server
# It is used to provide a challenge number to a client requesting information
# from the game server.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GameServer#update_challenge_number
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2c_challenge_packet.rb#18
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::S2C_CHALLENGE_Packet
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::BasePacket

  # Creates a new S2C_CHALLENGE response object based on the given data
  # @param challenge_number [String] The raw packet data replied from the
  #   server
  # @return [S2C_CHALLENGE_Packet] a new instance of S2C_CHALLENGE_Packet
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2c_challenge_packet.rb#26
  def initialize(challenge_number); end

  # Returns the challenge number received from the game server
  # @return [Fixnum] The challenge number provided by the game server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/s2c_challenge_packet.rb#33
  def challenge_number; end

# This module provides functionality to handle raw packet data, including
# data split into several UDP / TCP packets and BZIP2 compressed data. It's
# the main utility to transform data bytes into packet objects.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see BasePacket
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/steam_packet_factory.rb#31
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Packets::SteamPacketFactory
  class << self
    # Creates a new packet object based on the header byte of the given raw
    # data
    # @param raw_data [String] The raw data of the packet
    # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the packet header is not recognized
    # @return [BasePacket] The packet object generated from the packet data
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/steam_packet_factory.rb#39
    def packet_from_data(raw_data); end

    # Reassembles the data of a split and/or compressed packet into a single
    # packet object
    # @param split_packets [Array<String>] An array of packet data
    # @param is_compressed [Boolean] whether the data of this packet is
    #   compressed
    # @param packet_checksum [Fixnum] The CRC32 checksum of the decompressed
    #   packet data
    # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the calculated CRC32 checksum does not
    #   match the expected value
    # @return [BasePacket] The reassembled packet
    # @see packet_from_data
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/packets/steam_packet_factory.rb#87
    def reassemble_packet(split_packets, is_compressed = T.unsafe(nil), packet_checksum = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#14
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets; end

# This module implements common functionality for sockets used to connect to
# game and master servers
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#20
module SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::BaseSocket
  # Creates a new UDP socket to communicate with the server on the given IP
  # address and port
  # @param ip_address [String] Either the IP address or the DNS name of the
  #   server
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#42
  def initialize(ip_address, port = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Closes the underlying socket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#48
  def close; end

  # Reads the given amount of data from the socket and wraps it into the
  # buffer
  # @param buffer_length [Fixnum] The data length to read from the socket
  # @raise [Error::Timeout] if no packet is received on time
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of bytes that have been read from the socket
  # @see StringIO
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#59
  def receive_packet(buffer_length = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Sends the given packet to the server
  # This converts the packet into a byte stream first before writing it to
  # the socket.
  # @param data_packet [Packets::BasePacket] The packet to send to the
  #   server
  # @see Packets::BasePacket#to_s
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#91
  def send_packet(data_packet); end

  class << self
    # Sets the timeout for socket operations
    # Any request that takes longer than this time will cause a
    # {Error::Timeout}.
    # @param timeout [Fixnum] The amount of milliseconds before a request times
    #   out
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/base_socket.rb#32
    def timeout=(timeout); end

# This class represents a socket used to communicate with game servers based
# on the GoldSrc engine (e.g. Half-Life, Counter-Strike)
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#20
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::GoldSrcSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::BaseSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Creates a new socket to communicate with the server on the given IP
  # address and port
  # @param ipaddress [String] Either the IP address or the DNS name of the
  #   server
  # @param port_number [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @param is_hltv [Boolean] `true` if the target server is a HTLV instance.
  #   HLTV behaves slightly different for RCON commands, this flag
  #   increases compatibility.
  # @return [GoldSrcSocket] a new instance of GoldSrcSocket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#35
  def initialize(ipaddress, port_number = T.unsafe(nil), is_hltv = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Requests a challenge number from the server to be used for further
  # requests
  # @raise [Error::RCONBan] if the IP of the local machine has been banned on
  #   the game server
  # @see #rcon_send
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#130
  def rcon_challenge; end

  # Executes the given command on the server via RCON
  # @param password [String] The password to authenticate with the server
  # @param command [String] The command to execute on the server
  # @raise [Error::RCONBan] if the IP of the local machine has been banned on
  #   the game server
  # @raise [Error::RCONNoAuth] if the password is incorrect
  # @return [RCONGoldSrcResponse] The response replied by the server
  # @see #rcon_challenge
  # @see #rcon_send
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#94
  def rcon_exec(password, command); end

