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package com.ncnf.database;


import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public interface Database {

     * Get a document from Firebase.Firestore as an object of type documentType.-
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param documentType Class of the object to return
     * @return CompletableFuture encapsulating an object of type documentType found in Firestore at documentPath
    <T> CompletableFuture<T> getDocument(String documentPath, Class<T> documentType);

     * Store an object of type T on Firebase.Firestore given the path.-
     * @param documentPath Path where the document will be stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param object       Object to be stored on the Firebase.Firestore
     * @param <T>          Class of the object
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    <T> CompletableFuture<Boolean> setDocument(String documentPath, T object);

     * Delete the document stored on Firebase.Firestore.-
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> deleteDocument(String documentPath);

     * Gdt a particular field from a document stored on the Firebase.Firestore.
     * @param <T>          Class of the wanted field
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param field        Key corresponding to the wanted field
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    <T> CompletableFuture<T> getField(String documentPath, String field);

     * Update the field's value of the corresponding document.-
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param field        Key corresponding to the field we want to update
     * @param value        New value of the field
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> updateField(String documentPath, String field, Object value);

     * Add the given value to the array field of the corresponding.-
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param arrayField   Key corresponding to the array field we want to update
     * @param value        Value that will be added to the array
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> updateArrayField(String documentPath, String arrayField, Object value);

     * Remove the given value to the array field of the corresponding.
     * The method will remove all occurrences of this value in the array or nothing if the array doesn't contain this value.
     * @param documentPath Path where the document is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param arrayField   Key corresponding to the array field we want to update
     * @param value        Value that will be added to the array
     * @return CompletableFuture containing the Firebase's response : true if successful
    CompletableFuture<Boolean> removeArrayField(String documentPath, String arrayField, Object value);

     * Get a collection from Firebase.Firestore as list of objects of type documentType.
     * @param collectionPath Path where the collection is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param collectionType Class of the object to return from the collection
     * @return CompletableFuture containing a list of objects with type collectionType from the collection
    <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> getCollection(String collectionPath, Class<T> collectionType);

     * Get all objects from a given collection where a particular (string) field contains a particular string.
     * Example : to get all users whose username contains "john", one will do the following call :
     * withFieldContaining(USERS_COLLECTION_KEY, USERNAME_KEY, john, User.class); .
     * @param collectionPath Path where the collection is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param field          Key corresponding to the field we want to check
     * @param value          String that should be contains in the field
     * @param collectionType Class of the object to return from the collection
     * @return CompletableFuture containing a list of objects with type collectionType that fulfill the condition
    <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> withFieldContaining(String collectionPath, String field, String value, Class<T> collectionType);

     * Get all objects from a given collection where an array field contains a particular value.
     * Example : to get all the users that are friend with the user 12, one will do the following call :
     * whereArrayContains(USERS_COLLECTION_KEY, FRIENDS_KEY, 12, User.class); .
     * @param collectionPath Path where the collection is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param arrayField     Key corresponding to the array field we want to check
     * @param value          Value that should be contained in the array field
     * @param collectionType Class of the object in the collection
     * @param <T>            Class of the object contained in the array field
     * @return CompletableFuture containing a list of objects with type collectionType that fulfill the condition
    <T, R> CompletableFuture<List<R>> whereArrayContains(String collectionPath, String arrayField, T value, Class<R> collectionType);

     * Get all objects from a given collection which have a particular field equal to a given value.
     * @param collectionPath Path where the collection is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param field          Key corresponding to the field we want to check
     * @param value          Value to which the field should be equal
     * @param collectionType Class of the object in the collection
     * @param <T>            Type of the value to check in the field
     * @return CompletableFuture containing a list of objects with type collectionType that fulfill the condition
    <T, R> CompletableFuture<List<R>> whereEqualTo(String collectionPath, String field, T value, Class<R> collectionType);

     * Get all objects from a given collection which have a particular field equal to one of the given values.
     * This corresponding to the whereEqualTo method but the equality is made between multiple values, not only one.
     * @param collectionPath Path where the collection is stored on Firebase.Firestore
     * @param field          Key corresponding to the field we want to check
     * @param values         List of values to which the field should be equal (for one of them)
     * @param collectionType Class of the object in the collection
     * @param <T>            Type of the value to check in the field
     * @return CompletableFuture containing a list of objects with type collectionType that fulfill the condition
    <T, R> CompletableFuture<List<R>> whereIn(String collectionPath, String field, List<T> values, Class<R> collectionType);

     * Get all objects from a collection that are located in a circle centered at the given location and having the given radius
     * @param location Center of the circle
     * @param radius Bound of the circle
     * @param collectionPath Path of collection in Firebase.Firestore where the objects are located
     * @param collectionType Class of the object in the collection
     * @return CompletableFuture of a list containing the objects of type collectionType located inside the circle
    <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> geoQuery(LatLng location, double radius, String collectionPath, Class<T> collectionType);