  # Wraps the given command in a RCON request packet and send it to the
  # server
  # @param command [String] The RCON command to send to the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#145
  def rcon_send(command); end

  # Reads a packet from the socket
  # The Source query protocol specifies a maximum packet size of 1,400 bytes.
  # Bigger packets will be split over several UDP packets. This method
  # reassembles split packets into single packet objects.
  # @return [BasePacket] The packet replied from the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/goldsrc_socket.rb#48
  def reply; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

# This class represents a socket used to communicate with master servers
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/master_server_socket.rb#14
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::MasterServerSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::BaseSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Reads a single packet from the socket
  # @raise [Error::PacketFormat] if the packet has the wrong format
  # @return [BasePacket] The packet replied from the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/master_server_socket.rb#23
  def reply; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

# This class represents a socket used for RCON communication with game
# servers based on the Source engine (e.g. Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike:
# Source)
# The Source engine uses a stateful TCP connection for RCON communication and
# uses an additional socket of this type to handle RCON requests.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#26
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::RCONSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::BaseSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Creates a new TCP socket to communicate with the server on the given IP
  # address and port
  # @param ip [String, IPAddr] Either the IP address or the DNS name of the
  #   server
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @return [RCONSocket] a new instance of RCONSocket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#37
  def initialize(ip, port); end

  # Closes the underlying TCP socket if it exists
  # SteamSocket#close
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#47
  def close; end

  # Connects a new TCP socket to the server
  # @raise [Error::Timeout] if the connection could not be
  #   established
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#55
  def connect; end

  # Reads a packet from the socket
  # The Source RCON protocol allows packets of an arbitrary sice transmitted
  # using multiple TCP packets. The data is received in chunks and
  # concatenated into a single response packet.
  # @raise [Error::RCONBan] if the IP of the local machine has been banned on
  #   the game server
  # @raise [Error::RCONNoAuth] if an authenticated connection has been
  #   dropped by the server
  # @return [Packets::RCON::BasePacket] The packet replied from the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#85
  def reply; end

  # Sends the given RCON packet to the server
  # @param data_packet [Packets::RCON::BasePacket] The RCON packet to send to
  #   the server
  # @see #connect
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/rcon_socket.rb#68
  def send_packet(data_packet); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

# This class represents a socket used to communicate with game servers based
# on the Source engine (e.g. Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source)
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/source_socket.rb#16
class SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::SourceSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::Sockets::BaseSocket
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Reads a packet from the socket
  # The Source query protocol specifies a maximum packet size of 1,400 bytes.
  # Bigger packets will be split over several UDP packets. This method
  # reassembles split packets into single packet objects. Additionally Source
  # may compress big packets using bzip2. Those packets will be compressed.
  # @return [BasePacket] The packet replied from the server
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/sockets/source_socket.rb#29
  def reply; end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

# This class represents a Source game server and can be used to query
# information about and remotely execute commands via RCON on the server
# A Source game server is an instance of the Source Dedicated Server (SrcDS)
# running games using Valve's Source engine, like Counter-Strike: Source,
# Team Fortress 2 or Left4Dead.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# @see GoldSrcServer
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#32
class SteamCondenser::Servers::SourceServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::BaseServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Servers::GameServer
  include ::SteamCondenser::Logging

  # Creates a new instance of a server object representing a Source server,
  # i.e. SrcDS instance
  # @param address [String] Either an IP address, a DNS name or one of them
  #   combined with the port number. If a port number is given, e.g.
  #   '' it will override the second argument.
  # @param port [Fixnum] The port the server is listening on
  # @raise [Error] if an host name cannot be resolved
  # @return [SourceServer] a new instance of SourceServer
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#53
  def initialize(address, port = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Disconnects the TCP-based channel used for RCON commands
  # @see RCONSocket#close
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#60
  def disconnect; end

  # Initializes the sockets to communicate with the Source server
  # @see RCONSocket
  # @see SourceSocket
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#68
  def init_socket; end

  # Authenticates the connection for RCON communication with the server
  # @param password [String] The RCON password of the server
  # @raise [Error::RCONBan]
  # @return [Boolean] whether authentication was successful
  # @see #rcon_authenticated?
  # @see #rcon_exec
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#79
  def rcon_auth(password); end

  # Remotely executes a command on the server via RCON
  # @param command [String] The command to execute on the server via RCON
  # @raise [RCONBanException] if the IP of the local machine has been banned on
  #   the game server
  # @raise [RCONNoAuthException] if not authenticated with the server
  # @return [String] The output of the executed command
  # @see #rcon_auth
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#98
  def rcon_exec(command); end

  class << self
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/logging.rb#28
    def log; end

    # Returns a master server instance for the default master server for Source
    # games
    # @return [MasterServer] The Source master server
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/source_server.rb#41
    def master; end

# The SteamPlayer class represents a player connected to a server
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#13
class SteamCondenser::Servers::SteamPlayer
  # Creates a new player instance with the given information
  # @param id [Fixnum] The ID of the player on the server
  # @param name [String] The name of the player
  # @param score [Fixnum] The score of the player
  # @param connect_time [Float] The time the player is connected to the
  #   server
  # @return [SteamPlayer] a new instance of SteamPlayer
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#82
  def initialize(id, name, score, connect_time); end

  # Extends a player object with information retrieved from a RCON call to
  # the status command
  # @param player_data [String] The player data retrieved from `rcon status`
  # @raise [Error] if the information belongs to another player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#95
  def add_info(player_data); end

  # Returns whether this player is a bot
  # @return [Boolean] bool `true` if this player is a bot
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#122
  def bot?; end

  # Returns the client port of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The client port of the player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#18
  def client_port; end

  # Returns the time this player is connected to the server
  # @return [Float] The connection time of the player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#28
  def connect_time; end

  # Returns the connection ID (as used on the server) of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The connection ID of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#23
  def connection_id; end

  # Returns whether this player object has extended information gathered
  # using RCON
  # @return [Boolean] bool `true` if extended information for this player is available
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#130
  def extended?; end

  # Returns the ID of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The ID of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#33
  def id; end

  # Returns the IP address of this player
  # @return [String] The IP address of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#38
  def ip_address; end

  # Returns the packet loss of this player's connection
  # @return [String] The packet loss of this player's connection
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#48
  def loss; end

  # Returns the nickname of this player
  # @return [String] The name of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#43
  def name; end

  # Returns the ping of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The ping of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#53
  def ping; end

  # Returns the rate of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The rate of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#58
  def rate; end

  # Returns the score of this player
  # @return [Fixnum] The score of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#63
  def score; end

  # Returns the connection state of this player
  # @return [String] The connection state of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#68
  def state; end

  # Returns the SteamID of this player
  # @return [String] The SteamID of this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#73
  def steam_id; end

  # Returns a string representation of this player
  # @return [String] A string representing this player
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/servers/steam_player.rb#137
  def to_s; end

# The current version of Steam Condenser
# source://steam-condenser//lib/steam-condenser/version.rb#9
SteamCondenser::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# This extends the `StringIO` class from Ruby's standard library. It adds some
# methods to handle byte-wise input from a `StringIO` object.
# @author Sebastian Staudt
# source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#12
class StringIO
  include ::Enumerable

  # Reads a zero-byte terminated string from the current position of the byte
  # stream
  # This reads the stream up until the first occurrence of a zero-byte or the
  # end of the stream. The zero-byte is not included in the returned string.
  # @return [String] The zero-byte terminated string read from the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#80
  def cstring; end

  # Reads a floating-point integer (32 bit) from the current position of the
  # byte stream
  # @return [Float] The floating-point integer read from the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#28
  def float; end

  # Reads the whole remaining content of the byte stream from the current
  # position to the end
  # @return [String] The remainder of the byte stream starting from the current
  #   position of the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#37
  def get; end

  # Reads an unsigned long integer (32 bit) from the current position of the
  # byte stream
  # @return [Fixnum] The unsigned long integer read from the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#45
  def long; end

  # Returns the remaining number of bytes from the current position to the end
  # of the byte stream
  # @return [Fixnum] The number of bytes until the end of the stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#53
  def remaining; end

  # Reads an unsigned short integer (16 bit) from the current position of the
  # byte stream
  # @return [Fixnum] The unsigned short integer read from the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#61
  def short; end

  # Reads a signed long integer (32 bit) from the current position of the byte
  # stream
  # @return [Fixnum] The signed long integer read from the byte stream
  # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#69
  def signed_long; end

  class << self
    # Creates a new instance of `StringIO` with the given size and fills it with
    # zero-bytes.
    # @param size [Fixnum] The size the new instance should have
    # @return [StringIO] A new `StringIO` instance with the given size, filled
    #   with zero-bytes
    # source://steam-condenser//lib/core_ext/stringio.rb#20
    def alloc(size); end

StringIO::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)